Which Quality Makes a Digital Marketing Company Reliable?

Companies today are outsourcing their less important work or business functions that they have little knowledge about to third parties. These third parties, or outsourcing companies, are experts in their chosen fields. The outsourcing of work ensures that now the company has more time to focus on the critical and urgent working requirements of the business, and they can carry on without worrying about the unimportant but mandatory work of the business in lieu of payment. They can get expert help and sell their products on the market. In relation to this, we have seen many digital marketing agencies come up today.

In today's article, we will be understanding the basic concept of digital marketing and what factors a company should consider before deciding upon the digital marketing agency that they are going to work with.

The Concept of Digital Marketing

Any marketing initiative taken by the company on digital platforms or the internet to promote or advertise its product, service, or brand name is known as digital marketing or online marketing. Companies today are leveraging the fact that consumers have access to high-speed internet and smartphones. The various wings of digital marketing are −

  • Social media marketing

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Search Engine Marketing or Website Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Email Marketing

  • Content marketing and others

Companies would want to outsource their work to a digital marketing agency for the following reasons −

  • The companies would receive expert advice in every domain of digital marketing. Starting from keyword research, social media management, search engine marketing, graphic design, content writing, and others.

  • The company would not have to hire resources. A digital marketing team that has knowledge of all the functions of digital marketing is difficult to find and maintain. It would mean huge costs for the company, which the company can easily avoid by outsourcing its digital marketing work to digital marketing agencies.

  • Companies can stay updated with the latest trends and technology. Since the core function of a digital marketing agency is digital marketing work, they will ensure that no opportunity is left or missed by the company.

  • Companies can have data regarding the effectiveness of their digital marketing, and along with that, digital marketing agencies are going to provide the companies with a road map on what will work best for them according to industry trends and customer data.

Factors That Make a Digital Marketing Company Reliable and Authentic

It is crucial for digital marketing agencies to gain the company’s trust. The bond that they create while serving the company only ensures the long-term relationship that the companies might have with each other. The factors that make a digital marketing agency reliable and prove that all they are doing is talking are −

  • When the agency can provide you with data  An agency that cannot provide you with data regarding the money that you have invested and the results they have achieved is not worth your resources. Some of the data that companies should look forward to in the report that marketing agencies serve are −

    • Conversion ratio  How much sales was the company able to drive through the cost-per-thousand impressions ads that they launched or through the number of click-through rates that the company received? This will help the company understand the effectiveness of ads.

    • Engagement rate − This helps the company understand whether the ads or marketing campaigns launched by the agency from the company's side are liked by the customers. If customers find the content entertaining or impactful, they would showcase it with the number of likes, comments, shares, etc.

    • Click-through rate − it helps the company understand that if an ad was shown to 1000 customers, how many were impacted and wanted to know more about the brand, product, or offer?

  • When the agency can come up with breakthrough ideas − If all that a marketing agency does is what your competitors or other people in the industry are doing, then it is not worth your time and resources. On a good day, consumers can consume and remember 200 ads, but they are shown more than 800 ads in a day. So if you are acting ordinarily, what is the point of having an agency and doing so much?

  • Are the ads, marketing campaigns, or marketing channels in sync with the industry that the company is working in − Since you have been associated with the client company, you would have some idea of what works for the company and the industry. If you are a B2B technology product company and you are being advised to use Instagram as your main channel of communication, you will know that this is just the right place. The company might want to do what they do best by overlooking what will be good for the company, and such agencies are not worth your time and resources.

  • How is the customer experience − You can read the reviews regarding the experiences of other clients, or even be alert while talking to the representative of the agency. Ensure that the company seems like a place where there is a willingness to do out-of-the-box thinking, where people are responsive, where people or the business environment is open to changes and negotiations, where the staff members are courteous with the client as well as each other, and where they have a positive attitude. If these factors are not present, it might be difficult for you in the long run. These factors will also ensure that employees working within the agency are happy and, hence, deliver their best.

  • Never go for tall claims  Being in the market will give you an understanding of how much service you can get for the amount that you are willing to pay. A little here and there is okay, but a company that is promising anything and everything under the sun is just trying to win you over for the deal. You do not want to be associated with an agency that does only tall talk and cannot say no. While working, there are going to be situations where you will require the agency to put their foot down for you. The benefit of the company and a yes man will be of no worth here.


Choosing a digital marketing agency that is reliable and authentic is not an easy task to perform. It will require your time and research to decide on the one that is right for you, but once you have decided, it is all worth it. Consumers, the community, and the entire industry are moving toward the digital world. Having a strong digital presence is not an option but a mandate to survive and thrive.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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