Biology Part 2 Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Biology. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Which among the following parts of a pitcher plant modified as pitcher?

A - Stem

B - Leaf

C - Stipule

D - Petiole

Answer : B



Q 2 - Match the following list:

a) Otitis1. Throat

b) Encephalitis2. Ear

c) Laryngitis3. Liver

d) Hepatitis4. Brain

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:


A - 3412

B - 1234

C - 4312

D - 2413

Answer : D



Q 3 - Consider the following elements, which are responsible for the oxygen transportation in the human body:

1. Blood

2. Lungs

3. Tissue

The correct sequence of transportation is

A - 3, 2 and 1

B - 2, 1 and 3

C - 3, 1 and 2

D - 1, 3 and 2

Answer : B

Q 4 - Which among the following is the largest lymphatic organ of the body?

A - Spleen

B - Liver

C - Pancreas

D - Duodenum

Answer : A



Q 5 - Consider the following statements:

1. Blood clotting is human bodies’ defence system to suppress bleeding.

2. Plasma contains fibrinogen that helps in blood coagulation.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : C


Fibrinogen is a soluble protein of the blood which produces the insoluble protein called fibrin that helps in blood coagulation.

Q 6 - Consider the following statements:

1. A normal human body contains about 7% blood of total body weight.

2. A woman has more blood than a man.

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : A


A woman has about 500 ml less blood than a man.

Q 7 - Consider the following statements:

1. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a transport network for molecules in the cell.

2. The endoplasmic reticulum is found in nucleoplasm.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : A


The endoplasmic reticulum is found in cytoplasm.

Answer : C



Q 9 - The pancreas secrets its enzymes into …

A - Duodenum

B - Kidney

C - Jejunum

D - Stomach

Answer : A



Q 10 - Consider the following statements:

1. Plant cells contain chloroplasts and large size central vacuole.

2. Animal cells contain centrioles and chloroplasts.

Choose the correct answer from the given codes:

A - Only 1

B - Only 2

C - Both

D - Neither 1 nor 2

Answer : A


Animal cells do not have chloroplasts.

Q 11 - The plant in which only seed occurs but no fruit is known as …

A - Banana

B - Groundnut

C - Almond

D - Cycus

Answer : D



Q 12 - The overdose of …………… causes liver diarrhea.

A - Vitamin A

B - Vitamin B1

C - Vitamin B5

D - Vitamin B3

Answer : C


The overdose of B5 also causes nausea and heartburn.

Q 13 - Which among the following is the main causal factor of hydrophobia?

A - Bacteria

B - Fungi

C - Virus

D - Protozoa

Answer : C


Hydrophobia means irrational fear of water.

Q 14 - Flavonoid is the chemical name of …

A - Vitamin O

B - Vitamin P

C - Vitamin PP

D - Vitamin S

Answer : B



Q 15 - Which among the following vitamins is essential for the RBC formation?

A - Vitamin A

B - Vitamin B12

C - Vitamin K

D - Vitamin B complex

Answer : B


Deficiency of vitamin B12 may cause anaemia.

Q 16 - Which among the following is known as primary consumers?

A - Herbivores

B - Carnivores

C - Autotrophs

D - Omnivores

Answer : A


Primary consumers are those, which survive on plants and other fungus.

Q 17 - Which among the following fish gives electric shock?

A - Payara

B - Piranha

C - Stonefish

D - Eel

Answer : D


Eels can produce recurrent, but strong electrical shocks.

Q 18 - Which among the following pumps blood to the different parts of the body?

A - Pulmonary artery

B - Pulmonary vein

C - Heart

D - Hepatic artery

Answer : C



Answer : A


First homo sapience or modern humans appeared about 200,000 years ago.

Q 20 - Which among the following is known as the blood purification process?

A - Dialysis

B - Heamolysis

C - Osmosis

D - Paralysis

Answer : A


