Why confidentiality is required in information system?

Confidentiality defines that sensitive information should be prohibited from being disclosed to illegal parties. There are generally two methods, or an amalgamation of these, in the course of which confidentiality can be supported. One method is to limit access to the information that should be maintain undisclosed. The other method is to encrypt the secret information. Confidentiality is at times also referred to as secrecy.

The goals of security are confidentiality. It can strengthen internal control and restrict unauthorized access from both internal and external factors, thereby securing the confidentiality and integrity of resources and assets.

Role-based security methods can be employed to provide user or viewer authorization. For example, data access levels can be authorized to specified department staff.

The principle of confidentiality includes restricting data access strictly to authorised personnel. Users have a responsibility to provide they keep secure access control systems, including both logical (e.g. PC passwords) and physical restrictions (e.g. ID cards).

For this reason, it is essential that all employees receive thorough training in information security alertness and best practices. It is necessary to limit information sharing and state availability restrictions so confidentiality is not negligently breached.

Passwords are basic means of securing information. A strong password is at least 8 characters long, contains upper and lower case letters, numbers, and unique symbols. Passwords should not be shared (even with your colleagues or IT supporters) and should be changed directly if discovered. Changing the password regularly enables hackers less time to guess it and stops them from using the account if they have already obtained the password. It can change the password at least once every 90 days.

Confidentiality provides that data exchanged is not applicable to unauthorized users. The users could be applications, procedures, other systems and humans. When designing a system, adequate control structure to enforce confidentiality should be in place, and policies that indicate what authorized users can and cannot do with the data.

The more sensitive the information, the larger the level of confidentiality. Therefore, all sensitive information should always be controlled and monitored. It can keep confidentiality in automotive systems, data needs to be protected internal and external the vehicle, while it is stored (data at rest), while it is transmitted (data in act), and while it is processed (data in use).

Memory protection can be used to data in use. Cryptography is excellent for securing the confidentiality of data at rest and data in motion, but maintain in mind that it imposes computational complexity and increases latency, therefore it must be used with caution in time-sensitive systems.

Updated on: 09-Mar-2022


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