Why is Java a Robust Programming Language?

Java is a programming language and it is called by different names for its work. These names are called robust programming, object-oriented programming, secure programming languages, etc. But here we discuss Java as a robust programming language.

Java is a robust programming language that can manage run-time errors because it checks the programming code through in run-time and compile time. If a Java virtual machine (JVM) detects a runtime error, it does not report it to the underlying platform. Rather, it will suspend or terminate the program and prevent this from causing any damage to the system.

Therefore, we are giving you some information about robust programming languages.

Robust Programming Language

Robust means strong and healthy where robust programming language refers to a strong programming language. Strong programming handles unforeseen terminations and actions. It requires code to precisely communicate errors to gracefully handle these exclusions and actions. By using these error messages, the user can more easily troubleshoot the program.

To give you a better understanding of why java is a robust programming language, we've listed a few features below.

A few Features to be Aware of Java is a Robust Programming Language.

Platform Independent

Java can be written once and executed anywhere, giving the impression that it is independent. Also, It works with various operating systems (OS). This feature has earned Java the moniker "Platform Independent Language." Also, java runs on both hardware and software platforms. So, behind the scene JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is what makes it platform independent and contributes towards Robustness of Java.

Highly Supported Language

The java programming language is widely used. The compiler checks the program code to detect if there are any errors, and the translator detects run-time errors or compile-time errors and keeps the system from crashing.

Runtime Management

Java compiler offers a managed runtime that successfully and efficiently enables Java programs and rules to be usable.

Its power comes from the idea of writing once and running almost anywhere with a JVM. Java offers a secure environment as well. It's interesting to note that JVM also supports connecting, so changing interconnections in existing programs doesn't require recompiling.

Automatic Garbage Collection

The "garbage collector" is the moniker for Java's autonomous memory systematic approach. Therefore, our program does not need to include memory management logic.

The Java Virtual Machine automatically removes objects that appear to no longer be recognized by a Java application through the rubbish collection. In other statements, it is a method of disposing of unuseful objects.

Automatic Memory Management

Java is a robust programming language because it employs powerful memory management. In Java, the term "memory management" refers to the procedure of assigning and freeing memory for objects. Java automatically handles the memory management system.

Type Checking

Java's robust type-checking mechanism also contributes to its robustness. Java files run on various platforms will use the same amount of memory because they allow users to catch exceptions in the event of garbage collection.

In summary, we describe these overall reasons in single lines that give more knowledge about robust java programs.

The Reasons are −

  • It makes use of efficient memory management.

  • Since there are no pointers, security issues are prevented.

  • The JVM still uses the automatic garbage collection feature of Java, which enables the removal of objects that are no longer required by Java applications.

  • Java has both a type-checking system and an exception-handling system. These factors work together to make Java robust.

Wrapping up

Java has a powerful memory management system and an automatic garbage collection system. Unlike other programming languages, it offers a robust exception-handling and type-checking mechanism.

The compiler, which confirms that there are no program errors, safeguards the system from crashes. The interpreter verifies any run-time errors.

Therefore, from the above, we know why Java is a robust programming language.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023

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