Why you must use twitter for networking

How wonderful, if we could be able to develop a valuable business network online?

Yes, it is possible through “Twitter” – A real-time communication hub makes a great business networking platform. By improving and implementing our social networking skills to this fast-paced environment, Twitter can be used as a starting point to build a strong business network.

For twitter’s networking,

  • Network to those with whom you need connection for longer period.

  • Find different – different ways to build relationships with right people.

Just like, in the real world how we find and apply different – different ways to communicate with right people.

These are 8 different ways to start networking on Twitter.

Show Others What You Want to Talk About

The initial stage on talking starts from presenting that on which topic or field you are interested the most. There are several ways to show your areas of interest,

  • Upload your picture using Twitter bio, which shows your personality

  • Your content should clearly show others that what you like to talk about

  • Use hashtags in your tweets to share the talks you are interested in

  • Use Twitter list to present others; who all are important to you

By paying attention, you can send strong message to others that on what you are interested in and you will call people you want to connect with most.

Rights to take correct Action

In real world, as how we say; our first impression is our last impression; Twitter also follows the same thing – people who joins Twitter their first impression always counts, because others who notice you, get attracted first by contents written on you profile page and they also notice the actions you take. Profile page handles your photo, your name, the page you link to and your bio. Others who notice you also notice; do you have around the same number of followers as the number of people following you? Do you have auto settings to follow everyone? Do you send a personalized welcome message which some time looks like an automated message? Does it encourage something or does it display you need to connect and care?

There is no any proper guideline which can help you in communication with others. People, who are really interested to spread their link, have to think deeply to get innovative ideas.

Twitter monitoring might help you in explaining that how to make good first impression. This regular monitoring will also keep you up-to date on any changing trends in Twitter etiquette so you can adjust your tactics when needed.

Retweet Others

Do you feel shy or uncomfortable to communicate with others on Twitter? Here is the solution; Retweeting is an excellent method to start networking with others because usually people need to do something extra (like; some personal comments to the retweet) to get response from others. Judge, how others involve with people and copy the one you like.

Shout Out to People on Twitter

If you don’t know how to and from where to start the networking, and how to follow others on Twitter, Here you will get some ideas to shout out to people on Twitter to get them to notice you.

  • Watch others by #FollowFriday or #ff; do this by just saying something nice about the person with their Twitter ID.

  • Another option is a public mention of someone you proud.

Network to ‘Other’ Social Talks

As compare to other social networking site, twitter shows more conversation and also shows how others are paying attention towards your conversation.

When you see someone birthday on Facebook, you can send a “Happy Birthday” message to the same person on Twitter through their @name to just show you are paying attention on their message.

When you see a great conversation on alert(“XSS”);, link it to Twitter with the @name of the author. Like this, when you see an interesting blog post, share the link and take the time to discover and mention the author’s @name in your tweet.

Focus on Tweets to Occupy Conversations

After seeing that others are interested in you, it’s time to take your networking up and start the real conversation to engage them with you.

One of the coolest methods is to reply to a tweet and add value,

  • Involve valuable information.

  • Ask some interesting question.

  • Express that you are honestly interested in the topic.

Present People

As you meet more people on Twitter, you’ll see people with similar interests. Initiate yourself to present others; a great way of strengthen your own network because by this way others will admire your presentations and will try to make good relation.


Twitter is not just a social networking site, using this we can get updates of other networking site, new updates, advertisements, etc. It provides very strong network not only with twitter users, also with other network user. Good in term of online business too.

Updated on: 23-Oct-2019


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