White Hat Hacker: The What, Why, and How

An ancient saying states, "It takes a thief to catch a thief." Someone familiar with the thief's methods, frame of mind, and routines have the best chance of apprehending him. Theft on the Internet is the next big thing. This becomes a scary prospect when you think about how our data is gathered, processed, and kept online. When you factor in the recent uptick in mobile computing, you've got a severe problem.

The most excellent way to counter Black Hat hackers is with a team of white hat hackers that focus on security rather than offense. Suppose you're interested in learning more about White Hat hackers and how you may join their ranks. Let's talk about what a "White Hat" hacker is.

What is A White Hat Hacker?

To ensure the security of networks and systems, a White Hat hacker will actively try to penetrate them. These individuals may be hackers, but their skills prove good to use in the name of Cyber Security. White Hat hackers aim to locate security flaws in a system before the bad guys do, using their knowledge of the methods used by hostile hackers.

The primary distinction between White Hat and Black Hat hackers is that the White Hat hackers refrain from attempting to breach a company's Cyber Security systems. At the same time, the later are actively encouraged to do so.

Hackers who wear the White Hat are also known as "Ethical Hackers" or "Certified Ethical Hackers." White hat hackers may pose as various types of cyber security professionals within a business.

  • Analyst in Cybersecurity

  • Analyst of Information Safety

  • Analyst for Intrusion Detection Systems

  • Computer systems security analyst

  • Manager of Computer System Security

  • Technician of Network Safety

  • Detector of Intrusion

Remember that a White Hat hacker may be in charge of both the software and hardware sides of Cyber Security. As part of this role, you may be expected to ensure equipment security, like keypad controls and badge readers. You might even have to teach your co-workers cyber security basics on properly moving and storing their electronic gadgets.

Why do we need ethical hackers if we're secure?

Statista estimates that there are currently 4.3 billion active Internet users, up from 2018's 3.9 billion. That's quite remarkable, but it pales compared to the predicted six billion internet users by 2022. According to these estimates, by 2030, 90% of the world's population aged six and up will have access to the Internet.

In addition, online retail sales reached $2.3 trillion and are expected to exceed $4.88 trillion by 2021. According to forecasts, almost three-quarters of all e-commerce transactions will complete on mobile devices.

The numbers prove that the world's reliance on the Internet is only growing. As a result, cybercriminals now have a fertile environment to engage in everything from relatively small invasions of privacy to blatant theft and fraud, thanks to the exponential growth in online activity.

The issue has already spread significantly. The overall cost of cybercrime is projected to double, from $3 trillion in 2015 to $6 trillion in 2021. Moreover, projections say that by 2021, there will be more than 3.5 million empty roles in the cybersecurity industry, a considerable increase from the one million unfilled positions in 2014.

These depressing numbers show how vital White Hat hackers are. More people using the Internet means more demand for mobile apps, networks, and websites. For maximum security against cybercriminals infiltration, each component must undergo rigorous testing. Recruiting more testers is essential to resolving this issue.

Factors to be considered

When we combine all of these factors, we see a massive opportunity for young Cyber Security experts. Professionals in the IT field who want to work in a stable area with plenty of room for advancement would do well to investigate White Hat hacking positions.

Even if you're already employed in IT and have no plans to leave your job to become an ethical hacker, familiarizing yourself with the tools and techniques used by white-hat hackers is still beneficial. It's wise to further your education whenever possible because doing so increases your marketability and employability. After all, if you hope to find better opportunities elsewhere, you should equip yourself with as many transferable abilities as possible. That may be the decisive factor in determining who gets the job!

The salaries that a White Hat hacker can expect are about to be discussed, and they reflect this high demand in part.

What is the average salary of a white hat hacker?

What's cool about being a White Hat hacker is getting paid to take on the challenge of cracking a company's system. Expenses, you inquire. An ethical hacker with certification may expect an average of $90,000 annually.

A White Hat hacker can earn 476,017 rupees in India yearly, or about C$68,000. In Canada, a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) in the same position can earn about C$68,000. White Hat hackers in Australia make an average of AU$ 100,000 per year. The average annual salary for a White Hat hacker in the UK is £36,595, whereas, in South Africa, it is R479,000.

It's wise to focus your career efforts if you want to increase your salary. White hat hacking is valuable, but only after you've mastered the basics.

How Does One Get Their White Hat Hacker Certification?

If you're intrigued by what you've read, the next step is to learn how to join the ranks of the White Hat hackers. To begin, you need to have some formal training in the area. A four-year degree in computer science, information technology, information security, or programming is preferable.

It's important to remember that only some companies have the same academic standards. Some companies will hire someone without a college degree if they have two years of experience. It's unlikely that your three years of experience in the mailroom will qualify you for White Hat hacking. However, if you've worked in the information technology field for a while, you're in excellent condition.

Is "white hat" hacking illegal?

Permission and motive differentiate a white hat hacker from a black hat hacker. White hat hackers adequately disclose vulnerabilities and never break into a system without express authorization from the company. However, white-hat and black-hat hackers employ comparable resources and strategies. Because of this, ethical hackers may find themselves in sticky legal circumstances.

For example, an ethical hacker doing a comprehensive security examination on a corporation will attempt to breach the company's defenses not just by going via the company itself but also by going through its vendors and suppliers. The white hat hacker risks breaking the law if the corporation requesting the pen test does not obtain approval from its business partners.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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