Why must dictionary keys be immutable in Python?

To understand why dictionary keys must be immutable. Let us related it to hash table. The hash table implementation of dictionaries uses a hash value calculated from the key value to find the key. If let’s say the key was a mutable object, its value could change, and thus its hash could also change.

As stated above, since whoever changes the key object can’t tell that it was being used as a dictionary key, it can’t move the entry around in the dictionary. Then,

  • When you try to look up the same object in the dictionary it won’t be found because its hash value is different.

  • If you tried to look up the old value it wouldn’t be found either, because the value of the object found in that hash bin would be different.

If you want a dictionary indexed with a list, follow these steps −

  • Convert the list to a tuple first
  • The function tuple(myList) creates a tuple with the same entries as the list myList.
  • Tuples are immutable and can therefore be used as dictionary keys.

Convert List to Tuple


To convert List to Tuple, use the tuple() −

# Creating a List mylist = ["Jacob", "Harry", "Mark", "Anthony"] # Displaying the List print("List = ",mylist) # Convert List to Tuple res = tuple(mylist) print("Tuple = ",res)


List =  ['Jacob', 'Harry', 'Mark', 'Anthony']
Tuple =  ('Jacob', 'Harry', 'Mark', 'Anthony')

Tuple as Keys


Now, we will see an example where first we convert list to tuple, then tuple is set as keys −

# Creating a List mylist = ["Jacob", "Harry", "Mark", "Anthony"] # Displaying the List print("List = ",mylist) # Convert List to Tuple res = tuple(mylist) print("Tuple = ",res) dct = {2:"num","demo":"string"} print("Dictionary = ") print(dct) # Overwrite existing value with a tuple dct[2]=res print("\nUpdated Dictionary (Tuple as Key)...") print(dct)


('List = ', ['Jacob', 'Harry', 'Mark', 'Anthony'])
('Tuple = ', ('Jacob', 'Harry', 'Mark', 'Anthony'))
Dictionary = 
{'demo': 'string', 2: 'num'}

Updated Dictionary (Tuple as Key)...
{'demo': 'string', 2: ('Jacob', 'Harry', 'Mark', 'Anthony')}

Updated on: 19-Sep-2022

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