Quick Movement of Files

The files sent by the Head of the Departments must be delivered to the respective Department Managers on the same day. In some organizations, there is a procedure that states − If a file cannot reach the concerned manager on the same day, it must reach him the following morning by 10.00 O'clock.

Priority Marking on Files

The priority rating of a file can be gauged from the markings, 'ACTION THIS DAY' and 'IMMEDIATE'. The label 'ACTION THIS DAY' should be used only in cases of immediate urgency. The timings of disposal and receipt in such cases is always mentioned in the margin of the last note. The label 'IMMEDIATE' should be used in cases that have a lower priority than the other case that is marked under “ACTION THIS DAY”, yet needs to be done on the same day.

The Managers dealing with the files need to check the content and tally up the priority marking and see if it is justifiable. If the priority assignment is not fair, then he can change the rating accordingly. None of such files can be sent to the residence of the Manager unless specifically and clearly mentioned so by an authorized figure with a higher clearance than the manager.

It will be the duty of the Department to −

  • see whether all the facts which are open are correct or not.

  • point out any mistakes or misstatements of facts.

  • draw attention, where necessary, statutory or customary procedure.

  • point out the law and rules and where they are being found.

  • supply other relevant facts and figures available in the Company.

  • put up precedents or papers containing previous decisions of the policy.

  • state the question or questions for consideration.

  • bring out clearly the points requiring decision.

  • suggest a course of action, wherever possible.

Action by the Head of the Department

The Department Manager will check the note, as they have the authorization to dispose their observation to their departments and lower departments. Such cases will often be related to these following actions −

  • Issue of Office Orders, Routine Orders and Circulars of ephemeral natures.

  • Any other case, Head of Department is authorized to dispose of independently.

  • Grant of casual leave and compensatory leave.

  • Issue of reminders and acknowledgements.

  • Recording of files.

In the next chapter, we will discuss regarding the powers delegated to the Heads of Departments and how to authenticate them.
