Operating System - Structure

An operating system is a structure that allows the user application programs to interact with the system hardware. Since the operating system is such a complex structure, it should be created with utmost care so it can be used and modified easily. An easy way to do this is to create the operating system in parts. Each of these parts should be well defined with clear inputs, outputs and functions.

Following are various popular implementations of Operating System structures.

  • Simple Structure

  • Monolith Structure

  • Micro-Kernel Structure

  • Exo-Kernel Structure

  • Layered Structure

  • Modular Structure

  • Virtual Machines

Simple Structure

There are many operating systems that have a rather simple structure. These started as small systems and rapidly expanded much further than their scope. A common example of this is MS-DOS. It was designed simply for a niche amount for people. There was no indication that it would become so popular.

Operating System Basic Structure

It is better that operating systems have a modular structure, unlike MS-DOS. That would lead to greater control over the computer system and its various applications. The modular structure would also allow the programmers to hide information as required and implement internal routines as they see fit without changing the outer specifications.


Following are advantages of a simple operating system structure.

  • Easy Development - In simple operation system, being very few interfaces, development is easy especially when only limited functionalities are to be delivered.

  • Better Performance - Such a sytem, as have few layers and directly interects with hardware, can provide a better performance as compared to other types of operating systems.


Following are disadvantages of a simple operating system structure.

  • Frequent System Failures - Being poorly designed, such a system is not robust. If one program fails, entires operating system crashses. Thus system failures are quiet frequent in simple operating systems.

  • Poor Maintainability - As all layers of operating systems are tightly coupled, change in one layer can impact other layers heavily and making code unmanageable over a period of time.

Monolith Structure

In monolith structured operating system, a central piece of code called kernel is responsible for all major operations of an operating system. Such operations includes file management, memory management, device management and so on. The kernal is the main component of an operating system and it provides all the services of an operating system to the application programs and system programs.

The kernel has access to the all the resources and it acts as an interface with application programs and the underlying hardware. A monolithic kernel structure promotes timesharing, multiprogramming model and was used in old banking systems.

Operating System Monolith Structure


Following are advantages of a monolith operating system structure.

  • Easy Development - As kernel is the only layer to develop with all major functionalities, it is easier to design and develop.

  • Performance - As Kernel is responsible for memory management, other operations and have direct access to the hardware, it performs better.


Following are disadvantages of a monolith operating system structure.

  • Crash Prone - As Kernel is responsible for all functions, if one function fails entire operating system fails.

  • Difficult to enhance - It is very difficult to add a new service without impacting other services of a monolith operating system.

Micro-Kernel Structure

As in case monolith structure, there was single kernel, in micro-kernel, we have multiple kernels each one specilized in particular service. Each microkernel is developed independent to the other one and makes system more stable. If one kernel fails the operating sytem will keep working with other kernel's functionalities.

Operating System Micro-Kernel Structure


Following are advantages of a microkernel operating system structure.

  • Reliable and Stable - As multiple kernels are working simultaneously, chances of failure of operating sytem is very less. If one functionlity is down, operating system can still provide other functionalities using stable kernels.

  • Maintainability - Being small sized kernels, code size is maintainable. One can enhance a microkernel code base without impacting other microkernel code base.


Following are disadvantages of a microkernel operating system structure.

  • Complex to Design - Such a microkernel based architecture is difficult to design.

  • Performance Degradation - Multi kernel, Multi-modular communication may hamper the performance as compared to monolith architecture.

Exo-Kernel Structure

Exo-Kernal Structured operating system was designed and developed at MIT. The aim of this design was to keep Kernel size minimal while allowing the application programs to manage hardware resources directly. The purpose of removing abstraction of operating system for hardware resources was to enable application programmer to write high performance code while exo-kernel handles other operations.


Following are advantages of a exo-kernel operating system structure.

  • High Performance - As application program can allocate memory, a better designed code can make optimal use and perform better.

  • Application Control - As resource management is not secured by operating system, application program has more control over system resources and can write custom operations on system resources.


Following are disadvantages of a exo-kernel operating system structure.

  • Unreliable and Unsafe - As security is in application program level, a poorly written code can ruin the system.

  • Complex Design - Exo-Kernel designing is complicated.

Layered Structure

One way to achieve modularity in the operating system is the layered approach. In this, the bottom layer is the hardware and the topmost layer is the user interface.

An image demonstrating the layered approach is as follows −

Operating System Layered Structure

As seen from the image, each upper layer is built on the bottom layer. All the layers hide some structures, operations etc from their upper layers.

One problem with the layered structure is that each layer needs to be carefully defined. This is necessary because the upper layers can only use the functionalities of the layers below them.


Following are advantages of a layered operating system structure.

  • High Customizable - Being layered, each layer implmentation can be customized easily. A new functionality can be added without impacting other modules as well.

  • Verifiable - Being modular, each layer can be verified and debugged easily.


Following are disadvantages of a layered operating system structure.

  • Less Performant - A layered structured operating system is less performant as compared to basic structured operating system.

  • Complex designing - Each layer is to planned carefully as each layer communicates with lower layer only and a good design process is required to create a layered operating system.

Modular Structure

Modular structure operating system works on the similar princhiple as a monolith but with better design. A central kernal is responsible for all major operations of operating system. This kernal has set of core functionality and other services are loaded as modules dynamically to the kernal at boot time or at runtime. Sun Solaris OS is one of the example of Modular structured operating system.


Following are advantages of a modular operating system structure.

  • High Customizable - Being modular, each module implmentation can be customized easily. A new functionality can be added without impacting other modules as well.

  • Verifiable - Being modular, each layer can be verified and debugged easily.


Following are disadvantages of a modular operating system structure.

  • Less Performant - A modular structured operating system is less performant as compared to basic structured operating system.

  • Complex designing - Each module is to planned carefully as each module communicates with kernal. A communication API is to be devised to facilitate the communication.

Virtual Machine Structure

In this kind of structure, hardware like CPU, memory, hard disks are abstracted into virtual machines. User can use them with actually configure them using execution contexts. Virtual machine takes a good amount of disk space and is to be provisioned. Muliple virtual machines can be created on a single physical machine.


Following are advantages of a virtual machine based operating system structure.

  • High Customizable - Being virtual, functionality are easily accessible, can be customized on need basis.

  • Secure - Being virtual, and no direct hardware access, such systems are highly secured.


Following are disadvantages of a virtual machine based operating system structure.

  • Less Performant - A virtual structured operating system is less performant as compared to modular structured operating system.

  • Complex designing - Each virtual component of the machine is to planned carefully as each component is to abstract underlying hardware.
