Which One is More Beneficial for a Future Career, Digital Marketing or Business Analytics?

To survive and thrive in this fast-paced and dynamic business environment, companies have to ensure that they have a road map on how to move ahead. Digital marketing and business analysis are two very crucial job roles when it comes to the workings of the business. The business analyst helps the company and the employees working on the particular project.

In this article, we will be taking a deep dive into the concepts of digital marketing and business analytics, examining what a digital marketer does and what a business analyst does, and answering the question as to which one is a better career option.

Comparison Between Digital Marketing and Business Analysis as a Career Option

Both career options are trending today and are very critical for businesses because of the technology and how the community is moving toward digital infrastructure. The ultimate choice in deciding upon your career option will totally depend on your interest in the field and your desire to learn. Some points that will help you understand and make the decision are −

  • Requires more creativity  as the name suggests, digital marketing is all about marketing products, services, or brand names to consumers or customers. It helps the company in lead generation, promotion of the product, and creating a strong relationship with the customer and others.

  • Is more of a project coordination and people management job  The business analyst, as discussed above, is the spokesperson between the customer and the business. He ensures that whatever the client wants and is in the budget is provided to him. For that, he creates the road map, provides the deadline to the developer and testers, gets the beta test, coordinates between different departments, explains the challenges to the client, and ensures that a good relationship is maintained between the client and the company.

  • Scope of a business analyst  When you are working as a business analyst, you will have the following options open to you −

    • Tech Pre-Sales Business Analyst  These people work behind the scenes. They help the company generate leads and then work hard to close them. Here, the person needs to have knowledge about presales, bid management, RFPs, and RFIs.

    • Content Presales Business Analyst  These are the people who will do all the documentation work. They come into the picture when the deal is about to close. They need to have good content writing skills, and on top of that, they need to have skills in proposal writing, budget preparation, bid management, and others.

    • Business Analyst for Projects  These people will come into play once the deal is closed. They act as a liaison between the delivery team and the client. Some skills necessary for a tech business analyst are Agile, SCRUM, JIRA, waterfall methodologies, API testing, and others.

  • Scope of Digital Marketer  As mentioned above, a digital marketer can either choose their niche or work as a generalist. 

The Concept of Business Analysis

Business analysis is basically either helping the employees understand the client and their expectations or ensuring that the companies are prepared for any tragedies that might occur. Different designations for a Business analyst are

  • Product owner

  • IT business analyst

  • Program Manager

  • Scrum Master

  • Business Analyst

  • Business Impact Analysts

  • Project Coordinator

  • Project manager and others.

A business analyst is a spokesperson between the client and the company. His major duty is to make sure that the project is delivered on time, as the client requested, and that the relationship is not hampered.

Business impact analysts, on the other hand, act as change agents for the company. It helps the company understand what future trends could be based on past data and external factors and ensures that the company is preparing for the same.

The day-to-day Roles and Responsibilities of a Business Analyst are

  • Understand the client's primary and secondary expectations from the company. Ensure that there are no clashes between clients’ expectations and the companies’ policies and working.

  • Set SMART goals. Anyone can say, "Do this by this date," but what distinguishes a business analyst from other managers is the use of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) goals.

  • Define the project and ensure that the client and the employees are on the same page.

  • Define the requirements or expectations of the client. It is your duty to ensure that when you reach out to the development team, the client's expectations have been listed as actionable, clear, and concise items. The client might say that they want an interactive website, but what features are to be made interactive is what the business analyst will get to the development team.

  • To ensure that all the documents are in place and updated. With proper documentation, companies can justify delays if any mishap happens.

  • All the coordination work between the software developer, software tester, quality analyst, and others

  • Provide solutions to the team whenever they are stuck, which is why they are often referred to as the solution architect.

  • Follow up with the client regarding the success of the project and their experience with the company.

The Concept of Digital Marketing

Any marketing initiative taken by the company on digital platforms or the internet to promote or advertise its product, service, or brand name is known as digital marketing or online marketing. Companies today are leveraging the fact that consumers have access to high-speed internet and smartphones. The various wings of digital marketing are −

Various digital marketing career options that an individual can opt for include −

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialists  Here, the individual is helping with the organic marketing of the company. It should be a mixture of long-tail as well as short and generic keywords. Organic marketing and SEO marketing are the answers for the long-term survival of the company.

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Specialist  Here the focus of an individual is to find the best model of paid advertising for the company. investing in the model and then monitoring its performance.

  • Affiliate marketers or influencers  Here, the individual helps the company promote its products or services and bring in sales.

  • Content specialist, content writer, or content curator  This is the job role for an individual who has a good command of the language, is creative, and can think outside the box.

  • Social media marketer or social media manager  social media platforms are the most popular, and companies need to have a social presence for their customers. This not only helps the company with brand recognition but also ensures reliability and trust between the buyer and seller.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist − Companies are struggling to rank high in the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) of Google and other browsing websites.

  • Email Marketer  What will excite your customer to open the mail, how to design a mail that answers all the customer's questions, the call-to-action button, and other multimedia effects to make the mail more interactive are all things that are required by every business.

  • Digital Marketer  It might be the case that all these aspects or wings of digital marketing excite, but just doing one of them all your life seems like a boring task. Then do not worry; we have the generalized digital marketer role for you.


Business analysts and digital marketers are two very important job roles. Both have their own set of pros and cons. With the detailed analysis done above, we believe you have a clear understanding of what attracts you more. Choose that as your career, and then give your best to succeed.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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