Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm

KMP Algorithm for Pattern Matching

The KMP algorithm is used to solve the pattern matching problem which is a task of finding all the occurrences of a given pattern in a text. It is very useful when it comes to finding multiple patterns. For instance, if the text is "aabbaaccaabbaadde" and the pattern is "aabaa", then the pattern occurs twice in the text, at indices 0 and 8.

The naive solution to this problem is to compare the pattern with every possible substring of the text, starting from the leftmost position and moving rightwards. This takes O(n*m) time, where 'n' is the length of the text and 'm' is the length of the pattern.

When we work with long text documents, the brute force and naive approaches may result in redundant comparisons. To avoid such redundancy, Knuth, Morris, and Pratt developed a linear sequence-matching algorithm named the KMP pattern matching algorithm. It is also referred to as Knuth Morris Pratt pattern matching algorithm.

How does KMP Algorithm work?

The KMP algorithm starts the search operation from left to right. It uses the prefix function to avoid unnecessary comparisons while searching for the pattern. This function stores the number of characters matched so far which is known as LPS value. The following steps are involved in KMP algorithm −

  • Define a prefix function.

  • Slide the pattern over the text for comparison.

  • If all the characters match, we have found a match.

  • If not, use the prefix function to skip the unnecessary comparisons. If the LPS value of previous character from the mismatched character is '0', then start comparison from index 0 of pattern with the next character in the text. However, if the LPS value is more than '0', start the comparison from index value equal to LPS value of the previously mismatched character.

KMP Solution

The KMP algorithm takes O(n + m) time and O(m) space. It is faster than the naive solution because it skips the redundant comparisons, and only compares each character of the text at most once.

Let's understand the input-output scenario of a pattern matching problem with an example −

pattern: "AAABC"
Pattern found at position: 1
Pattern found at position: 7
Pattern found at position: 14


The following example practically illustrates the KMP algorithm for pattern matching.

// function to find prefix
void prefixSearch(char* pat, int m, int* pps) {
   int length = 0; 
   // array to store prefix
   pps[0] = 0;      
   int i = 1; 
   while(i < m) { 
      // to check if the current character matches the previous character
      if(pat[i] == pat[length]) { 
          // increment the length
         // store the length in the prefix array  
         pps[i] = length;  
      }else { 
         if(length != 0) { 
            // to update length of previous prefix length
            length = pps[length - 1]; 
         } else 
            // if the length is 0, store 0 in the prefix array
            pps[i] = 0; 
      i++; // incrementing i 
// function to search for pattern
void patrnSearch(char* orgnString, char* patt, int m, int *locArray, int *loc) {
   int n, i = 0, j = 0; 
   n = strlen(orgnString); 
   // array to store the prefix values  
   int* prefixArray = (int*)malloc(m * sizeof(int)); // allocate memory for the prefix array
   // calling prefix function to fill the prefix array
   prefixSearch(patt, m, prefixArray); 
   *loc = 0; // initialize the location index
   while(i < n) { 
       // checking if main string character matches pattern string character
      if(orgnString[i] == patt[j]) { 
         // increment both i and j
      // if j and m are equal pattern is found
      if(j == m) { 
         // store the location of the pattern
         locArray[*loc] = i-j; 
         (*loc)++; // increment the location index
          // update j to the previous prefix value
         j = prefixArray[j-1];
      // checking if i is less than n and the current characters do not match
      }else if(i < n && patt[j] != orgnString[i]) { 
         if(j != 0) 
            // update j to the previous prefix value
            j = prefixArray[j-1]; 
         // if j is zero    
            i++; // increment i
   free(prefixArray); // free the memory of the prefix array
int main() {
    // declare the original text
   // pattern to be found
   char* patrn = "AAABC"; 
   // get the size of the pattern
   int m = strlen(patrn);
   // array to store the locations of the pattern
   int locationArray[strlen(orgnStr)]; 
   // to store the number of locations
   int index; 
   // calling pattern search function
   patrnSearch(orgnStr, patrn, m, locationArray, &index); 
   // to loop through location array
   for(int i = 0; i<index; i++) { 
      // print the location of the pattern
      printf("Pattern found at location: %d\n", locationArray[i]); 
using namespace std; 
// function to find prefix
void prefixSearch(string pattern, int m, int storePrefx[]) {
   int length = 0; 
   // array to store prefix
   storePrefx[0] = 0;      
   int i = 1; 
   while(i < m) { 
      // to check if the current character matches the previous character
      if(pattern[i] == pattern[length]) { 
         // increment the length
         // store the length in the prefix array  
         storePrefx[i] = length;  
      }else { 
         if(length != 0) { 
            // to update length of previous prefix length
            length = storePrefx[length - 1]; 
         } else 
            // if the length is 0, store 0 in the prefix array
            storePrefx[i] = 0; 
      i++; // incrementing i 
// function to search for pattern
void patrnSearch(string orgnString, string patt, int *locArray, int &loc) {
   int n, m, i = 0, j = 0; 
   n = orgnString.size(); 
   m = patt.size(); 
   // array to store the prefix values  
   int prefixArray[m];  
   // calling prefix function to fill the prefix array
   prefixSearch(patt, m, prefixArray); 
   loc = 0; // initialize the location index
   while(i < n) { 
      // checking if main string character matches pattern string character
      if(orgnString[i] == patt[j]) { 
         // increment both i and j
      // if j and m are equal pattern is found
      if(j == m) { 
         // store the location of the pattern
         locArray[loc] = i-j; 
         loc++; // increment the location index
         // update j to the previous prefix value
         j = prefixArray[j-1];
      // checking if i is less than n and the current characters do not match
      }else if(i < n && patt[j] != orgnString[i]) { 
         if(j != 0) 
            // update j to the previous prefix value
            j = prefixArray[j-1]; 
         // if j is zero    
            i++; // increment i
int main() {
   // declare the original text
   string orgnStr = "AAAABCAEAAABCBDDAAAABC"; 
   // pattern to be found
   string patrn = "AAABC"; 
   // array to store the locations of the pattern
   int locationArray[orgnStr.size()]; 
   // to store the number of locations
   int index; 
   // calling pattern search function
   patrnSearch(orgnStr, patrn, locationArray, index); 
   // to loop through location array
   for(int i = 0; i<index; i++) { 
      // print the location of the pattern
      cout << "Pattern found at location: " <<locationArray[i] << endl; 
// class to implement the KMP algorithm
public class KMPalgo {
   // function to find prefix
   public static void prefixSearch(String pat, int m, int[] storePrefx) {
      int length = 0;
      // array to store prefix
      storePrefx[0] = 0;
      int i = 1;
      while (i < m) {
         // to check if the current character matches the previous character
         if (pat.charAt(i) == pat.charAt(length)) {
            // increment the length
            // store the length in the prefix array
            storePrefx[i] = length;
         } else {
            if (length != 0) {
               // to update length of previous prefix length
               length = storePrefx[length - 1];
            } else
               // if the length is 0, store 0 in the prefix array
               storePrefx[i] = 0;
         i++; // incrementing i
   // function to search for pattern
   public static int patrnSearch(String orgnString, String patt, int[] locArray) {
      int n, m, i = 0, j = 0;
      n = orgnString.length();
      m = patt.length();
      // array to store the prefix values
      int[] prefixArray = new int[m]; // allocate memory for the prefix array
      // calling prefix function to fill the prefix array
      prefixSearch(patt, m, prefixArray);
      int loc = 0; // initialize the location index
      while (i < n) {
         // checking if main string character matches pattern string character
         if (orgnString.charAt(i) == patt.charAt(j)) {
            // increment both i and j
         // if j and m are equal pattern is found
         if (j == m) {
            // store the location of the pattern
            locArray[loc] = i - j;
            loc++; // increment the location index
            // update j to the previous prefix value
            j = prefixArray[j - 1];
            // checking if i is less than n and the current characters do not match
         } else if (i < n && patt.charAt(j) != orgnString.charAt(i)) {
            if (j != 0)
               // update j to the previous prefix value
               j = prefixArray[j - 1];
               // if j is zero
               i++; // increment i
      return loc;
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      // declare the original text
      String orgnStr = "AAAABCAEAAABCBDDAAAABC";
      // pattern to be found
      String patrn = "AAABC";
      // array to store the locations of the pattern
      int[] locationArray = new int[orgnStr.length()];
      // calling pattern search function
      int index = patrnSearch(orgnStr, patrn, locationArray);
      // to loop through location array
      for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
         // print the location of pattern
         System.out.println("Pattern found at location: " + locationArray[i]);
# function to find prefix
def prefix_search(pattern, m, store_prefx):
   length = 0
   # array to store prefix
   store_prefx[0] = 0
   i = 1
   while i < m:
      # to check if the current character matches the previous character
      if pattern[i] == pattern[length]:
         # increment the length
         length += 1
         # store the length in the prefix array
         store_prefx[i] = length
         if length != 0:
            # to update length of previous prefix length
            length = store_prefx[length - 1]
            i -= 1
            # if the length is 0, store 0 in the prefix array
            store_prefx[i] = 0
      i += 1  # incrementing i
# function to search for pattern
def pattern_search(orgn_string, patt, loc_array):
   n = len(orgn_string)
   m = len(patt)
   i = j = loc = 0
   # array to store the prefix values
   prefix_array = [0] * m
   # calling prefix function to fill the prefix array
   prefix_search(patt, m, prefix_array)
   while i < n:
      # checking if main string character matches pattern string character
      if orgn_string[i] == patt[j]:
         # increment both i and j
         i += 1
         j += 1
      # if j and m are equal pattern is found
      if j == m:
         # store the location of the pattern
         loc_array[loc] = i - j
         loc += 1  # increment the location index
         # update j to the previous prefix value
         j = prefix_array[j - 1]
      # checking if i is less than n and the current characters do not match
      elif i < n and patt[j] != orgn_string[i]:
         if j != 0:
            # update j to the previous prefix value
            j = prefix_array[j - 1]
            i += 1  # increment i
   return loc
# main function
def main():
   # declare the original text
   # pattern to be found
   patrn = "AAABC"
   # array to store the locations of the pattern
   location_array = [0] * len(orgn_str)
   # calling pattern search function
   index = pattern_search(orgn_str, patrn, location_array)
   # to loop through location array
   for i in range(index):
      # print the location of the pattern
      print("Pattern found at location:", location_array[i])
# call the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":


Pattern found at location: 1
Pattern found at location: 8
Pattern found at location: 17