Apache Drill - Quick Guide

Apache Drill - Introduction

In this chapter, we will discuss about the basic overview of Apache Drill, its benefits and key features. Apart from this, we will also get some basic knowledge on Google Dremel.

Overview of Google Dremel/BigQuery

Google manages big data every second of every day to provide services like Search, YouTube, Gmail and Google Docs. Google uses an efficient technology to scan big data at a blazing speed which is called as “Dremel”. Well, Dremel is a query service that allows you to run SQL-like queries against very large data sets and return accurate results in seconds.

Dremel can scan 35 billion rows without an index within ten-seconds. Dremel stores data in a columnar storage model, which means that it separates a record into column values and then stores each value on a different storage volume. But at the same time, traditional databases store the whole record on one volume. This columnar approach is the main reason that it makes Dremel drastically fast.

Google has been using Dremel in production since year 2006 and has been continuously evolving it for the applications like Spam analysis, Debugging of map tiles on Google Maps, etc. For this reason, Drill is inspired by Dremel. Recently, Google released BigQuery and it is the public implementation of Dremel that was launched for general businesses or developers to use.

What is Drill?

Apache Drill is a low latency schema-free query engine for big data. Drill uses a JSON document model internally which allows it to query data of any structure. Drill works with a variety of non-relational data stores, including Hadoop, NoSQL databases (MongoDB, HBase) and cloud storage like Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, etc. Users can query the data using a standard SQL and BI Tools, which doesn’t require to create and manage schemas.


Following are some of the most important benefits of Apache Drill −

  • Drill can scale data from a single node to thousands of nodes and query petabytes of data within seconds.

  • Drill supports user defined functions.

  • Drill's symmetrical architecture and simple installation makes it easy to deploy and operate very large clusters.

  • Drill has flexible data model and extensible architecture.

  • Drill columnar execution model performs SQL processing on complex data without flattening into rows.

  • Supports large datasets

Key Features

Following are some of the most significant key features of Apache Drill −

  • Drill’s pluggable architecture enables connectivity to multiple datastores.

  • Drill has a distributed execution engine for processing queries. Users can submit requests to any node in the cluster.

  • Drill supports complex/multi-structured data types.

  • Drill uses self-describing data where a schema is specified as a part of the data itself, so no need for centralized schema definitions or management.

  • Flexible deployment options either local node or cluster.

  • Specialized memory management that reduces the amount of main memory that a program uses or references while running and eliminates garbage collections.

  • Decentralized data management.

Use Cases

Apache Drill can work along with a few other softwares, some of which are −

  • Cloud JSON and Sensor Analytics − Drill’s columnar approach leverages to access JSON data and expose those data via REST API to apply sensor analytics information.

  • Works well with Hive − Apache Drill serves as a complement to Hive deployments with low latency queries. Drill’s hive metastore integration exposes existing datasets at interactive speeds.

  • SQL for NoSQL − Drill’s ODBC driver and powerful parallelization capabilities provide interactive query capabilities.

Need for Drill

Apache Drill comes with a flexible JSON-like data model to natively query and process complex/multi-structured data. The data does not need to be flattened or transformed either at the design time or runtime, which provides high performance for queries. Drill exposes an easy and high performance Java API to build custom functions. Apache Drill is built to scale to big data needs and is not restricted by memory available on the cluster nodes.

Drill Integration

Drill has to integrate with a variety of data stores like relational data stores or non-relational data stores. It has the flexibility to add new data stores.

Integration with File Systems

  • Traditional file system − Local files and NAS (Network Attached Storage)

  • Hadoop − HDFS and MAPR-FS (MAPR-File System)

  • Cloud storage − Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage

Integration with NoSQL Databases

  • MongoDB
  • HBase
  • HIVE
  • MapR-DB

Apache Drill - Fundamentals

In this chapter, we will discuss about the nested data model, JSON, Apache Avro, nested query language along with some other components in detail.

Drill Nested Data Model

Apache Drill supports various data models. The initial goal is to support the column-based format used by Dremel, then it is designed to support schema less models such as JSON, BSON (Binary JSON) and schema based models like Avro and CSV.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight text-based open standard designed for human-readable data interchange. JSON format is used for serializing and transmitting structured data over network connection. It is primarily used to transmit data between a server and web applications. JSON is typically perceived as a format whose main advantage is that it is simple and lean. It can be used without knowing or caring about any underlying schema.

Following is a basic JSON schema, which covers a classical product catalog description −

   "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
   "title": "Product",
   "description": “Classical product catalog",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "id": {
         "description": "The unique identifier for a product",
         "type": "integer"
      "name": {
         "description": "Name of the product",
         "type": "string"
      "price": {
         "type": "number",
         "minimum": 0,
         "exclusiveMinimum": true
   "required": ["id", "name", "price"]

The JSON Schema has the capability to express basic definitions and constraints for data types contained in objects, and it also supports some more advanced features such as properties typed as other objects, inheritance, and links.

Apache Avro

Avro is an Apache open source project that provides data serialization and data exchange services for Hadoop. These services can be used together or independently. Avro is a schema-based system. A language-independent schema is associated with its read and write operations. Using Avro, big data can be exchanged between programs written in any language. Avro supports a rich set of primitive data types including numeric, binary data and strings, and a number of complex types including arrays, maps, enumerations and records. A key feature of Avro is the robust support for data schemas that change over time.

Simple Avro Schema

Avro schema is created in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document format, which is a lightweight text-based data interchange format.

For example

The given schema defines a (record type) document within "AvroSample" namespace. The name of document is "Employee" which contains two "Fields" → Name and Age.

   " type " : "record",
   " namespace " : "AvroSample",
   " name " : "Employee",
   " fields " : [
      { "name" : " Name" , "type" : "string" },
      { "name" : "age" , "type" : "int" }

The above schema contains four attributes, they have been briefly described here −

  • type − Describes document type, in this case a “record"

  • namespace − Describes the name of the namespace in which the object resides

  • name − Describes the schema name

  • fields − This is an attribute array which contains the following

  • name − Describes the name of field

  • type − Describes data type of field

Nested Query Language

Apache Drill supports various query languages. The initial goal is to support the SQL-like language used by Dremel and Google BigQuery. DrQL and Mongo query languages are an examples of Drill nested query languages.


The DrQL (Drill Query Language) is a nested query language. DrQL is SQL like query language for nested data. It is designed to support efficient column-based processing.

Mongo Query Language

The MongoDB is an open-source document database, and leading NoSQL database. MongoDB is written in C++ and it is a cross-platform, document-oriented database that provides, high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. MongoDB works on the concept of collection and documenting.

Wherein, collection is a group of MongoDB documents. It is the equivalent of an RDBMS table. A collection exists within a single database. A document is a set of key-value pairs.

Drill File Format

Drill supports various file formats such as CSV, TSV, PSV, JSON and Parquet. Wherein, “Parquet” is the special file format which helps Drill to run faster and its data representation is almost identical to Drill data representation.


Parquet is a columnar storage format in the Hadoop ecosystem. Compared to a traditional row-oriented format, it is much more efficient in storage and has better query performance. Parquet stores binary data in a column-oriented way, where the values of each column are organized so that they are all adjacent, enabling better compression.

It has the following important characteristics −

  • Self-describing data format
  • Columnar format
  • Flexible compression options
  • Large file size

Flat Files Format

The Apache Drill allows access to structured file types and plain text files (flat files). It consists of the following types −

  • CSV files (comma-separated values)
  • TSV files (tab-separated values)
  • PSV files (pipe-separated values)

CSV file format − A CSV is a comma separated values file, which allows data to be saved in a table structured format. CSV data fields are often separated or delimited by comma (,). The following example refers to a CSV format.

firstname, age

This CSV format can be defined as follows in a drill configuration.

"formats": {
   "csv": {
      "type": "text",
      "extensions": [
      "delimiter": “,”

TSV file format − The TSV data fields are often separated or delimited by a tab and saved with an extension of “.tsv" format. The following example refers to a TSV format.

firstname age
Alice 21
Peter 34

The TSV format can be defined as follows in a drill configuration.

"tsv": {
   "type": "text",
   "extensions": [
   "delimiter": “\t"

PSV file format − The PSV data fields are separated or delimited by a pipe (|) symbol. The following example refers to a PSV format.


The PSV format can be defined as follows in a drill configuration.

"formats": {
   "psv": {
      "type": "text",
      "extensions": [
      "delimiter": "|"

These PSV files are saved with an extension of “.tbl” format.

Scalable Data Sources

Managing millions of data from multiple data sources requires a great deal of planning. When creating your data model, you need to consider the key goals such as the impact on speed of processing, how you can optimize memory usage and performance, scalability when handling growing volumes of data and requests.

Apache Drill provides the flexibility to immediately query complex data in native formats, such as schema-less data, nested data, and data with rapidly evolving schemas.

Following are its key benefits

  • High-performance analysis of data in its native format including self-describing data such as Parquet, JSON files and HBase tables.

  • Direct querying of data in HBase tables without defining and maintaining a schema in the Hive metastore.

  • SQL to query and work with semi-structured/nested data, such as data from NoSQL stores like MongoDB and online REST APIs.

Drill Clients

Apache Drill can connect to the following clients −

  • Multiple interfaces such as JDBC, ODBC, C++ API, REST using JSON
  • Drill shell
  • Drill web console (http://localhost:8047)
  • BI tools such as Tableau, MicroStrategy, etc.
  • Excel

Apache Drill - Architecture

As of now, you are aware of the Apache Drill fundamentals. This chapter will explain about its architecture in detail. Following is a diagram that illustrates the Apache Drill core module.

Apache Drill Core Module

The above diagram consists of different components. Let’s take a look at each of these components in detail.

  • DrillBit − Apache Drill consists of a Daemon service called the DrillBit. It is responsible for accepting requests from the client, processing queries, and returning results to the client. There is no master-slave concept in DrillBit.

  • SQL Parser − The SQL parser parses all the incoming queries based on the open source framework called Calcite.

  • Logical Plan − A Logical plan describes the abstract data flow of a query. Once a query is parsed into a logical plan, the Drill optimizer determines the most efficient execution plan using a variety of rule-based and cost-based techniques, translating the logical plan into a physical plan.

  • Optimizer − Apache Drill uses various database optimizations such as rule based/cost based, as well as other optimization rules exposed by the storage engine to re-write and split the query. The output of the optimizer is a distributed physical query plan. Optimization in Drill is pluggable so you can provide rules for optimization at various parts of the query execution.

  • Physical Plan − A Physical plan is also called as the execution plan. It represents the most efficient and fastest way to execute the query across the different nodes in the cluster. The physical plan is a DAG (directed acyclic graph) of physical operators, and each parent-child relationship implies how data flows through the graph.

  • Storage Engine interface − A Storage plugin interfaces in Drill represent the abstractions that Drill uses to interact with the data sources. The plugins are extensible, allowing you to write new plugins for any additional data sources.

Query Execution Diagram

The following image shows a DrillBit query execution diagram −

Query Execution

The above diagram involves the following steps −

  • The Drill client issues a query. Any Drillbit in the cluster can accept queries from clients.

  • A Drillbit then parses the query, optimizes it, and generates an optimized distributed query plan for fast and efficient execution.

  • The Drillbit that accepts the initial query becomes the Foreman (driving Drillbit) for the request. It gets a list of available Drillbit nodes in the cluster from ZooKeeper.

  • The foreman gets a list of available Drillbit nodes in the cluster from ZooKeeper and schedules the execution of query fragments on individual nodes according to the execution plan.

  • The individual nodes finish their execution and return data to the foreman.

  • The foreman finally returns the results back to the client.

Apache Drill - Installation

This chapter will cover how to install Apache Drill on your machine. We have two modes of installation in Drill.

  • Embedded mode − This mode refers to install Drill on a single node (local) on your machine. It doesn’t require ZooKeeper setup.

  • Distributed mode − Install Apache Drill on a distributed environment. ZooKeeper is mandatory for this mode because it co-ordinates clusters. Once you installed successfully, then you will be able to connect and query Hive, HBase or any other distributed data sources.

Now let’s continue with the embedded mode steps for installation.

Embedded Mode Installation

Embedded mode is a quick way to install. You can install Apache Drill in the embedded mode on Linux, Mac OS or Windows Operating System.

Step 1: Verify Java Installation

Hopefully, you have already installed java on your machine, so you just verify it using the following command.

$ java -version

If Java is successfully installed on your machine, you could see the version of installed Java. Otherwise download the latest version of JDK by visiting the following link −


After downloading the latest version, extract those files, move to the directory after setting the path and add Java alternatives. Then Java will be installed on your machine.

Step 2: Apache Drill Installation

Download the latest version of Apache Drill by visiting the following link −


Now apache-drill-1.6.0.tar.gz will be downloaded on your machine.

You can then extract the tar file using the following program −

$ cd opt/
$ tar apache-drill-1.6.0.tar.gz
$ cd apache-drill-1.6.0

Step 3: Start Drill

To start the Drill shell in the embedded mode, use the following command. Internally, the command uses a jdbc connection string and identifies the local node as the ZooKeeper node.

$ bin/drill-embedded

After the command, you can see the following response −

$ 0: jdbc:drill:zk = local>


  • 0 − is the number of connections to Drill, which can be only one in embedded node

  • jdbc − is the connection type

  • zk = local − means the local node substitutes for the ZooKeeper node

Once you get this prompt, you will be able to run your queries on Drill.

Step 4: Exit Drill

To exit the Drill shell, issue the following command −

$ !quit

Distributed Mode Installation

You will have to follow the subsequent steps to ensure a proper Distributed Mode Installation on your system.

Step 1: Verify Java installation

$ java -version

If java is successfully installed on your machine, you could see the version of installed Java. Otherwise download latest version of JDK by visiting the following link −


After downloading the latest version, extract those files and move them to the directory after setting the path and adding Java alternatives. Then Java will be installed on your machine.

Step 2: Verify ZooKeeper Installation

Hopefully, you have installed Apache ZooKeeper on your machine. To verify the installation, you can issue the following command −

$ bin/zkServer.sh start

Then you will get the following program on your screen −

$ JMX enabled by default
$ Using config: /Users/../zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
$ Starting zookeeper ... STARTED

Step 3: Apache Drill Installation

You can start with downloading the latest version of Apache Drill by visiting the following link –


Now apache-drill-1.6.0.tar.gz will be downloaded on your machine.

The next step is to extract the tar file by issuing the following command −

$ cd opt/
$ tar apache-drill-1.6.0.tar.gz
$ cd apache-drill-1.6.0

Step 4: Configuration Settings

Open the drill-override file by using the following command.

$ vi conf/drill-override.conf

Then you will see the following response −

drill.exec: {
   cluster-id: "drillbits1",
   zk.connect: "localhost:2181"

Here cluster-id: “drillbits1” indicates we have one instance running. If two or more instances are running, then drillbits also increases.

Step 5: Start Drillbit shell

To start the drillbit shell you can use the following command.

$ bin/drillbit.sh start

Then you will see the following response −

$ 0: jdbc:drill:zk = <zk1host>:

Step 6: Exit the Drill Shell

To exit the Drill shell, you can issue the following command −

$ 0: jdbc:drill:zk = <zk1host>: !quit

Step 7: Stop Drill

Navigate to the Drill installation directory, and issue the following command to stop a Drillbit.

$ bin/drillbit.sh stop

Step 8: Start Drill in Web Console

Apache Drill Web Console is one of the client interfaces to access Drill.

To open this Drill Web Console, launch a web browser, and then type the following URL – http://localhost:8047

Now you will see the following screen which is similar to the Query option.

Web Console

Apache Drill - SQL Operations

Apache Drill is an open-source SQL-On-Everything engine. It allows SQL queries to be executed on any kind of data source, ranging from a simple CSV file to an advanced SQL and NoSQL database servers.

To execute a query in a Drill shell, open your terminal move to the Drill installed directory and then type the following command.

$ bin/drill-embedded

Then you will see the response as shown in the following program.

0: jdbc:drill:zk = local>

Now you can execute your queries. Otherwise you can run your queries through web console application to the url of http://localhost:8047. If you need any help info type the following command.

$ 0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> !help

Primitive Data Types

Apache Drill supports the following list of data types.

Sr.No Datatype & Description


8-byte signed integer in the range -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807



Variable-length byte string



True or false



Years, months, and days in YYYY-MM-DD format since 4713 BC


DECIMAL(p,s), DEC(p,s), or NUMERIC(p,s)*

38-digit precision number, precision is p, and scale is s



4-byte signed integer in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647



A day-time or year-month interval



2-byte signed integer in the range -32,768 to 32,767



4-byte floating point number



8-byte floating point number



24-hour based time in hours, minutes, seconds format: HH:mm:ss



JDBC timestamp in year, month, date hour, minute, second, and optional milliseconds format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS



variable-length string. The default limit is 1 character. The maximum character limit is 2,147,483,647.

Let us continue with simple examples on the data types.

Date, Time and Timestamp

Apache Drill supports time functions in the range from 1971 to 2037. The processing logic of data types can be easily tested by “VALUES()” statement. The following query returns date, time and timestamp for the given values.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select DATE '2016-04-07',
   TIME '12:12:23',TIMESTAMP '2016-04-07 12:12:23' from (values(1));


|   EXPR$0    |  EXPR$1   |         EXPR$2         |
| 2016-04-07  | 12:12:23  | 2016-04-07 12:12:23.0  |


  • The INTERVALYEAR and INTERVALDAY internal types represent a period of time.
  • The INTERVALYEAR type specifies values from a year to a month.
  • The INTERVALDAY type specifies values from a day to seconds.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select timestamp '2016-04-07 12:45:50' +
   interval '10' year(2) from (values(1));


|         EXPR$0         |
| 2026-04-07 12:45:50.0  |
1 row selected (0.251 seconds)

In the above query, INTERVAL keyword followed by 10 adds 10 years to the timestamp. The 2 in parentheses in YEAR(2) specifies the precision of the year interval, 2 digits in this case to support the ten interval.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select timestamp '2016-04-07 12:45:52' +
   interval '1' day(1) from (values(1));


|         EXPR$0         |
| 2016-04-08 12:45:52.0  |

Here INTERVAL ‘1’ indicates that two days will be added from that specified day.


The following operators are used in Apache Drill to perform the desired operations.

Sr.No Operators & Description

Logical Operators



Comparison Operators

<, > , <= , >= , = , <> , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL , IS FALSE , IS NOT FALSE , IS TRUE , IS NOT TRUE, Pattern Matching Operator - LIKE


Math Operators



Subquery Operators


Drill Scalar Functions

Apache Drill scalar functions supports Math and Trig functions. Most scalar functions use data types such as INTEGER, BIGINT, FLOAT and DOUBLE.

Math Functions

The following table describes the list of “Math functions” in Apache Drill.

Sr.No Function & Description


Returns the absolute value of the input argument x.



Returns the cubic root of x.



Returns the smallest integer not less than x.



Same as CEIL.



Converts x radians to degrees.



Returns e (Euler's number) to the power of x.



Returns the largest integer not greater than x.


LOG(x, y)

Returns log base x to the y power.

Now let’s run queries for the scalar functions. The Drill scalar functions can be easily tested by the values() statement, otherwise you can also use the select statement.

Trig Functions

Apache Drill supports the following trig functions and these functions’ return type is a floating point value.

Sr.No Function & Description


Sine of angle x in radians



Inverse cosine of angle x in radians



Hyperbolic cosine of hyperbolic angle x in radians

Data Type Conversion

In Apache Drill, you can cast or convert data to the required type for moving data from one data source to another. Drill also supports the following functions for casting and converting data types −

Function Return type Description

CAST(x AS y)

Data type of y Converts the data type of x to y


Data type of y Converts binary data (x) to Drill internal types (y) based on the little or big endian encoding of the data.


Data type of y Converts binary data (x) from Drill internal types (y) based on the little or big endian encoding of the data.

Date - Time Functions

Apache Drill supports time functions based on the Gregorian calendar and in the range from 1971 to 2037. The following table describes the list of Date/Time functions.

Function Return Type Description

AGE(x [, y ] )




Returns interval between two timestamps or subtracts a timestamp from midnight of the current date.


DATE Returns current date


TIME Returns current time


TIMESTAMP Returns current timestamp


DATE, TIMESTAMP Subtracts an interval (y) from a date or timestamp expression (x).



Extracts a time unit from a date or timestamp expression (y).

This must be one of the following values: SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, and YEAR.


TIME Returns the local current time.


TIMESTAMP Returns the local current timestamp.


TIMESTAMP Returns current timestamp


VARCHAR Returns current timestamp for UTC time zone.

String Manipulation Function

Apache Drill supports the following list of string functions.

Function Return type Description

BYTE_SUBSTR(x,y [, z ] )

BINARY or VARCHAR Returns in binary format a substring y of the string x.


INTEGER Returns the length of the alphanumeric argument x.


VARCHAR Combines the two alphanumeric values x and y. Has the same effect as the || operator.


VARCHAR Returns x in which the first character is capitalized.


INTEGER Returns the length in bytes of the alphanumeric value x.


VARCHAR Converts all upper-case letters of x to lower-case letters.

LPAD(x,y [ , z ] )


The value of x is filled in the front (the left-hand side) with the value of z until the total length of the value is equal y’s length.

If no z value then blanks are used to fill the position.


VARCHAR Removes all blanks that appear at the beginning of x.


INTEGER Returns the start position of the string x in the string y.


VARCHAR Substitutes new text for substrings that match Java regular expression patterns. In the string x, y is replaced by z. Y is the regular expression.


VARCHAR The value of x is filled in the front (the right-hand side) with the value of z just until the total length of the value is equal to that of y.


VARCHAR Removes all blanks from the end of the value of x.


INTEGER Returns the start position of the string y in the string x.


VARCHAR Extracts characters from position 1 - x of x an optional y times.


VARCHAR Converts all lower-case letters of x to upper-case letters.

Null Handling Function

Apache Drill supports the following list of null handling functions.

Function Return type Description

COALESCE(x, y [ , y ]... )

Data type of y Returns the first non-null argument in the list of y’s.

NULLIF(x,y )

Data type of y Returns the value of the x if x and y are not equal, and returns a null value if x and y are equal.

The following table describes the list of “Math functions” in Apache Drill.

Sr.No Function & Description


Returns 2.718281828459045.



Returns the natural log (base e) of x.



Returns the common log of x.


LSHIFT(x, y)

Shifts the binary x by y times to the left.


MOD(x, y)

Returns the remainder of x divided by y.



Returns x as a negative number.



Returns pi.


POW(x, y)

Returns the value of x to the y power.



Converts x degrees to radians.



Returns a random number from 0-1.



Rounds to the nearest integer.


ROUND(x, y)

Rounds x to y decimal places. Return type is decimal.


RSHIFT(x, y)

Shifts the binary x by y times to the right.



Returns the sign of x.



Returns the square root of x.



Apache Drill supports the following trig functions and these functions’ return type is a floating point value.

Sr.No. Function & Description


Cosine of angle x in radians



Tangent of angle x in radians



Inverse sine of angle x in radians



Inverse tangent of angle x in radians



Hyperbolic sine of hyperbolic angle x in radians



Hyperbolic tangent of hyperbolic angle x in radians

The following table describes the list of Date/Time functions.

Function Return type Description



Returns the sum of the sum of a date/time and a number of days/hours, or of a date/time and date/time interval.


x - date, time or timestamp

y - integer or an interval expression.



Returns a field of a date, time, timestamp, or interval.


x - year, month, day, hour, minute, or second

y - date, time, timestamp, or interval literal



If x is specified as timestamp then the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch and the timestamp x is returned.

If x is not specified then it returns the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00).

Apache Drill - Query using JSON

Apache Drill supports JSON format for querying data. Drill treats a JSON object as SQL record. One object equals one row in a Drill table.

Querying JSON File

Let us query the sample file, “employee.json” packaged as part of the drill. This sample file is Foodmart data packaged as JAR in Drill's classpath: ./jars/3rdparty/foodmart-data-json.0.4.jar. The sample file can be accessed using namespace, cp.

Start the Drill shell, and select the first row of data from the “employee.json” file installed.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from cp.`employee.json` limit 1;


| employee_id  |   full_name  | first_name | last_name  | position_id  | position_title | store_id  | department_id  | birth_date |       hire_date       | salary  | supervisor_id | education_level | marital_status | gender |  management_role  |
|       1      | Sheri Nowmer |    Sheri   |   Nowmer   |       1      |   President    |     0     |       1        | 1961-08-26 | 1994-12-01 00:00:00.0 | 80000.0 |       0       | Graduate Degree |        S       |    F   | Senior Management |

The same result can be viewed in the web console as −


Storage Plugin Configuration

You can connect Drill to a file system through a storage plugin. On the Storage tab of the Drill Web Console (http://localhost:8047), you can view and reconfigure a storage plugin.

The Drill installation contains the following default storage plugin configurations.

  • cp − Points to the JAR files in the Drill classpath.

  • dfs − Points to the local file system, but you can configure this storage plugin to point to any distributed file system, such as a Hadoop or S3 file system.

  • hbase − Provides a connection to the HBase.

  • hive − Integrates Drill with the Hive metadata abstraction of files, HBase, and libraries to read data and operate on SerDes and UDFs.

  • mongo − Provides a connection to MongoDB data.

Storage Plugin Configuration Persistence

  • Embedded mode − Apache Drill saves the storage plugin configurations in a temporary directory. The temporary directory clears when you reboot.

  • Distributed mode − Drill saves storage plugin configurations in ZooKeeper.


The workspace defines the location of files in subdirectories of a local or distributed file system. One or more workspaces can be defined in a plugin.

Create JSON file

As of now we have queried an already packaged “employee.json” file. Let us create a new JSON file named “student_list.json” as shown in the following program.

   "ID" : "001",
   "name" : "Adam",
   "age" : 12,
   "gender" : "male",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 70,
   "mark2" : 50,
   "mark3" : 60,
   "addr" : "23 new street",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "002",
   "name" : "Amit",
   "age" : 12,
   "gender" : "male",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 40,
   "mark2" : 50,
   "mark3" : 40,
   "addr" : "12 old street",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "003",
   "name" : "Bob",
   "age" : 12,
   "gender" : "male",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 60,
   "mark2" : 80,
   "mark3" : 70,
   "addr" : "10 cross street",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "004",
   "name" : "David",
   "age" : 12,
   "gender" : "male",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 50,
   "mark2" : 70,
   "mark3" : 70,
   "addr" : "15 express avenue",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "005",
   "name" : "Esha",
   "age" : 12,
   "gender" : "female",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 70,
   "mark2" : 60,
   "mark3" : 65,
   "addr" : "20 garden street",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "006",
   "name" : "Ganga",
   "age" : 12,
   "gender" : "female",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 100,
   "mark2" : 95,
   "mark3" : 98,
   "addr" : "25 north street",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "007",
   "name" : "Jack",
   "age" : 13,
   "gender" : "male",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 55,
   "mark2" : 45,
   "mark3" : 45,
   "addr" : "2 park street",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "008",
   "name" : "Leena",
   "age" : 12,
   "gender" : "female",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 90,
   "mark2" : 85,
   "mark3" : 95,
   "addr" : "24 south street",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "009",
   "name" : "Mary",
   "age" : 13,
   "gender" : "female",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 75,
   "mark2" : 85,
   "mark3" : 90,
   "addr" : "5 west street",
   "pincode" : 111222
   "ID" : "010",
   "name" : "Peter",
   "age" : 13,
   "gender" : "female",
   "standard" : "six",
   "mark1" : 80,
   "mark2" : 85,
   "mark3" : 88,
   "addr" : "16 park avenue",
   "pincode" : 111222

Now, let us query the file to view its full records.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from dfs.`/Users/../workspace/Drill-samples/student_list.json`;


ID   name  age  gender  standard  mark1  mark2  mark3      addr           pincode
001  Adam  12    male     six      70     50     60    23 new street      111222
002  Amit  12    male     six      40     50     40    12 old street      111222
003  Bob   12    male     six      60     80     70    10 cross street    111222
004  David 12    male     six      50     70     70    15 express avenue  111222
005  Esha  12   female    six      70     60     65    20 garden street   111222
006  Ganga 12   female    six      100    95     98    25 north street    111222
007  Jack  13    male     six      55     45     45    2 park street      111222
008  Leena 12   female    six      90     85     95    24 south street    111222
009  Mary  13   female    six      75     85     90    5 west street      111222
010  Peter 13   female    six      80     85     88    16 park avenue     111222

SQL Operators

This section will cover the operations on SQL operators using JSON.

Sr.No Operator & Description


The AND operator allows the existence of multiple conditions in an SQL statement's WHERE clause.



The OR operator is used to combine multiple conditions in an SQL statement's WHERE clause.



The IN operator is used to compare a value to a list of literal values that have been specified.



The BETWEEN operator is used to search for values that are within a set of values, given the minimum value and the maximum value.



The LIKE operator is used to compare a value to similar values using wildcard operators.



The NOT operator reverses the meaning of the logical operator with which it is used. Eg: NOT EXISTS, NOT BETWEEN, NOT IN, etc. This is a negate operator.

Aggregate Functions

The aggregate functions produce a single result from a set of input values. The following table lists out the functions in further detail.

Sr.No Function & Description


Averages a column of all records in a data source.



Returns the number of rows that match the given criteria.


COUNT([DISTINCT] expression)

Returns the number of distinct values in the column.



Returns the largest value of the selected column.



Returns the smallest value of the selected column.



Return the sum of given column.

Statistical Function

The following program shows the query for this function −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select stddev(mark2) from dfs.`/Users/../workspace/Drill-samples/student_list.json`;




0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select variance(mark2) from dfs.`/Users/../workspace/Drill-samples/student_list.json`;



Variance of mark2 column result is returned as the output.

Window Functions using JSON

Window functions execute on a set of rows and return a single value for each row from the query. The term window has the meaning of the set of rows for the function.

A Window function in a query, defines the window using the OVER() clause. This OVER() clause has the following capabilities −

  • Defines window partitions to form groups of rows. (PARTITION BY clause)
  • Orders rows within a partition. (ORDER BY clause)

Aggregate Window Functions

The Aggregate window function can be defined over a partition by and order by clause.


The following program shows the query for this function −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select mark1,gender,
   avg(mark1) over (partition by gender ) as avgmark1 from


mark1 gender avgmark1
70    female   83.0
100   female   83.0
90    female   83.0
75    female   83.0
80    female   83.0
70     male    55.0
40     male    55.0
60     male    55.0
50     male    55.0
55     male    55.0

This result shows that partition by clause is used for the gender column. So, it takes the average of mark1 from female gender which is 83.0 and then replaces that value to all the male and female gender. The mark1 avg result is now 55.0 and hence it replaces the same to all genders.


The following program shows the query for this function −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select name, gender, mark1, age,
   count(*) over(partition by age) as cnt from


name  gender  mark1 age cnt
Adam   male    70   12   7
Amit   male    40   12   7
Bob    male    60   12   7
David  male    50   12   7
Esha  female   70   12   7
Ganga female  100   12   7
Leena female   90   12   7
Jack   male    55   13   3
Mary  female   75   13   3
Peter female   80   13   3

Here, there are two age groups 12 and 13. The age count of 12 is for 7 students and 13 age count is for 3 students. Hence count(*) over partition by age replaces 7 for 12 age group and 3 for 13 age group.


The following program shows the query for this function −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select name,age,gender,mark3,
   max(mark3) over (partition by gender) as maximum from


name  age gender mark3 maximum
Esha  12  female  65     98
Ganga 12  female  98     98
Leena 12  female  95     98
Mary  13  female  90     98
Peter 13  female  88     98
Adam  12   male   60     70
Amit  12   male   40     70
Bob   12   male   70     70
David 12   male   70     70
Jack  13   male   45     70

From the above query, maximum mark3 is partitioned by gender, hence female gender max mark 98 is replaced to all female students and male gender max mark 70 is replaced to all male students.


The following program shows the query for this function −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select mark2,min(mark2)
   over (partition by age ) as minimum from


mark2 minimum
 50     50
 50     50
 80     50
 70     50
 60     50
 95     50
 85     50
 45     45
 85     45
 85     45


The following program shows the query for this function −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select name,age,sum(mark1+mark2)
   over (order by age ) as summation from


name   age summation
Adam   12    970
Amit   12    970
Bob    12    970
David  12    970
Esha   12    970
Ganga  12    970
Leena  12    970
Jack   13    1395
Mary   13    1395
Peter  13    1395

Here mark1+mark2 result is replaced separately to each male and female student.

Ranking Window Functions

Following is the table listed out with ranking window functions.

Function Return Type Description


DOUBLE Calculates the relative rank of the current row within a window partition (number of rows preceding or peer with current row) / (total rows in the window partition)


BIGINT Rank of a value in a group of values based on the ORDER BY expression and the OVER clause. Each value is ranked within its partition. Rows with equal values receive the same rank. If two or more rows have the same rank then no gaps in the rows.


INTEGER The NTILE window function divides the rows for each window partition, as equally as possible, into a specified number of ranked groups.


DOUBLE Calculates the percent rank of the current row using the following formula: (x - 1) / (number of rows in window partition - 1) where x is the rank of the current row.


BIGINT The RANK window function determines the rank of a value in a group of values. For example, if two rows are ranked 1, the next rank is 3.


BIGINT Gives unique row numbers for the rows in a group.

Apache Drill - Querying Complex Data

In this chapter, we will discuss in detail about which all composite data types does Apache Drill supports.

  • Array − An array is a repeated list of values. A value in an array can be a scalar type, such as string or int, or an array can be a complex type, such as a map or another array.

  • Map − A map is a set of name/value pairs. A value in a map can be a scalar type, such as string or int, or a complex type, such as an array or another map.

Apache Drill uses map and array data types internally for reading complex and nested data structures from data sources.

Sr.No Function & Description


FLATTEN separates the elements in a repeated field into individual records.



This function returns a list of the keys that exist in the map.



This function counts the values in an array.



Searches for a keyword in an array. If the keyword is present in an array, the result will be true otherwise false.

Apache Drill - Data Definition Statements

This section will cover Data definition statements. Let’s go through each of these commands in detail.

Create Statement

You can create tables in Apache Drill by using the following two CTAS commands.

Method 1


CREATE TABLE name [ (column list) ] AS query;


Query − select statement.

Method 2


CREATE TABLE name [ ( <column list> ) ] [ PARTITION BY ( <column_name> [ , ... ] ) ] AS <select statement>


  • name − unique directory name.

  • column list − optional list of column names or aliases in the new table.

  • PARTITION BY − partitions the data by the first column_name.

To create a table, you should adhere to the following steps −

  • Set the workspace to a writable workspace.

  • You can only create new tables in df.tmp workspace. You cannot create tables using storage plugins, such as Hive and HBase.

For example

"tmp": {
   "location": "/tmp",
   "writable": true,


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> use dfs.tmp;


|  ok   |               summary                |
| true  |  Default schema changed to [dfs.tmp] |


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> create table students as select * from


| Fragment  |  Number of records written |
|    0_0    |            10              |

To view records


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from students;


| ID  | name  | age | gender | standard | mark1 | mark2 | mark3 |       addr        | pincode |
| 001 | Adam  | 12  |  male  |   six    |  70   |  50   |  60   | 23 new street     | 111222  |
| 002 | Amit  | 12  |  male  |   six    |  40   |  50   |  40   | 12 old street     | 111222  |
| 003 | Bob   | 12  |  male  |   six    |  60   |  80   |  70   | 10 cross street   | 111222  |
| 004 | David | 12  |  male  |   six    |  50   |  70   |  70   | 15 express avenue | 111222  |
| 005 | Esha  | 12  | female |   six    |  70   |  60   |  65   | 20 garden street  | 111222  |
| 006 | Ganga | 12  | female |   six    |  100  |  95   |  98   | 25 north street   | 111222  |
| 007 | Jack  | 13  |  male  |   six    |  55   |  45   |  45   | 2 park street     | 111222  |
| 008 | Leena | 12  | female |   six    |  90   |  85   |  95   | 24 south street   | 111222  |
| 009 | Mary  | 13  | female |   six    |  75   |  85   |  90   | 5 west street     | 111222  |
| 010 | Peter | 13  | female |   six    |  80   |  85   |  88   | 16 park avenue    | 111222  |

The following program shows the query for this function −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> create table student_new partition by (gender) as select * from


| Fragment  |  Number of records written |
|    0_0    |             10             |

To view the records of the table −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from student_new;


| ID   |  name  | age  | gender | standard | mark1 | mark2 | mark3 |       addr        | pincode |
| 005  | Esha   | 12   | female |   six    |  70   |  60   |  65   | 20 garden street  | 111222  |
| 006  | Ganga  | 12   | female |   six    |  100  |  95   |  98   | 25 north street   | 111222  |
| 008  | Leena  | 12   | female |   six    |  90   |  85   |  95   | 24 south street   | 111222  |
| 009  | Mary   | 13   | female |   six    |  75   |  85   |  90   | 5 west street     | 111222  |
| 010  | Peter  | 13   | female |   six    |  80   |  85   |  88   | 16 park avenue    | 111222  |
| 001  | Adam   | 12   |  male  |   six    |  70   |  50   |  60   | 23 new street     | 111222  |
| 002  | Amit   | 12   |  male  |   six    |  40   |  50   |  40   | 12 old street     | 111222  |
| 003  | Bob    | 12   |  male  |   six    |  60   |  80   |  70   | 10 cross street   | 111222  |
| 004  | David  | 12   |  male  |   six    |  50   |  70   |  70   | 15 express avenue | 111222  |
| 007  | Jack   | 13   |  male  |   six    |  55   |  45   |  45   | 2 park street     | 111222  |

Here the table records are partitioned by gender.

Alter Statement

The ALTER SYSTEM command permanently changes a system setting.


ALTER SYSTEM SET `option_name` = value;

To reset the system settings, use the following syntax.

ALTER SYSTEM RESET `option_name`;


Here is the sample query that enables the Decimal data type −

0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> ALTER SYSTEM SET `planner.enable_decimal_data_type` = true;


|  ok   |                  summary                   |
| true  |  planner.enable_decimal_data_type updated. |

By default, Apache Drill disables the decimal data type. To reset all the changes, you will need to key-in the following command −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> ALTER SYSTEM RESET all;


|  ok   |    summary    |
| true  | ALL updated.  |

Create View Statement

The CREATE VIEW command creates a virtual structure for the result set of a stored query. A view can combine data from multiple underlying data sources and provide the illusion that all of the data is from one source.


CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW [workspace.]view_name [ (column_name [, ...]) ] AS query;


  • workspace − The location where you want the view to exist. By default, the view can be created in “dfs.tmp”.

  • view_name − The name that you give to the view. This view must have a unique name.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> create view student_view as select * from


|  ok  |                        summary                               |
| true | View 'student_view' created successfully in 'dfs.tmp' schema |

To see the records, you can use the following query.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from student_view;


| ID  | name  | age | gender | standard | mark1 | mark2 | mark3 |        addr       | pincode |
| 001 | Adam  | 12  |  male  |   six    |  70   |  50   |  60   | 23 new street     | 111222  |
| 002 | Amit  | 12  |  male  |   six    |  40   |  50   |  40   | 12 old street     | 111222  |
| 003 | Bob   | 12  |  male  |   six    |  60   |  80   |  70   | 10 cross street   | 111222  |
| 004 | David | 12  |  male  |   six    |  50   |  70   |  70   | 15 express avenue | 111222  |
| 005 | Esha  | 12  | female |   six    |  70   |  60   |  65   | 20 garden street  | 111222  |
| 006 | Ganga | 12  | female |   six    |  100  |  95   |  98   | 25 north street   | 111222  |
| 007 | Jack  | 13  |  male  |   six    |  55   |  45   |  45   | 2 park street     | 111222  |
| 008 | Leena | 12  | female |   six    |  90   |  85   |  95   | 24 south street   | 111222  |
| 009 | Mary  | 13  | female |   six    |  75   |  85   |  90   | 5 west street     | 111222  |
| 010 | Peter | 13  | female |   six    |  80   |  85   |  88   | 16 park avenue    | 111222  |

Drop Table

The drop table statement is used to drop the table from a DFS storage plugin.


DROP TABLE [workspace.]name;


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> drop table student_new;


|  ok  |          summary             |
| true | Table [student_new] dropped  |

Drop View

Similar to the table, a view can be dropped by using the following command −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> drop view student_view;


|  ok  |                            summary                              |
| true | View [student_view] deleted successfully from schema [dfs.tmp]. |

Apache Drill - Querying Data

In this chapter, we will learn about how Apache Drill allows us to query plain text files such as CSV, TSV and PSV.

CSV File

Create a CSV file named “students.csv” as shown in the following program −

001,Adam,23 new street
002,Amit,12 old street
003,Bob,10 cross street
004,David,15 express avenue
005,Esha,20 garden street
006,Ganga,25 north street
007,Jack,2 park street
008,Leena,24 south street
009,Mary,5 west street
010,Peter,16 park avenue

After saving the file, you can return to the terminal again and type the following query to view that CSV file.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from dfs.`/Users/../workspace/Drill-samples/students.csv`;


|              columns                 |
| ["001","Adam","23 new street"]      |
| ["002","Amit","12 old street"]      |
| ["003","Bob","10 cross street"]     |
| ["004","David","15 express avenue"] |
| ["005","Esha","20 garden street"]   |
| ["006","Ganga","25 north street"]   |
| ["007","Jack","2 park street"]      |
| ["008","Leena","24 south street"]   |
| ["009","Mary","5 west street"]      |
| ["010","Peter","16 park avenue"]    |

From this output we can conclude that, Apache Drill recognizes each row as an array of values and returns one column for each row.

Finding Columns[n]

The COLUMNS[n] syntax is used to return CSV rows in a column by the column format, where n starts from 0 to n-1.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local>select columns[0],columns[1],columns[2] from


|  EXPR$0 |  EXPR$1 |       EXPR$2       |
|   001   |  Adam   | 23 new street      |
|   002   |  Amit   | 12 old street      |
|   003   |  Bob    | 10 cross street    |
|   004   |  David  | 15 express avenue  |
|   005   |  Esha   | 20 garden street   |
|   006   |  Ganga  | 25 north street    |
|   007   |  Jack   | 2 park street      |
|   008   |  Leena  | 24 south street    |
|   009   |  Mary   | 5 west street      |
|   010   |  Peter  | 16 park avenue     |

If you want to assign an alias name for columns, use the following query −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local>select columns[0] as ID,columns[1] as Name,columns[2] as Address from


|  ID  | Name  |      Address       |
|  001 | Adam  | 23 new street      |
|  002 | Amit  | 12 old street      |
|  003 | Bob   | 10 cross street    |
|  004 | David | 15 express avenue  |
|  005 | Esha  | 20 garden street   |
|  006 | Ganga | 25 north street    | 
|  007 | Jack  | 2 park street      |
|  008 | Leena | 24 south street    |
|  009 | Mary  | 5 west street      |
|  010 | Peter | 16 park avenue     |

Create Table

Like in JSON, you can create table for plain text files. Following is a sample query −

0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> create table CSV as select * from


| Fragment | Number of records written  |
|   0_0    |            10              |

To view the file contents, type the following query −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from CSV;


|              columns                |
| ["001","Adam","23 new street"]      |
| ["002","Amit","12 old street"]      |
| ["003","Bob","10 cross street"]     |
| ["004","David","15 express avenue"] |
| ["005","Esha","20 garden street"]   |
| ["006","Ganga","25 north street"]   | 
| ["007","Jack","2 park street"]      |
| ["008","Leena","24 south street"]   |
| ["009","Mary","5 west street"]      |
| ["010","Peter","16 park avenue"]    |

TSV File

Create a TSV file named “students.tsv” as shown in the following program −

   ID         Name               Age                 Standard Remark
001  id  "name is Adam" "for the age of 12" "studying sixth std" "Having good marks"

Now we can execute this TSV file in Apache Drill by using the following query −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from dfs.`/Users/../workspace/Drill-samples/student.tsv`;


|                                               columns                                                             |
| [  "ID"   ,     "Name"    ,         "Age"      ,  "Standard"          ,     "Marks"         , "Addr", "pincode"] |
| ["001 id ", "name is adam", "for the age of 12", "studying sxith std\" \"Having good marks"]                      |

Create Table

As shown in the CSV file above, you can also create a table for the TSV file.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from dfs.`/Users/../workspace/Drill-samples/student.tsv`;


| Fragment  |  Number of records written |
|    0_0    |             2              |
1 row selected (0.347 seconds)


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from TSV;


|                                        columns                                                                   |
| [   "ID"  ,     "Name"    ,         "Age"      ,     "Standard"       ,      "Marks"        , "Addr", "pincode"] |
| ["001 id ", "name is adam", "for the age of 12", "studying sxith std\" \"Having good marks"]                     |

PSV (Pipe Separated Value) File

Create a psv file named “sample.tbl” as shown in the following program.


Now we can execute this PSV file in Drill,


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from dfs.`/Users/../workspace/Drill-samples/sample.tbl`;


|                   columns                      |
| ["Tutorialspoint","Apache","Drill","article"]  |

Now, similar to the CSV and TSV files, try for yourself to create a table for PSV file.

Apache Drill - Querying Data using HBase

HBase is a distributed column-oriented database built on top of the Hadoop file system. It is a part of the Hadoop ecosystem that provides random real-time read/write access to data in the Hadoop File System. One can store the data in HDFS either directly or through HBase. The following steps are used to query HBase data in Apache Drill.

How to Start Hadoop and HBase?

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before moving on to querying HBase data, you must need to install the following −

  • Java installed version 1.7 or greater
  • Hadoop
  • HBase

Step 2: Enable Storage Plugin

After successful installation navigate to Apache Drill web console and select the storage menu option as shown in the following screenshot.

Enable Storage Plugin

Then choose HBase Enable option, after that go to the update option and now you will see the response as shown in the following program.

   "type": "hbase",
   "config": {
      "hbase.zookeeper.quorum": "localhost",
      "hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort": "2181"
   "size.calculator.enabled": false,
   "enabled": true

Here the config settings “hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort” : “2181” indicates ZooKeeper port id. In the embedded mode, it will automatically assign it to the ZooKeeper, but in the distributed mode, you must specify the ZooKeeper port id’s separately. Now, HBase plugin is enabled in Apache Drill.

Step 3: Start Hadoop and HBase

After enabling the plugin, first start your Hadoop server then start HBase.

Creating a Table Using HBase Shell

After Hadoop and HBase has been started, you can start the HBase interactive shell using “hbase shell” command as shown in the following query.


/bin/hbase shell

Then you will see the response as shown in the following program.



To query HBase, you should complete the following steps −

Create a Table

Pipe the following commands to the HBase shell to create a “customer” table.


hbase(main):001:0> create 'customers','account','address'

Load Data into the Table

Create a simple text file named “hbase-customers.txt” as shown in the following program.


put 'customers','Alice','account:name','Alice'
put 'customers','Alice','address:street','123 Ballmer Av'
put 'customers','Alice','address:zipcode','12345'
put 'customers','Alice','address:state','CA'
put 'customers','Bob','account:name','Bob'
put 'customers','Bob','address:street','1 Infinite Loop'
put 'customers','Bob','address:zipcode','12345'
put 'customers','Bob','address:state','CA'
put 'customers','Frank','account:name','Frank'
put 'customers','Frank','address:street','435 Walker Ct'
put 'customers','Frank','address:zipcode','12345'
put 'customers','Frank','address:state','CA'
put 'customers','Mary','account:name','Mary'
put 'customers','Mary','address:street','56 Southern Pkwy'
put 'customers','Mary','address:zipcode','12345'
put 'customers','Mary','address:state','CA'

Now, issue the following command in hbase shell to load the data into a table.


hbase(main):001:0> cat ../drill_sample/hbase/hbase-customers.txt | bin/hbase shell


Now switch to Apache Drill shell and issue the following command.

0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from hbase.customers;


|  row_key   |        account      |                              address                                      |
| 416C696365 | {"name":"QWxpY2U="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"MTIzIEJhbGxtZXIgQXY=","zipcode":"MTIzNDU="}     |
| 426F62     | {"name":"Qm9i"}     | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"MSBJbmZpbml0ZSBMb29w","zipcode":"MTIzNDU="}     |
| 4672616E6B | {"name":"RnJhbms="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"NDM1IFdhbGtlciBDdA==","zipcode":"MTIzNDU="}     |
| 4D617279   | {"name":"TWFyeQ=="} | {"state":"Q0E=","street":"NTYgU291dGhlcm4gUGt3eQ==","zipcode":"MTIzNDU="} |

The output will be 4 rows selected in 1.211 seconds.

Apache Drill fetches the HBase data as a binary format, which we can convert into readable data using CONVERT_FROM function available in drill. Check and use the following query to get proper data from drill.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> SELECT CONVERT_FROM(row_key, 'UTF8') AS customer_id,
. . . . . . . . . . . > CONVERT_FROM(customers.account.name, 'UTF8') AS customers_name,
. . . . . . . . . . . > CONVERT_FROM(customers.address.state, 'UTF8') AS customers_state,
. . . . . . . . . . . > CONVERT_FROM(customers.address.street, 'UTF8') AS customers_street,
. . . . . . . . . . . > CONVERT_FROM(customers.address.zipcode, 'UTF8') AS customers_zipcode
. . . . . . . . . . . > FROM hbase.customers;


| customer_id  | customers_name | customers_state | customers_street | customers_zipcode  |
|    Alice     |     Alice      |       CA        | 123 Ballmer Av   |     12345          |
|    Bob       |     Bob        |       CA        | 1 Infinite Loop  |     12345          |
|    Frank     |     Frank      |       CA        | 435 Walker Ct    |     12345          |
|    Mary      |     Mary       |       CA        | 56 Southern Pkwy |     12345          |

Apache Drill - Querying Data using Hive

Hive is a data warehouse infrastructure tool to process structured data in Hadoop. It resides on top of Hadoop to summarize Big Data, and makes querying and analyzing easy. Hive stores schema in a database and processed data into HDFS.

How to Query Hive Data in Apache Drill?

Following are the steps that are used to query Hive data in Apache Drill.

Step 1: Prerequisites

You must need to install the following components first −

  • Java installed version 1.7 or greater
  • Hadoop
  • Hive
  • ZooKeeper

Step 2: Start Hadoop, ZooKeeper and Hive

After the installation, start all the services (Hadoop, ZooKeeper and Hive) one by one in a new terminal.

Step 3: Start Hive metastore

You can start the Hive metastore using the following command −


hive --service metastore

Apache Drill uses Hive metastore service to get hive table’s details.

Step 4: Start Apache Drill in Distributed Mode

To start Drill shell in a distributed mode, you can issue the following command −


bin/drillbit.sh start

Step 5: Enable Storage Plugin

Like HBase, open Apache Drill web console and choose Hive storage plugin enable option then add the following changes to hive storage plugin “update” option,

   "type": "hive",
   "enabled": false,
   "configProps": {
      "hive.metastore.uris": "thrift://localhost:9083",
      "hive.metastore.sasl.enabled": "false",
      "fs.default.name": "hdfs://localhost/"

Step 6: Create a Table

Create a table in hive shell using the following command.


create table customers (Name string, address string) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as textfile;

Step 7: Load Data

Load data in the hive shell using the following command.


load data local inpath '/path/to/file/customers.csv' overwrite into table customers;

Step 8: Query Data in Drill

You can query data in the hive shell using the following command.


select * from hive.`customers`;


'Alice','123 Ballmer Av'
'Bob','1 Infinite Loop'
'Frank','435 Walker Ct'
'Mary','56 Southern Pkwy'

Apache Drill - Querying Parquet Files

Parquet is a columnar storage format. Apache Drill uses Parquet format for easy, fast and efficient access.

Create a Table

Before moving to create a table in parquet, you must change the Drill storage format using the following command.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> alter session set `store.format`= 'parquet';


|  ok   |        summary         |
| true  | store.format updated.  |

You can create a table using the following syntax.


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> create table dfs.tmp.`/Users/../workspace` as select * from


| Fragment | Number of records written |
|   0_0    |            10             |

To see the table contents, type-in the following query −


0: jdbc:drill:zk = local> select * from dfs.tmp.`/Users/../workspace`;


| ID  | name  | age | gender | standard | mark1 | mark2 | mark3 |      addr         | pincode |
| 001 | Adam  | 12  |  male  |   six    |  70   |  50   |  60   | 23 new street     | 111222  |
| 002 | Amit  | 12  |  male  |   six    |  40   |  50   |  40   | 12 old street     | 111222  |
| 003 | Bob   | 12  |  male  |   six    |  60   |  80   |  70   | 10 cross street   | 111222  |
| 004 | David | 12  |  male  |   six    |  50   |  70   |  70   | 15 express avenue | 111222  |
| 005 | Esha  | 12  | female |   six    |  70   |  60   |  65   | 20 garden street  | 111222  |
| 006 | Ganga | 12  | female |   six    |  100  |  95   |  98   | 25 north street   | 111222  |
| 007 | Jack  | 13  |  male  |   six    |  55   |  45   |  45   | 2 park street     | 111222  |
| 008 | Leena | 12  | female |   six    |  90   |  85   |  95   | 24 south street   | 111222  |
| 009 | Mary  | 13  | female |   six    |  75   |  85   |  90   | 5 west street     | 111222  |
| 010 | Peter | 13  | female |   six    |  80   |  85   |  88   | 16 park avenue    | 111222  |

Apache Drill - JDBC Interface

Apache Drill provides JDBC interface to connect and execute queries. We can use JDBC interface in JDBC based SQL Client like “SquirreL SQL Client” and work on all the features of drill. We can use the same JDBC interface to connect drill from our Java based application. Let us see how to connect drill and execute commands in our sample Java application using JDBC interface in this section.

Java Application

Apache Drill provides a JDBC driver as a single jar file and it is available @ /path/to/drill/jars/jdbc-driver/drill-jdbc-all-1.6.0.jar. The connection string to connect the drill is of the following format −

jdbc:drill:zk = <zk_host>:<zk_port>
jdbc:drill:zk = <zk_host>:<zk_port>/<zk_drill_path>/<zk_drillbit_name
jdbc:drill:zk = <zk_host>:<zk_port>/<zk_drill_path>/<zk_drillbit_name;schema = hive

Considering ZooKeeper is installed in the local system, the port configured is 2181, the drill path is “drill” and drillbit name is “drillbits1”, the connection string may be among the following commands.

jdbc:drill:zk = localhost:2181
jdbc:drill:zk = localhost:2181/drill/dillbits1
jdbc:drill:zk = localhost:2181/drill/dillbits1;schema = hive

if the drill is installed in a distributed mode, we can replace the “localhost” with the list of drill installed system IP/name as shown in the following command.

jdbc:drill:zk =,;schema = hive

The connection to drill is just like any other JDBC interface. Now, create a new maven project with "com.tutorialspoint.drill.samples" as the package name and “connect-drill” as the application name.

Then, update the following code in “App.java” file. The coding is simple and self-explanatory. The query used in the application is the default JSON file packaged into drill.


package com.tutorialspoint.drill.samples;
import java.sql.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class App{

   public static void main( String[] args ) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException{
      // load the JDBC driver
      // Connect the drill using zookeeper drill path
      Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:drill:zk = localhost:2181/drill/drillbits1");
      // Query drill
      Statement st = connection.createStatement();
      ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * from cp.`employee.json` LIMIT 3");
      // Fetch and show the result
         System.out.println("Name: " + rs.getString(2));

Now add following drill dependency tag to “pom.xml” file.


Now, you can compile the application by using the following command.

mvn clean package

Once the application is compiled, execute it using the following command.

java -cp target/connect-drill-1.0.jar:/path/to/apache-drill-1.6.0/jars/
   jdbc-driver/drill-jdbc-all-1.6.0.jar com.tutorialspoint.drill.samples.App

The output of this application list is the name of the first three employees available in “employee.json” file and it will show in the console as shown in the following program.


Name: Sheri Nowmer
Name: Derrick Whelply
Name: Michael Spence

Apache Drill - Custom Function

Apache Drill has an option to create custom functions. These custom functions are reusable SQL functions that you develop in Java to encapsulate the code that processes column values during a query.

Custom functions can perform calculations and transformations that the built-in SQL operators and functions do not provide. Custom functions are called from within a SQL statement, like a regular function, and return a single value. Apache Drill has custom aggregate function as well and it is still evolving. Let us see how to create a simple custom function in this section.

IsPass Custom Function

Apache Drill provides a simple interface, “DrillSimpleFunc”, which we have to implement to create a new custom function. The “DrillSimpleFunc” interface has two methods, “setup” and “eval”. The “setup” method is to initialize necessary variables. “eval” method is actual method used to incorporate the custom function logic. The “eval” method has certain attributes to set function name, input and output variables.

Apache Drill provide a list of datatype to hold input and output variable like BitHolder, VarCharHolder, BigIntHolder, IntHolder, etc. We can use these datatypes to pass on information between drill and custom function. Now, let us create a new application using Maven with “com.tutorialspoint.drill.function” as the package name and “is-pass” as the library name.

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId = com.tutorialspoint.drill.function -DartifactId =
   is-pass -DarchetypeArtifactId = maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode = false


  • -DgroupId &minus package name

  • -DartifactId &minus argument

Then remove the App.java file and create new java file and name it as “IsPassFunc.java”. This java file will hold out custom function logic. The custom function logic is to check whether the particular student is secured pass in a particular subject by checking his mark with cutoff mark. The student mark will be first input and it will change according to the record.

The second input is the cutoff mark, which will be a constant and does not change for different records. The custom function will implement “DrillSimpleFunc” interface and just check whether the given input is higher than the cutoff. If the input is higher, then if returns true, otherwise false.

The coding is as follows −

Coding: IsPassFunc.java

package com.tutorialspoint.drill.function;

import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import io.netty.buffer.DrillBuf;

import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.DrillSimpleFunc;

import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.annotations.FunctionTemplate;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.annotations.Output;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.annotations.Param;

import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.holders.BigIntHolder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.holders.BitHolder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.holders.NullableVarCharHolder;
import org.apache.drill.exec.expr.holders.VarCharHolder;

import javax.inject.Inject;

// name of the function to be used in drill
   name = “ispass",
   scope = FunctionTemplate.FunctionScope.SIMPLE,
   nulls = FunctionTemplate.NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL

public class IsPassFunc implements DrillSimpleFunc {

   // input - student mark
   BigIntHolder input;
   // input - cutoff mark, constant value
   @Param(constant = true)
   BigIntHolder inputCutOff;
   // output - true / false
   BitHolder out;
   public void setup() { }
   // main logic of the function. checks mark with cutoff and returns true / false.
   public void eval() {
      int mark = (int) input.value;
      int cutOffMark = (int) inputCutOff.value;
      if(mark >= cutOffMark)
      out.value = 1;
      out.value = 0;

Now, you can create a resource file @ is-pass/src/main/resources/drill-module.conf and place the following code into it.

drill {
   classpath.scanning {
      base.classes : ${?drill.classpath.scanning.base.classes} [
      packages : ${?drill.classpath.scanning.packages} [

Apache Drill uses this configuration file to find the custom function class in the jar file. A jar file can have any number of custom function and it should be properly configured here.

Finally, add the following configuration in “pom.xml” to properly compile the custom function in maven.


Change the following settings in “pom.xml” file.



After making all the changes, create a package using the following command.

mvn clean package

Maven will create the necessary jars, is-pass-1.0.jar & is-pass-1.0-sources.jar in the "target" folder. Now, copy the jar files and place it @ /path/to/apache-drill/jars/3rdparty in all the drill nodes.

After jar files are place properly in all the drillbits, restart all the drillbits, open a new drill shell and then execute the query as shown in the following program.


select name, ispass(mark1, 35) as is_pass from dfs.`/Users/../Workspace/drill_sample/student_list.json` limit 3;


name is_pass
Adam true
Amit true
Bob true

Apache Drill custom functions are simple to create and provides great extension capabilities to drill query language.

Apache Drill - Contributors

Apache Drill supports many of today's best industrial applications. Some of these contributors are −

  • Oracle
  • IBM Netezza
  • Clustrix
  • Pentaho


Apache Drill is a schema free SQL engine and scales up to 10,000 servers or more to process petabytes of data and trillions of records in less than a second. Apache Drill uses pure data flow through the memory and extensible architecture.
