Why Your Online Privacy Matters

Online privacy is important because the Internet is filled with anonymous people whose intentions vary and are unpredictable. Identity is the most valuable asset on the Internet, and hence, we need to protect it from potential imposters or hackers.

This post aims to bring your attention to why online privacy is important.

What is Online Privacy?

Internet privacy refers to the right or obligation to protect one's personal information, whether stored, repurposed, shared with third parties, or shown through the Internet. Data privacy is a subset of internet privacy. Since the start of computer networking, privacy issues have been expressed.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and non-PII information, such as a website visitor's behaviour, are both examples of privacy. Any information used to identify an individual is referred to as PII.

For example, without expressly giving a person's name, age, and physical address alone might indicate who they are, as these two criteria are often distinctive enough to identify a specific person. Other types of PII may eventually include app-generated GPS tracking data, as everyday commuting and routine information might be enough to identify an individual.

Threats to Online Privacy

  • Weak Passwords − Using weak, predictable passwords or redundant passwords on all platforms can make it easier to hack.

  • Phishing Attacks − By posing as a legitimate website, it may collect information such as credit card details. Checking the current webpage before entering information is a good way to keep your information safe online.

  • Unsecure Browsing − Using third-party encryption apps and encrypting SD cards, and setting lockdown mode can make browsing secure. A VPN service can help keep your surfing patterns hidden from your internet provider and other third parties.

  • Malware − Malware such as Trojan horses, ransomware, and other types of malware may wreak havoc on your computer. These assaults might happen without you even realising it.

Why Online Privacy Matters?

  • The more information someone has about you, the more influence they have over you. Personal information may be utilised to make life-altering decisions. It can be used to harm your reputation, sway your decisions, or influence your actions. It may also be used as a method to gain control over your life. Your data may be exploited to damage or even kill you if it falls into the wrong hands.

  • You can properly control your reputation if you have privacy. Your prospects, friendships, and overall well-being are all influenced by how you're perceived by others. Although you cannot have complete control over your reputations, you must be able to safeguard them from being hurt unfairly. And this is dependent on how you guard against certain lies and truths.

  • You must set boundaries between yourself and other members of society. They must also be both physical and informative. To feel comfortable and at peace, you need to go to areas where you can be alone. You can better control these limits if you have privacy. Breaking these rules might result in unpleasant social situations and have a bad influence on your relationships. Furthermore, seclusion reduces the amount of social friction you experience in your daily life. You don't want everyone to know everything about your life, and you don't always want to know everything about other people's lives, too.

  • Privacy brings about respect. It is rude to disregard an individual's legitimate desire to keep some information private. Of course, the need for privacy might clash with certain principles, which is why it doesn't always win out in the end.

  • Respect is earned via privacy. Disregarding a person's genuine wish to keep some information private is impolite. Of course, the need for privacy may conflict with some beliefs, which is why it does not always prevail.

Updated on: 28-Dec-2021


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