ChatGPT - GPT-4o (Omni)

GPT-4o (Omni), the latest innovation of OpenAI, is a big step forward in generative AI. This new language model offers advanced capabilities, multimodal functionality, and improved contextual understanding.

GPT-4o (Omni) is a significantly faster version of its predecessor, GPT-4. This new model will transform how we use this technology and provide us with amazing new capabilities and applications.

In this chapter, we will highlight the GPT-4o language model, its availability and pricing, key features, and how it differs from GPT-4.

What is OpenAI GPT-4o (Omni)?

GPT-4o is the latest version of the Generative Pre-trained transformer series developed by OpenAI. This advanced language model is a step towards more natural human-computer interaction as it can understand and respond to any combination of text, audio, images, and video. GPT-4 Omni model is much faster and 50% cheaper than its successor GPT-4 Turbo.

In GPT-4o, the "o" stands for "Omni" which signifies the model’s ability to accept and process "all" kinds of information from different formats including −

  • Text − Accepting text input and processing it always being a core strength of all GPT models. This strength allows GPT-4o (Omni) model to converse, answer user’s queries, and generate creative text formats like story, code, or poems.
  • Audio − Understanding the spoken word is a groundbreaking feature of GPT-4o. It can understand and analyze the music, or even write lyrics inspired by that music.
  • Vision − Imagine showing GPT-4o a picture and it can analyze its content. It can also tell us a story based on that image. This multimodal capability allows GPT-4o to classify images or create captions for videos.

GPT-4o (Omni) Model Availability and Pricing

GPT-4o is accessible to Free tier users but with a restriction on the number of words per response. The plus users can also access the GPT-4o Omni model but with up to 5x higher word limit per response. Basic access to GPT-4o is free, but the cost for advanced tiers and API access may depend on usage and demand.

Key Features of GPT-4o

Some of the key features of GPT-4o are as follows −

Enhanced Scale and Capacity

In comparison to earlier models, GPT-4o (Omni) has a greater number of parameters which enables it to analyze and generate contextually more relevant output. This increased capacity allows GPT-4o for better handling of complex queries.

Multimodal Capabilities

GPT-4o is multimodal which means that it can process and generate content across various media types including text, audio, images, and video. This ability makes it a versatile tool for diverse applications, from content creation to interactive media.

Improved Contextual Understanding

One of the significant disadvantages of previous models was that they struggled with maintaining context in long-form content. GPT-4o got improvements and integrates advanced context-aware mechanisms which enable it to maintain context in long-form content.

Fine-Tuning and Adaptability

GPT-4o has fine-tuning capabilities, that’s the reason user can customize it to meet specific industry needs or personalized for individual also. This adaptability feature ensures that the model can deliver the most relevant and accurate outputs based on the context and user requirements.

Ethical and Safe AI

GPT-4o includes advanced safety and ethical considerations which prevents it from generating harmful content.

Interactive Media Generation

GPT-4o can generate and edit multimedia content, including interactive visual and audio elements. This feature is useful for creating rich, engaging media experiences.

Allows to Switch Models in a Chat

A new feature is added in OpenAI GPT-4o with the help of which users can switch the model in the middle of the conversation. Suppose if you want to switch to chat with another model like GPT-3.5, you can click on the sparkle button icon that appears at the end of the response as shown in the screenshot below −

ChatGPT GPT-4o (Omni)

Support File Attachments

Earlier GPT models did not support any kind of file attachments but in GPT-4o user can upload images, videos, or any file like PDF or Word to analyze it. Users can also ask any question about the content of the uploaded file.

Comparison Between GPT-4 and GPT-4o (Omni)

The following table presents a comparison between GPT-4 and GPT-4o based on their features −

Feature GPT-4 GPT-4o (Omni)
Scale and Capacity High but with substantial parameters Higher with significantly more parameters for greater capacity.
Multimodal Capabilities It is primarily text-based model. It can process and generate content across various media types including text, audio, images, and video.
Contextual Understanding It is improved over GPT-3.5 model. It integrates advanced context-aware mechanisms which enable it to maintain context in long-form content.
Fine-Tuning and Adaptability It has robust fine-tuning capabilities. It has enhanced fine-tuning for industry specific and personalized applications.
Ethical and Safety Measures It includes some basic ethical considerations. It has some advanced safety and ethical mechanisms that prevent it generating harmful content.
Computational Requirements High Very high. It requires more computational resources.
Training Data It needs a large and diverse dataset. It needs more diverse and larger datasets to improve versatility.
Performance It can generate high-quality language output. It can generate multimodal content.
Applications Mainly Text-based applications such as chatbots, content creation etc. It has wider range of applications including content creation, virtual assistants, and multimodal projects.
User Interaction User interaction is primarily through text. User interaction is enhanced using various media types.
Release and Availability It is an earlier version which is available free for Free tier users. It is the latest version having some advanced features.
It is accessible to Free tier users but with a restriction on the number of words per response.
The plus users can also access it with up to 5x higher word limit per response.


We explored the GPT-4o (Omni) model in this chapter along with its availability and pricing. We also covered some of the key features of this new language model which makes it superior to its predecessor, GPT 4. A comparison has also been made between GPT-4 and GPT-4o (Omni) models.
