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Software Testing - Documentation Testing

Software Testing is associated with documentation of project artifacts which are created prior and in between the testing process. Documentation is mainly done to standardize the processes, and methodologies to be followed by clients, testers, or by the complete organization.

The projects which have all the testing documentation are considered a matured one. A cautious documentation helps to save time, budget, and effort for the testing team. It is similar to a guide to be followed by the testing during the actual test execution process.

A test documentation is created at the time when the developers are actually implementing the software code. Thus it is built with the primary purpose of clearing project doubts, and ambiguities during the testing process.

What is Test Documentation?

Test documentation refers to the documentation of all the testing artifacts that guide the overall testing process. It includes project estimation, resources, timelines, project progress, and so on. It comprises a whole set of documents that record, and document the test plan, test case, test strategy, test execution report, test summary report, and so on.

Types of Test Documentation

The different types of test documentation are listed below −

Test Scenario

A test scenario document contains various ways or amalgamation of testing on the product. It gives an overview of end to end application flow, but does not incorporate any data, inputs, or step by step actions to be performed on the application.

Test Case

A test case document contains inputs, data, line by line actions to be performed on the application, expected, and actual outcomes of those actions, and so on. It is derived from a test scenario.

Test Plan

A test plan document contains the information on project scope, resources, cost, strategy, timelines, methodologies, and so on. It is a set of testing guidelines defined by project stakeholders for successful testing.

Requirement Traceability Matrix

A requirement traceability matrix or RTM is a document prepared to ensure that for every requirement there is at least one test case written.

Test Strategy

A test strategy document contains information on the various testing types, approaches, levels, scopes, and so on. Once created and approved, a test strategy document is not modified.

Bug Report

A defect report contains information on the total count of defects logged during the testing process, and used extensively by both the developers, and testers. It is a very critical document which helps to track, and manage bugs, reporting a bug, changing the bug status, bug fixes, avoiding duplicate bugs, and bringing bugs to closure.

Execution Report

An execution report document is prepared at the end of the testing process by a senior member of the testing team. It contains information on total count of test cases, number of passed, failed, unexecuted, modules tested, total number of defects, and so on.

Why is Test Documentation Done?

Once a product launched to the customer is not working as per expectations, it needs to go back to the developers, and the testers for the right fix. There might be a situation where the same product goes to another team of developers, and testers(not the ones who actually developed, and tested it).

In this situation, the new set of developers, and testers should first go through all the documentation for the product, to identify the root cause of failures. If proper documentation is not available, then the developers, and testers have to do a round of white and black box testing again to detect the actual issues. As a result, test documentation saves a lot of effort, and resources.

Advantages of Test Documentation

The advantages of test documentation are listed below −

  • Test documentation is done to clear all the doubts about the testing process. It also removes all uncertainties regarding the task allocation.
  • Test documentation is created to set a standard for the overall testing activities. It is just like a training guide for new team members.
  • Test documentation can be showcased by the marketing team to demonstrate a fully developed testing process.
  • Test documentation delivers a quality product to the customer within the project timelines.
  • Test documentation is provided to configure, and set up the software in forms of manuals, and user-guides.
  • Test documentation opens a transparent communication channel with the customers.

Disadvantages of Test Documentation

The disadvantages of test documentation are listed below −

  • Test documentation is a time taking activity since each time a requirement is updated, likewise changes need to be made at all the test documentations.
  • Often test documentation activities are taken up by less experienced people in the team.
  • The cost of test documentation may transcend its value as it takes a lot of time.
  • Bad test documentation points to a poor quality product as a conflict can take place between the customer and project team.


This concludes our comprehensive take on the tutorial on Software Testing Documentation. We’ve started with describing what is test documentation, what are the different types of test documentation, why test documentation is done, and what are the advantages, and disadvantages of test documentation.

This equips you with in-depth knowledge of Software Testing Documentation. It is wise to keep practicing what you’ve learned and exploring others relevant to Software Testing to deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.
