Which is the Best Website to Learn About Digital Marketing?

Learners today have the advantage that they can learn about the latest technology in the world from the comfort of their homes. With the internet and a device, a learner can do wonders. Digital marketing is in the spotlight in the entire business world and the promotional world. Every business, irrespective of the size of the industry they are involved in, is working hard to create for themselves a digital presence. Digital marketing has many advantages for both consumers and businesses, but it is also very competitive. It is very easy to get lost in the sea, but it takes all of your efforts and creativity to make a comment for yourself.

Hence, in this article, we will be discussing the various renowned and effective websites through which an individual can learn about digital marketing and the basic concept of digital marketing.

The concept of digital marketing

Any marketing initiative taken by the company on digital platforms or the internet to promote or advertise its product, service, or brand name is known as digital marketing or online marketing. Companies today are leveraging the fact that consumers have access to high-speed internet and smartphones. The various wings of digital marketing are −

  • Social media marketing

  • Affiliate marketing

  • Search Engine Marketing or Paid Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Email Marketing

  • Content marketing

Renowned digital marketing experts

Along with learning from renowned websites online an individual can do is follow the expert in the digital marketing field. There are many renowned people who are extremely passionate about Digital Marketing and share their knowledge with their readers on a daily basis. Names of some of the readers for your convenience are −

  • Neil Patel

  • Jon Morrow

  • Noah Kagan

  • Avinash Kaushik

  • Gary Vaynerchuk

  • Pam Moore

  • Larry Kim

  • Tim Ferriss

  • Ryan Deiss

  • Ann Handley

A list of all the renowned websites through which an individual can learn digital marketing are

Tutorials Point India (Paid Course) − Tutorials Point (that's us) is an ed-tech platform that will help learners by providing them with quality digital marketing courses. It is a paid course but the amount is worth the knowledge that an individual will be gaining through this course. We have industry experts all prepped up to depart their knowledge to learners. We provide reading materials as well as video content to the users. Some of the courses that an individual can avail of in the digital marketing domain are −

  • Social media marketing

  • Internet Marketing

  • Copywriting

  • Google Analytics

  • Email marketing

  • YouTube marketing

  • Content marketing

  • Affiliate marketing

  • SEO Marketing

Along with this all of us know that today is the generation of technology. We provide basic as well as advanced courses on technological tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python Learning, and others.

The price of the course is around INR 20000, but an individual can get a discount and take the course for INR 2700.

SEMrush Academy (Free course) − SEMrush is a tool famous for keyword research. The SEM rush academy provides users with courses from beginner to intermediate level on how to use the different applications or tools of SEMrush. Though it might sound like a company-authenticated guide for using their tools the knowledge that they provide during the course is commendable. It is also a free course and our advice will be to have a look at it. The various topic that SEMrush academy will cover are −

  • SEO

  • Content Marketing

  • PPC

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Social media marketing

Coursera (Paid Course) − This is also an E-learning platform. The platform offers users courses in various fields. All the courses are affiliated with renowned universities and the professors of the college only provide the learning to the students. The courses have extensive reading materials, video content, and tests that individuals have to clear to complete the course. If one feels that the price of the course is too high then they can even avail of relief under their program. Some of the digital marketing courses that an individual can avail in the Coursera platform are −

  • Social media marketing

  • Internet Marketing

  • Copywriting

  • Google Analytics

  • Email marketing

  • YouTube marketing

  • Content marketing

  • Affiliate marketing

  • SEO Marketing

Udemy (Paid Course) − Udemy is Another E-learning platform that provides readers with quality courses at a reasonable price. The courses might be completed in hours or take up weeks. The quality of tests that Udemy provides is commendable. It provides the learner with various courses, like −

  • Market Research

  • WordPress Setup

  • SEO and SEO writing

  • YouTube Marketing

  • Google Ads

  • LinkedIn Marketing

  • App Marketing

  • Email Marketing

  • Google Analytics

  • Social media marketing

  • Facebook Ads

The price is around $99, but the platform is famous for offering discounts. Follow the platform on social media and sign up for emails to know about the latest discounts and offers.

Google digital marketing courses (Free course) − No matter where we go we can never leave Google behind. For helping learners cope with Google, its expansions, and the various tools it has Google came up with Google garage. Google garage offers learners various courses on how to use the different tools of Google like Google trends, Google SEO search, Google ads, and others. All the courses are free and the courses are lengthy. Individuals will be certified by Google at the end of each course. The various topics that Google covers in the digital marketing domain are −

  • Digital Marketing Fundamentals

  • How to start an online business with Google certification?

  • How to ensure customers find you online and your business?

  • How to promote a business with Google Ads or SEM?

All it needs provided with you many free options through which you can start your digital marketing career or expand the same. Never shy away from investing time and money in your future, it will always reap your happiness and success.

Updated on: 10-Apr-2023


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