Which one is safer Sleep or Hibernate in Windows?

Users generally sleep, hibernate or shut down their PC/laptop without having any clue what exactly these different terms denote. Here, you get clarity for these terms.

Sleep Mode

If you leave your device on sleep mode, it allows you to work resume your work at the cost of some electricity as it moves to the low power state. It is also known popularly as Standby. As soon as you turn your device on, the whole device will snap back to life instantly. The files you left open will be taken care of automatically.


Putting your laptop/PC on hibernate mode is more or less shut it down, but you can still resume your work from where you were. Basically, the current state of your device is automatically saved to the hard drive and the device retains the previous state from your hard drive into its RAM as soon as you boot it up. To resume from hibernate than sleep takes longer, but hibernate uses less power than sleep. It uses the same amount of power used by a computer that has been shut down.

Shut Down

This is a power-off state and we all aware of it. As soon as you hit shut down, all your files, programs, and other stuff get closed and the device shuts down your operating system. Your laptop or PC will use almost no power once it’s shut down, but the downside is you will have to turn it on wait for the typical boot process, hardware to initialize and startup programs to load and then you will working.

Updated on: 27-Apr-2022


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