Why an Antivirus is not enough to secure your device?

Traditional antivirus solutions are not enough in a world where cyberattacks are on the rise. Forward-thinking enterprises are shifting toward more preventive anti-malware solutions as confidence in detection-based security declines, and after-the-fact treatment for a single threat becomes increasingly expensive.

The reality is that, as our dependency on the internet grows, as does malware's rapid spread, it's becoming increasingly difficult to keep our gadgets from becoming infected. That implies that depending just on antivirus software to protect your PC and personal information will leave you vulnerable to an expanding number of dangers.

Why an Antivirus is Not Enough

Here are some of the reasons why antivirus software isn't enough to protect your device −

Each Virus Has a Lifespan Before Being Detected

Before anti-malware programmers can train their software to detect and eradicate a detected attack, they must first understand how the virus works. It could take anywhere from an hour to a month to complete this task. As a result, a new virus will usually be able to infect many companies before security vendors can expertly adapt antivirus protection to block it. The authors of malware and viruses are well aware of this. They build and release new threats regularly because they know that each virus has a finite lifespan before being detected.

Initially, antivirus providers could keep up with the emergence of new cybersecurity threats, but in recent years, this has become increasingly difficult.

Antivirus Solutions Cannot Secure Your Data on Cloud Services

Spamming via social media profiles and access to personal cloud services are two different types of attacks that can go undetected by consumers. Spamming assaults send spam and links to malicious websites to your contacts, who may or may not notify you that you have been hacked.

As more people and businesses adopt cloud computing as a critical tool, the number of data-stealing malware assaults is increasing. Many individuals are unaware that standard antivirus solutions cannot secure your data on cloud services, leaving you to rely on cloud providers to keep your information safe.

Malware Attacks

An innocuous online page might be a gateway for malware to enter your system just by accessing it. These are usually the result of clicking malicious advertising, also known as malware attacks, that redirect you to a page where you can download a file or run a web script that infects your system.

Malware assaults can take many forms, including genuine but compromised websites that use deceptive prompts to fool you into accepting or just acting without your knowledge. These 'drive-by downloads' are dangerous since PCs can become infected simply by browsing a decent website at an inopportune time.

Malware authors get away with it by taking advantage of online ad networks and interspersing their dangerous ads with genuine ones. While ad networks are attempting to combat these tactics, the frightening reality is that they will be unable to do so without jeopardizing their earnings.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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