Java XML Tutorial

Java XML Tutorial

Java XML Tutorial

XML (EXtensible Markup Language) is a very popular simple text-based language that can be used as a mode of communication between different applications. It is considered as a standard means to transport and store data. JAVA provides excellent support and a rich set of libraries to parse, modify or inquire XML documents. This tutorial will teach you basic XML concepts and the usage of various types of Java based XML parsers in a simple and intuitive way.

Why to Learn Java XML?

Data is often uploaded and downloaded on a daily basis. Most of the data is represented in XML format. Many business applications are built in Java. There are use cases where we need to add details to our existing data, update already existing data, create new data files and query the documents. So, We should know how to access XML documents to perform these operations in Java applications.

Java XML Applications

Java has different libraries to parse XML documents, and XML, being an easy-to-learn and understandable language, finds its applications in many areas. Following are the various applications of Java XML −

  • To create layouts in android mobile applications.
  • To store data related to orders, invoices, delivery details, and so on in e-Commerce websites.
  • To implement security features such as encryption, authentication, authorization etc.
  • To store and transfer data in different formats across applications.
  • To make smooth data transfer among systems in distributed computing.

Who Should Learn Java XML?

This tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basic-to-advanced concepts related to XML parsing using Java Programming language. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in XML parsing using Java from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.

Java developers should learn Java XML as Java frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate use tools based on XML configuration. Also people who work with web services such as SOAP should know about Java XML. Also, Integration specialists use Java XML to integrate data from different systems.

Prerequisites to Learn Java XML

You should have knowledge on basic java programming to understand the programs covered in this tutorial. Having prior knowledge about XML will help you understand things quickly. Yet, it is not a big issue if you don't know anything about XML because we have a chapter named "Java XML overview" that covers all the basics of XML that are required for this tutorial.

Frequently Asked Questions about Java XML

There are some very Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about Java XML, this section tries to answer them briefly.

Java XML is used to parse, create, query, and modify XML files using java libraries.

There are many libraries to parse XML documents, though all don't have same capabilities, it is up to you to choose the one that best suits your requirements.

XML files can be manipulated in java using Java XML libraries.

You can create XML document in Java using XML libraries such as dom, jdom, dom4j, StAX and XPath.

Java is a programming language while XML is a markup language used for data storage and transport.

We use pom.xml file in building maven projects. It contains all the detailed information about the project such as groupId, artifactId, version etc.

You can create request in XML format and send the request using HttpURLConnect object.

XML structure remains the same irrespective of programming language.

We need XML to store and transport data in a structured format.

You can import related Java XML libraries and use the interfaces and methods available to read and write XML files.

Java code can be generated from XML using JAXB, JAXP or XML Beans/JiBX.
