Writebox a best google drives syncs

Writebox is a modest and distraction-free text editor, facilitates you to focus on writing and seamlessly syncs your written text across all devices, works on Chrome, iPhone/iPad and Android.

Definitely, people look for a plain text editor that can work on browser and phone both, and also having capability to syncs with Dropbox and Google Drive. These all qualities make users to choose this free online writing tool.

Writebox is a cross-platform text editor that displays a minimalistic user interface that is well-suited for distraction-free writing. It is similar like; Byword, Plaintext, and many-more. Like these editors, the main highlight of Writebox is its sync feature syncs your files to Dropbox and Google Docs.

Writebox text file can be opened by any text editor on any platform. Google Docs files can only be opened using Google Docs, otherwise you have to convert Google Doc to another format to work with your content. Writebox uses Google Docs to create and edit a document and Microsoft Word to setup a complex document for printing, but doesn’t replace Google Docs or Microsoft Word. It works differently.

With many merits, demerits are also there, in Writebox there is no auto-save option. To save the plain text on the Web and Chrome apps, you have to continuously press Sync or “Ctrl + S” button from keyboard. To save the plain text on Android or Apple mobile devices, just press the Sync.

To use Writebox on Web, no need to create an account, just open the web browser, upload it and start writing on it. Log-in is required, only when you want to sync your data with your Dropbox or Google Drive account, syncing required when you need to send the text files across different platforms otherwise syncing is not so necessary. For native need, save your work on local hard drive otherwise all changes that you made will wiped-off as soon as you clean your web browser’s cache.

How to use Writebox

Visit the Writebox product page and start writing on an extremely simple user interface with little formatting features.

Numbers of lines, words, and characters you type displays at the bottom of the window. It displays a toolbar at the top of the window.

To save the file, you need to authorize Writebox to access your Dropbox.

This tool has full authority to access entire Dropbox. In Dropbox you can edit the entire file. After getting authority, you can save your file anywhere in your Dropbox.


  • Easy to use

  • Fast-loading, no glitches or lags

  • Data sync on Dropbox and Google Drive

  • Provides keyboard shortcuts for easy access and 256-bit encryption

  • Distraction-free minimalistic UI for writing

  • You can convert your text file into “.txt” or HTML format

  • Provides features to edit and format the text such as; preview, print, full screen, change font color, font type and font size, also displays an overall word and character count.


  • It does not support auto-sync feature, that’s why you have to manually sync your files by clicking the “Sync” button or you can use “Ctrl+S” button from the keyboard.

  • It is very simple. Not much formatting options. You can’t give double-space, center any text, and you can’t change the font style.


It is a simple tool that works on one particular thing perfectly, specifically with Dropbox. It doesn’t resolve much formatting purpose, but to use and know Dropbox, it is best. Overall, it is not best but good and simple.

Updated on: 23-Oct-2019


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