Why Postponing Software Updates Puts You at Risk

While it may appear to be harmless to put off a software update, you could be putting yourself at considerable risk. Over the last decade, the number of programs we use on desktop and mobile has skyrocketed, and they all require regular system updates. We understand that software updates can be a little tedious sometimes, however there are reasons why you should never skip these updates.

What is the Significance of Software Updates?

  • Receiving an update notification should always be a positive experience. It signifies that someone is still working to improve, secure, and streamline the software.

  • New features and improvements may be included through software updates. Perhaps the App developers have finally included that feature you've been requesting since March!

  • Security is also dependent on updates. They address security flaws in the software that hackers could exploit. Because security patches were postponed, many big hacks occurred.

Points to Note before You Update Your Software

You may be eager to begin upgrading every App on your phone if you understand how critical security updates are. Before you update your software, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Updates to software can occasionally cause problems. Because App developers don't have the resources to test their software on every device, they focus on the most popular platforms when developing and updating their apps. Things occasionally go wrong due to incompatibility issues with the software on other platforms.

  • Look up for a software update on Google before installing it. If the update has any system-breaking issues, you may find out from other users' reviews.

  • Even if everything looks to be in order, backing up your data before applying an update is a smart practice just in case.

Can Updates Slow Down Your Gadgets?

As you use your smartphone more, you may notice that it becomes slower. This is especially true in the case of cell phones. Is this due to a recent software update?

Both, Yes and No. Yes, because most software upgrades fix a specific issue or include a new function. In both circumstances, there's a chance that the program will consume more resources and, as a result, slow down your smartphone.

However, keep in mind that while you use your device online, it gradually fills up with trash data. Your phone or tablet will slow down if you don't remove cookies and cache data on a regular basis.

How to Easily Update Your Programs

Installing updates can be unpleasant, but it's necessary to keep your devices safe if you do it on a regular basis. Here are a few things to jot down which will help you keep on top of the latest software updates and make the process go more smoothly.

  • Keep up with the latest news. Look for forums and online communities where other users share their software upgrade experiences. Users frequently examine and discuss software when operating systems are updated, emphasising any faults that have arisen. Setting up Google Alerts is also a good idea for any program you're interested in so you can be the first to be notified when a new version is released.

  • Some third-party programs can help you with this. While many external devices must be updated manually, computer programs and operating systems may often be updated automatically. Maximum you will have to do is set up a third-party program that runs in the background, looks for updates, and automatically installs them.

  • Activate auto-updates. Many apps will automatically check for updates, and others will even install them in the background. Check your settings to see which apps can have auto-updates enabled.

  • Remove any programs that you don't want. If you're not using any apps, it's unlikely that you'll update them. As a general rule, deleting unneeded apps is the best approach to ensure you don't leave any back doors accessible to hackers.

  • Look at the release notes. When new software upgrades are issued, release notes are frequently included. New features, system modifications, and security vulnerabilities are frequently detailed in release notes. Taking out the time to read through your latest update is always worth it to get the most out of it.

Maintain Your Security with the Most Recent Upgrades

Updates to your software correct security holes and protect your data. Not just your info, but everyone in your vicinity. Because hackers with access to your out-of-date software can launch phishing attacks on your contacts, keeping your apps up-to-date will keep your family, friends, and co-workers safe.

Although security updates frequently arrive at the most inconvenient times, you should still install them as quickly as possible.

What Could You Do to Protect Your Device?

While it's critical to keep your software up to date, there's a lot more you can do to keep yourself safe. Here are a few more suggestions to keep your online experience safer −

  • Use secure passwords and avoid clicking on questionable links, banners, and attachments since they might infect your machine with unwanted software, advertisements, or even malware. Passwords are vital to your system's security, so be sure they're strong and unique. Forget about the standard "password123" and similar passwords.

  • Use a virtual private network (VPN). It will help you encrypt your traffic and change your IP address, allowing you to remain safe and anonymous. No one will be able to watch what you do on the Internet or steal your personal information.

Updated on: 16-Feb-2022


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