Why do we need Good Manners?

Good manners mean the social and polite behavior that a person possesses. Good manners play a vital role in building human relations. It is the back bone of a stable social pattern. Good manners imply towards the certain values and behavior of human relationship which keeps the society alive.

Good Manners refers to being humble, polite, respectful, courteous and well-cultured social behavior. A well-mannered man/woman is respected and esteemed wherever he goes and in whatever condition of life, he may be. Among students, in particular, the preservation of good manners is a boon and it costs nothing.

Why do we need Good Manners

We all know that human life today has become very hectic and tiresome. we live in a hugely diversified society and life. Generally, the common thought elders have in today's society is those good manners have started to fall out of our life, but, this can be explained.

  • We all need good manners because manners imply stable values. It is well-known fact that good manners do not depend on society but the society depends on good manners.

  • The values such as loyalty, respect, and gratitude are the fundamentals of a quality character. Our social value and family ethics are derived from the respect we show towards those qualities.

  • We often see a highly educated son/daughter bowing down to their parents because that is a part of social and family ethics.

  • Good manners even play a huge role at big international meetings as you would be representing your country. Any bad or ill-mannered move you do will leave a mark on the nation's character. What is the use of reciting Bible and the Geeta, but behaving like a fraud?

  • Good manners are an index of the degree of refinement, whether it is an individual, in a society or in a nation. The mode of observing such manners do change.

However, the definition of being hospitable has changed over the course of years as it is not the same as it used to be in the ancient days. But to be hospitable to have a good society will not change as it depends on a nice lively-hood. Things, like lying about something or being rude or taking advantage of one's goodness, were bad and will remain bad.

Even though the norms of human behavior may change in today's fast growing social life but the importance and status of Good Manners will never change. Moral values and Good Manners are closed linked to one another.

Good manners play a key role in giving a successful life. People have become truly hard pressed for time. Good manners have always played an important role in one's life and will continue to do so till the end of mankind. There's nothing wrong in having good manners and it has a major contribution in how you present yourself.

Updated on: 26-Jun-2020

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