- Scala Tutorial
- Scala - Home
- Scala - Overview
- Scala - Features
- Scala - Environment Setup
- Scala - Build Tool (SBT)
- Scala - REPL
- Scala - Dot & Dotty
- Scala - Basic Syntax
- Scala - Hello World Program
- Scala - Identifiers
- Scala - Keywords
- Scala - Comments
- Scala - Code Blocks
- Scala - Semicolon
- Scala - Constructs
- Scala - Expressions
- Scala - Input and Output
- Scala - Optional Braces
- Scala - Underscore (_)
- Data Types and Variables
- Scala - Data Types
- Scala - Type Bounds
- Scala - Context Bound
- Scala - Variances
- Scala - Type Hierarchy
- Scala - Variables
- Scala - Variable Scopes
- Scala - Literals
- Scala - Numeric Types
- Scala - Boolean Types
- Scala - Char Type
- Scala - Unit Types
- Scala - Strings
- Scala - Arrays
- Scala - Null Type
- Scala - Nothing
- Scala - Any Type
- Scala - AnyRef Type
- Scala - Unified Types
- Scala - Dates and Times
- Scala - Ranges
- Scala - Multidimensional Arrays
- Scala - WrappedArray
- Scala - StringBuilder
- Scala - String Interpolation
- Scala - StringContext
- Scala - Type Casting
- Scala var vs val
- Scala Operators
- Scala - Operators
- Scala - Rules for Operators
- Scala - Arithmetic Operators
- Scala - Relational Operators
- Scala - Logical Operators
- Scala - Bitwise Operators
- Scala - Assignment Operators
- Scala - Operators Precedence
- Scala - Symbolic Operators
- Scala - Range Operator
- Scala - String Concatenation Operator
- Scala Conditional Statements
- Scala - IF ELSE
- Scala - IF-ELSE-IF-ELSE Statement
- Scala - Nested IF-ELSE Statement
- Scala Loop Statements
- Scala - Loop Statements
- Scala - while Loop
- Scala - do-while Loop
- Scala - Nested Loops
- Scala - for Loop
- Scala - break Statement
- Scala - yield Keyword
- Scala Classes & Objects
- Scala - Classes & Objects
- Scala - Constructors
- Scala - Auxiliary Constructor
- Scala - Primary Constructor
- Scala - This Keyword
- Scala - Nested Classes
- Scala - Getters and Setters
- Scala - Object Private Fields
- Scala - Singleton Object
- Scala - Companion Objects
- Scala - Creating Executable Programs
- Scala - Stateful Object
- Scala - Enumerations
- Scala - Polymorphism
- Scala - Access Modifiers
- Scala - Extending a Class
- Scala Methods & Functions
- Scala - Functions
- Scala - Main Methods
- Scala - Functions Call-by-Name
- Scala - Functions with Named Arguments
- Scala - Function with Variable Arguments
- Scala - Recursion Functions
- Scala - Default Parameter Values
- Scala - Functions without Parameters
- Scala - Implicit Parameters
- Scala - Higher-Order Functions
- Scala - Nested Functions
- Scala - Extension Methods
- Scala - Anonymous Functions
- Partially Applied Functions
- Scala - Currying Functions
- Scala Collections
- Scala - Collections
- Scala - Lists
- Scala - Sets
- Scala - Maps
- Scala - Tuples
- Scala - Iterators
- Scala - Options
- Scala - Algebraic Data Types
- Scala Pattern Matching
- Scala - Pattern Matching
- Scala - Type Patterns
- Scala - Exception Handling
- Scala - Extractors
- Scala - Regular Expressions
- Scala Files I/O
- Scala - Files I/O
- Scala Advanced Concepts
- Scala - Closures
- Scala - Futures
- Scala - Promises
- Scala - Traits
- Scala - Trait Mixins
- Scala - Layered Traits
- Scala - Trait Linearization
- Scala - Sealed Traits
- Scala - Transparent Traits
- Scala - Literal Type Arithmetic
- Scala - Inline keyword
- Scala - Def, Var & Val
- Scala - Dropped Features
- Scala - BDD Testing
- Scala Useful Resources
- Scala - Quick Guide
- Scala - Cheatsheet
- Scala - Online Compiler
- Scala - Useful Resources
- Scala - Discussion
Scala - Tuples
Scala tuple combines a fixed number of items together so that they can be passed around as a whole. Unlike an array or list, a tuple can hold objects with different types but they are also immutable.
The following is an example of a tuple holding an integer, a string, and the console.
val t = (1, "hello", Console)
Which is syntactic sugar (short cut) for the following −
val t = new Tuple3(1, "hello", Console)
The actual type of a tuple depends upon the number and of elements it contains and the types of those elements. Thus, the type of (99, "Luftballons") is Tuple2[Int, String]. The type of ('u', 'r', "the", 1, 4, "me") is Tuple6[Char, Char, String, Int, Int, String]
Tuples are of type Tuple1, Tuple2, Tuple3 and so on. There currently is an upper limit of 22 in the Scala if you need more, then you can use a collection, not a tuple. For each TupleN type, where 1 <= N <= 22, Scala defines a number of element-access methods. Given the following definition −
val t = (4,3,2,1)
To access elements of a tuple t, you can use method t._1 to access the first element, t._2 to access the second, and so on. For example, the following expression computes the sum of all elements of t.
val sum = t._1 + t._2 + t._3 + t._4
You can use Tuple to write a method that takes a List[Double] and returns the count, the sum, and the sum of squares returned in a three-element Tuple, a Tuple3[Int, Double, Double]. They are also useful to pass a list of data values as messages between actors in concurrent programming.
Try the following example program. It shows how to use a tuple.
object Demo { def main(args: Array[String]) { val t = (4,3,2,1) val sum = t._1 + t._2 + t._3 + t._4 println( "Sum of elements: " + sum ) } }
Save the above program in Demo.scala. The following commands are used to compile and execute this program.
\>scalac Demo.scala \>scala Demo
Sum of elements: 10
Iterate over the Tuple
You can use Tuple.productIterator() method to iterate over all the elements of a Tuple.
Try the following example program to iterate over tuples.
object Demo { def main(args: Array[String]) { val t = (4,3,2,1) t.productIterator.foreach{ i =>println("Value = " + i )} } }
Save the above program in Demo.scala. The following commands are used to compile and execute this program.
\>scalac Demo.scala \>scala Demo
Value = 4 Value = 3 Value = 2 Value = 1
Converting to String
You can use Tuple.toString() method to concatenate all the elements of the tuple into a string. Try the following example program to convert to String.
object Demo { def main(args: Array[String]) { val t = new Tuple3(1, "hello", Console) println("Concatenated String: " + t.toString() ) } }
Save the above program in Demo.scala. The following commands are used to compile and execute this program.
\>scalac Demo.scala \>scala Demo
Concatenated String: (1,hello,scala.Console$@281acd47)
Swap the Elements
You can use Tuple.swap method to swap the elements of a Tuple2.
Try the following example program to swap the elements.
object Demo { def main(args: Array[String]) { val t = new Tuple2("Scala", "hello") println("Swapped Tuple: " + t.swap ) } }
Save the above program in Demo.scala. The following commands are used to compile and execute this program.
\>scalac Demo.scala \>scala Demo
Swapped tuple: (hello,Scala)