Working and components of Linux GUI with Examples


Users can communicate with the system through an interface known as a GUI, or graphic user interface. Operating a GUI is a rather simple process. The activities are performed in the interface and are used as input before being delivered as a command to the system, which eventually ends the work.

Working of Linux GUI

A graphical user interface (GUI) is a way for users to communicate visually with a computer system using windows, icons, or images. The operating system's kernel is its beating heart, while the graphical user interface provided by the X Window System, also referred to as X, is its outward appearance.

The GUI makes it possible for the system to integrate the many layers of components—the topic of a separate part in this article—allowing users to perform tasks in accordance with their comfort and requirements. Utilizing a variety of technologies and devices will enable the development of a platform that offers users many ways to interact with the system.

In the modern world, graphical user interfaces are used practically everywhere, including ATMs, cell phones, programs for buying tickets, video games, etc. We can claim that a GUI operating system represents visually all user, device, and software interactions.

Components of Linux GUI

A graphical user interface-based operating system is made up of a variety of components. An operating system is created by combining these components. Additionally, by using these components, users can interact with the computer system and establish communication with it. Let's talk about the components of an operating system with a GUI.

  • Button − A button is a graphic representation of a button that, when clicked, performs an action. Consider that we have an exit button. When we click the exit button, that specific software will end and we will leave it.

  • Icon − A file, window application, programme, file, folder, or other object is graphically represented by an icon.

  • Dialogue Box − This is a screen-based informational box that resembles a pop-up window. Input from the user, such as hitting a key or inputting text, may also be requested; the response will depend on the input.

  • Tab − The top of a browser is where tabs are located. The many tabs reflect the various pages we are working on, and clicking over them allows us to change between them.

  • Toolbar − It is located at the application's very top. For that specific piece of software or application, it provides a clickable sub-option and manages its operations.

  • Panel − The menu, quick start items, minimized apps, and notification areas are just a few examples of the objects that can be found in a panel in Linux.

  • Menu − The term "menu" in Linux refers to a list of numerous groups from which users can select the option that best matches their needs. This component also provides an application search feature.

  • Ribbon − Some software actions are grouped together using ribbons, which take the place of the File menu.

  • Terminal Emulator − Those who prefer to work on the command line within the Linux GUI will be interested in this component.


Here are some examples of Linux operating systems with a GUI −

  • GNOME shell - For individuals who want to personalize their desktop environment, GNOME is fantastic, but it can be resource-intensive. Havoc Pennington and others created GNOME Terminal, a terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop environment. Users of terminal emulators can access a UNIX shell while still using their graphical desktop.

  • MATE - The successor to GNOME 2 is the MATE Desktop Environment. It offers a simple and appealing desktop environment for Linux and other Unix-like operating systems utilising conventional metaphors.

  • LXDE - LDXE has a gorgeous interface, multi-language support, common keyboard shortcuts, and extra features like tabbed file browsing. It is maintained by a global group of developers. Compared to other environments, LXDE consumes less CPU and RAM.

  • XFCE - With sophisticated features like limitless scrolling, a translucent background, tabs, drop-down menus, configurable fonts, and more, Xfce Terminal provides a straightforward and lightweight terminal.


In this article, First, we got to know the working of GUI. Then the article describes the various components that go into an efficient GUI and some benefits that are similar to GUI in Linux.

Each of our examples takes a different approach to achieve these objectives, and they all succeed in offering an experience that caters to the particular requirements of their user base.

Updated on: 01-Aug-2023


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