Why Training Doesn’t Help Your Organization!

The first day of any employee, be a fresher or an experienced person, will always start off with a training session. The day long training completes with numerous amount of information, but does so much effort made by the Organization is worth the money invested in the training.

We all agree training is the key to a well-motivated, knowledgeable and efficient staff. However, here we are going to discuss the top reasons on why the training sessions do not help your employees, and why this whole expenditure on training is not fruitful. We will check out the conditions because of which the training has become a norm in the Organizations instead of completing the purpose.

Trainer-trainee Partnership

A training session can never be fruitful because of the trainer. You can get the best and most knowledgeable trainer but unless the trainees are responding, the training sessions can never be effective. But before we discuss further, here are few good points in favour of training:

  • Training gives an employee confidence to perform well and give good service.
  • Customers notice this confidence, and bring more business to the Organization.
  • Training identifies those weak areas due to which the revenue is “left on the table”.
  • It also helps in training the staff in the identified areas which can help the Organization
  • A well-trained staff provides the management time to focus on other aspects of the business.
  • Training helps an organization in capturing new markets with the help of newly acquired skills.

A training department or a training session is only fruitful if there is any outcome coming from it. The focus these days is to pull out a list of training dates embedded on a monthly calendar, which does more to justify the training manager’s position than changing the behavior of the employees. Here are some points which justify that your training sessions may not be effective.

Low Customer Satisfaction Scores −

It is a vicious circle. If the customer satisfaction scores are poor, then the solution to it is ‘training of staff’. If still, the scores are poor, then train more. This solution is not always training, it is the evaluation of root cause. If the scores are still not improving then we need to look around for other factors. Training won’t help if there simply aren’t enough employees scheduled to handle those lunchtime rushes or the cashier stations during a busy holiday week.

Not Enough Repeat Business

Are your customers made to feel appreciated when they come into your business or are they treated as a burden? It is extremely difficult to train someone to be polite and put others first (your customers). The soft skills can be trained and taught but till a limit. You cannot change the nature of the staff.

Customers expect to build a business relationship with the people they deal with, as this provides them the trust factor they need when they go for bigger purchases. If the customer doesn’t think that his/her business is being respected, they have other options.

Applying Right Tools For The Job

You have held a training session which was very interactive and all the participants enjoyed the session. The trainer was very good, but still, there is no great outcome from it. We need to evaluate the training properly. Maybe the topic was not useful for the employees from the job perspective.

Great training can fix many ills but without the tools, equipment, and supplies, etc. don’t expect much. A good training session with all the knowledge imparted by the trainer is not effective unless the participants is given hands-on sessions and real life scenarios.

Bad Trainers

Just because someone has years of experience doing a specific job doesn’t mean he/she is a good trainer and can pass along the needed information in an easy-to-understand and relate-able manner. Imparting training is an art. The good trainers help the trainees understand the complex method with an ease.

Some employees don’t want to learn anything out of the training session. They just refuse and rebel against any form of change. It is really important to understand the process of the training. It won’t be effective if the trainer and participants don’t gel.

Excessive Workload

The participants should be free from the workload. I have seen many Organizations who ensure the participants are attending the training but their current workload is not decreased. The participants are expected to complete the workload by staying late or working parallel to the training session.

Often the people are constantly checking their emails and responding to them due to the high expectations of being present at both the places. To a training successful, you need the right trainer and the right audience who are ready to pull out all the knowledge from the trainer.

Final Notes on Training Employees

  • Constant practice helps participants understand how the skills can be used.
  • Various scenarios from real life help the participants understand the skills used.
  • Through practice, participants learn to avoid errors. This increases their productivity.

Training cannot help in changing behavior. It can work only as a mode to transfer knowledge and introduce skills but must be supported by other factors.

Updated on: 24-Jan-2020


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