Statement and Arguments Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Statement and Arguments. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 1 - Statement: Should Sin tax be included in GST?


I. Yes, everyone and every product have right to equality.

II. No, as it is bad for society, there should be cascading of tax on it. So that people will be reluctant to use it.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Argument II is strong about Sin tax. However; argument I is very weak to support this statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 2 - Statement: Should India ban Chinese products in its market?


I. Yes, local manufacturers will be benefited.

II. No, it will hamper bilateral relationships.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


There are other means of getting benefit in business but stopping Chinese products will definitely hamper bilateral relations.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 3 - Statement: Should government ban red bricks and allow only white ash bricks for the construction of homes?


I. Yes, because red bricks are not environment friendly.

II. No, because the house made up of white bricks are not as strong as that of red ones.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


There are many ways to add strength to a brick but nothing is more important than the environment protection.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 4 - Statement: Should Mahatma Gandhi be awarded with prestigious posthumous noble prize?


I. Yes, he sacrificed his life for the freedom of India and Pakistan by the virtue of non-violence.

II. No, noble peace academy dishonoured him. There is no point of giving him award after the death.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Clearly argument II has no valid base. Gandhi has fought for noble cause and hence should be awarded with posthumously.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 5 - Statement: Should International cricket board stop Twenty 20 matches as it is reducing the quality of cricket?


I. Yes, ICC should focus more upon test cricket as it is the real cricket.

II. No, crowd enjoy more T-20 matches and it can be played simultaneously with Test crickets.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Argument I is not valid whereas; argument II states solid logic in support of the given statement.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 6 - Statement: Should our government increase the maximum age-limit for retirement in the government. services?


I. Yes, America and all the Scandinavian countries have done it.

II. Yes, Indian people live long and is the actual demand of lakh’s of employees.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


A law or system which succeeds in other countries may not succeed in our country too. So, argument I is not strong. But as lakhs of employees are demanding it because of longevity of life, argument II is justified.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 7 - Statement: Should hunting of even a small bird be banned across the country?


I. Yes, hunting is affecting the forests and in turn is affecting the ecological system.

II. No, as hunters will starve to death.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : A


Hunters can find veggies to eat but spoiling environment for their stomach is not right so argument I is strong.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 8 - Statement: Should all the government jobs be delinked from all the degrees and diplomas so that maximum number of students can apply for it?


I. Yes, it must be because many students are not able to apply for railway or psu jobs because of qualifications.

II. No, importance of good students and higher education will be diminished.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : B


Here argument II is very strong because if education will have no value then no one will value the scholars and country will fall.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 9 - Statement: Should government. pass a verdict to replace coal engines by electric engines?


I. Yes, air pollution can be minimised if coal engine will not be used.

II. No, we are not able to produce electricity even to fulfil our dayto-day household and official needs.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : E


Here both I and II arguments are strong.

Each of the following question consists of one statement followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of them is stronger and which one of them is weak.

Q 10 - Statement: Should all the new and big industries be established in Mumbai?


I. Yes, more job opportunities will be created.

II. No, the pollution of the city will increase further.

Options :

A - Only argument I is strong.

B - Only argument II is strong.

C - Either I or II is strong.

D - Neither I nor II is strong.

E - Both I and II are strong.

Answer : C


Here either of the any two can happen. Employment will increase upon the opening of new industries but simultaneously pollution will increase.
