GWT Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to GWT. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Answer : B


'inherits' tag in *.gwt.xml file adds other gwt module in application just like import does in java applications. Any number of modules can be inherited in this manner.

Q 3 - Do GWT compiler creates default Id attribute for its Widget by default?

A - true

B - false

Answer : B


No! By default, neither the browser nor GWT creates default id attributes for widgets.

Q 5 - Which of the following gwt widget acts as a suggestion box?

A - CheckBox

B - ListBox

C - SuggestBox

D - GWTSuggestionBox

Answer : C


SuggestBox widget acts as a suggestion box. SuggestBox widget represents a text box or text area which displays a pre-configured set of selections that match the user's input. Each SuggestBox is associated with a single SuggestOracle. The SuggestOracle is used to provide a set of selections given a specific query string.

Q 6 - Which of the following gwt widget represents a view of a tree?

A - Tree

B - MenuBar

C - CellTree

D - CellList

Answer : C


CellTree widget represents a view of a tree. This widget will only work in standards mode, which requires that the HTML page in which it is run have an explicit <!DOCTYPE> declaration.

Q 7 - Which of the following panel formats its child widgets using the default HTML layout behavior?

A - Panel

B - FlowPanel

C - HorizontalPanel

D - VerticalPanel

Answer : B


FlowPanel widget represents a panel that formats its child widgets using the default HTML layout behavior.

Q 8 - Which of the following GWT widget represents a panel that can pop up over other widgets?

A - Composite

B - FormPanel

C - PopupPanel

D - DialogBox

Answer : C


PopupPanel widget represents a panel that can pop up over other widgets. It overlays the browser's client area (and any previously-created popups).

Q 9 - Which of the following GWT widget represents a form of popup that has a caption area at the top and can be dragged by the user?

A - Composite

B - FormPanel

C - PopupPanel

D - DialogBox

Answer : D


DialogBox widget represents a form of popup that has a caption area at the top and can be dragged by the user. Unlike a PopupPanel, calls to PopupPanel.setWidth(String) and PopupPanel.setHeight(String) will set the width and height of the dialog box itself, even if a widget has not been added as yet.

Q 10 - Which of the following logger logs to Firebug console.

A - SystemLogHandler

B - DevelopmentModeLogHandler

C - ConsoleLogHandler

D - FirebugLogHandler

Answer : D


FirebugLogHandler logs to Firebug console.
