C++ Library - <basic_istream>


It is used for Input stream objects can read and interpret input from sequences of characters. Specific members are provided to perform these input operations.

The standard objects cin and wcin use particular instantiations of this class template.


Below is definition of std::basic_istream.

template <class charT, class traits = char_traits<charT>>
   class basic_istream;


  • charT − Character type.

  • traits − Character traits class that defines essential properties of the characters used by stream objects.

Member types

Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 event Type to indicate event type
2 event_callback Event callback function type
3 failure Base class for stream exceptions
4 fmtflags Type for stream format flags
5 Init Initialize standard stream objects
6 iostate Type for stream state flags
7 openmode Type for stream opening mode flags
8 seekdir Type for stream seeking direction flag

Public Member Functions

Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 (constructor) Construct object (public member function )
2 (destructor) Destruct object (public member function )

Formatted input

Sr.No. Input Definition
1 input Extract formatted input

Unformatted input

Sr.No. Input Definition
1 gcount It is used to get character count
2 get It is used to get characters
3 getline It is used to get line
4 ignore It is used to extract and discard characters
5 peek It is used to peek next character
6 read It is used to read block of data
7 readsome It is used to Read data available in buffer
8 putback It is used to put character back
9 unget It is used to unget character


Sr.No. Position Definition
1 tellg It is used to get position in input sequence
2 seekg It is used to set position in input sequence


Sr.No. Synchronization Definition
1 sync It is used to synchronize input buffer

Protected member functions

Sr.No. Member Functions Definition
1 operator= It is used to move assignment
2 swap It is used to swap internals

State flag functions

Sr.No. Member types Definition
1 good It is used to check whether state of stream is good
2 eof It is used to check whether eofbit is set
3 fail It is used to check whether either failbit or badbit is set
4 bad It is used to check whether badbit is set
5 operator! Evaluate stream
6 rdstate It is used to get error state flags
7 setstate It is used to set error state flag
8 clear It is used to set error state flag
9 fill Get/set fill character
10 exceptions It is used to get/set exceptions mask
11 imbue Imbue locale
12 tie It is used to get/set tied stream
13 rdbuf It is used to get/set stream buffer
14 narrow Narrow character
15 widen Widen character