Uloha 2 (Jama)

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/3FJ12f

Uloha 11

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/CjhMKK

Uloha 8

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/6JjIcS

Uloha 10

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/CH51iz

Compile and Execute Pascal Online

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/B9WuCT

Operatii cu date de tip real

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/4ARHsc

Compile and Execute Pascal Online

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/CFAZld

Compile and Execute Pascal Online

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/dRdmYT

Suma a 3 nr. intregi

pascal Live Demo Short URL - http://tpcg.io/C8pVkH