Why does cleaning a computer matter?

Before starting this article, let me tell you something that you might not be aware of; that is February 13th every year is known to be "Nation Clean Out Your Computer Day".

By cleaning, we do not mean cleaning off the dust from your hardware devices like your CPU, cleaning your desktop screen, or arranging your PC table, which most Indian mothers typically do once a week while dusting the house. Here, cleaning your computer means removing the unwanted files and software from the system, keeping your hard drives free from unwanted storage, and keeping all the required programs up to date.

Why is it Important to Clean a Computer?

The obvious question which comes to mind is, why one should bother cleaning a computer?

The primary reason behind it is that it keeps your data protected. Also,updating all the software, specifically anti-virus and anti-malware programs, up to date minimizes the chances of any loopholes in the program's security, ensuring that viruses, malware, and remote "hackers" stay out of your system.

Not only this, a regular backup of all the required files might help you when you accidentally delete some of your files. Also, defragmenting your hard drives properly might save them from getting corrupted, and deleting unused programs will increase the system's efficiency.

Hence, cleaning your computer is essential.

How to Clean Up the Software?

Now we all know how to remove the fingerprints from the screen or dust near the PC, but let us see how to clean up the software −

(It's essential to clean the "mind" as much as you clean the "body")

  • Keep a backup of all your data for obvious reasons like they come in handy if any data gets misplaced or even when you want to transfer your device. Now you can back up all your data either in some physical location like hard drives or even store them online in "clouds," which makes sure your data is secure. Also, don't forget to back up every week and not just once since more the new files you add, faster back up you need to create for those files.

  • Always keep your anti-virus and anti-malware programs up-todate so that there are no chances of any loopholes in the program's security, ensuring that viruses, malware, and remote "hackers" stay out of your system.

  • Whenever you update your software, check that you only keep that software in devices you regularly use so that no space is getting used by some unwanted app or software. This will also improve the RAM efficiency of your system.

  • Also, always make sure that your PC workspace is clean, and only that software is present there, which you need daily, and all shortcuts are deleted.

  • Inside your main hard drive, make sure you don't just pile up files in one folder, it's essential to keep your files organized in different folders as that makes it easy to search the file you require, and you can easily remove unwanted files in this way from your device.

  • Also, along with cleaning the fingerprints on the screen, it's imperative that you also clean your digital footprints. That is, whenever you sign in to some new site, make sure you log out before leaving or remove your search history if you did any search for some sensitive data into your browser and never allow any sites to save your info like name, passwords, social security number or bank information. This will keep you away from a lot of trouble happening online.

  • And, the last step would be to wipe out all the devices which are not helpful to you, for example, any pen drive or hard disk which you might no longer use. You can give them away to someone who needs them or sell them to some store but before giving your system, make sure that you factory reset and remove all the backup from that device. Otherwise, it may lead to some identity theft or stealing of your data, or hacking your device.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2021


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