Which is better for a beginner, Python or Ruby?


Python is a high-level, object-oriented, dynamic, and multipurpose programming language. Python's syntax, dynamic typing, and interpreted nature make it an excellent scripting language.

It supports a variety of programming paradigms, including object-oriented, functional, and procedural styles. Additionally, because it is an interpreted language, it cannot be converted to computer-readable code before running at runtime.

Another distinct property of Python is that it is an interpreted language, which means that Python code is not translated to machine-readable at runtime.

Features of Python

  • Python is simple to learn and has a clear syntax.

  • It is extensible to a greater extent.

  • It is free, open-source, and cross-platform.

  • Python is an object-oriented programming language(OOPs) with high readability and reliability.

  • Python can be used for prototyping and testing code that will subsequently be utilized to create a full-fledged application using higher-level languages.

  • It comes with a large standard library that includes XML parsers excel interface and so on.


Yukihiro Matsumoto created the Ruby programming language in 1995. He wished to develop a flexible, object-oriented language that programmers would enjoy using. They liked it so much that Ruby became one of the most popular programming languages for creating web applications.

It’s a general usage language that’s popular in the sector. Ruby has been used to create websites such as Apple, GitHub, Twitter, Hulu, ZenDesk, and Urban Dictionary, showcasing its adaptability. Ruby is a general-purpose programming language that is more popular in the industry than in science or academia.

Features of Ruby

Ruby is an object-oriented programming language that runs on Mac, Windows, Unix, and most other operating systems. It takes a flexible approach to resolve issues, which some people like and some dislike.

Ruby vs Python

Let us compare both Ruby and python considering the following factors −

Web Framework

When you compare the frameworks for Ruby and Python, Django and Ruby on Rails, you will notice that they are quite similar.

Both use the classic model-view-controller (MVC) pattern, have a number of libraries to add functionality, and have repositories - PyPi for Python and RubyGems for Ruby.

When it comes to web development, both Ruby and Python frameworks perform admirably. Both get a point here.


Both the Python and Ruby communities are dedicated to spreading the news about their respective programming languages. There are numerous websites that feature group discussions, lessons, and guides for Python and Ruby.

According to a recent Dice analysis citing the most recent industry data, there are 10.1 million Python developers worldwide and just 1.8 Ruby developers.

This means that the Python community is more than five times larger than the Ruby community.


Your preferred programming language must give optimal performance for your development project.

Although Ruby on Rails is faster than Django, it is far more problematic. As a result, you'll find yourself continuously checking for faults and repairing more complex issues.

Because of the simplicity of the syntax, Python has fewer coding errors. This results in a smoother development process and less difficult issues. Python and its extensive library can help you complete a project considerably faster.

Learning Curve

Ruby and Python are two of the most simple programming languages to learn, however, Python is the easier of the two. Because of its flexibility, Ruby is more difficult to learn.

Beginners may not understand how to work with Ruby, and learning can take up to six months.

Python is an easy language to learn since it is well-structured. Python is a well-known top pick for programming languages for beginners. Python basics can be learned in three months.

Therefore, Python gets a point here.


Python and Ruby both have simple syntax. Ruby's tremendous flexibility encourages developers to experiment with code, but it's far more difficult to test for errors. As a result, Ruby developers will spend a lot more time testing databases and software.

Python's primary goal is to be easy to read and understand. Python's simple syntax, unlike Ruby, lacks special characters, keywords, and semicolons. Python developers can address errors rapidly and create interesting apps. Python has better syntax.

Therefore, Python gets a point here.

Web Development

The choice between Ruby and Python is difficult if you want to study web programming. On the one hand, Python is significantly faster, while Ruby is significantly more flexible. Moreover, Ruby 3 is three times faster than Ruby 2.

What you should think about is web development coding libraries. Ruby libraries are preferable for web development since they include debugging, testing, code quality, authentication, authorization, and deployment tools. Everything you need to build a working, responsive website is available in these libraries.

Documentation and Libraries

As previously stated, RubyGems and PyPi are both large repositories that allow developers to include large feature sets in their work. Having said that, Python has significantly more libraries than Ruby.

Python's libraries are also more mature, owing to the language's popularity or age, with better-written documentation for developers to follow.

When comparing Ruby with Python, Python has a more comprehensive positioning regarding documentation and libraries. Hence python gets a point here.

Testing Environment

Test-driven development (TDD) is a standard that both Python and Ruby want to implement in their respective languages. PyTest and unit tests are available in Python to drive developers to produce better code by doing modest but frequent tests.

However, one feature of Ruby that Python lacks is a behavior-driven development (BDD). This method of testing, introduced to Ruby via RSpec, compares your codebase to a set of requirements written down by developers.

When it comes to testing, Ruby and Python have nearly identical capabilities. Ruby, on the other hand, is capable of BDD. Ruby is the winner.

Use Cases

Python has a considerably wide variety of various applications. Geographic information systems, test automation systems, data science methods, data analytics solutions, mathematical algorithms, machine learning applications, and deep learning solutions are among the use cases.

Developers can only use Ruby for web development, prototyping, web systems, and data analysis. These applications are limited, which may make it difficult for developers to create end-to-end software with all of their required features.


Python is a very popular beginner language, and practically everyone knows what it is. Ruby, on the other hand, is associated with Ruby on Rails, which is in high demand and a frequently discussed topic in the software development world.

Python and Ruby are the most popular programming languages. Both wins.

Which Language Should I Learn First? Ruby or Python

Web Framework in Ruby and Python programming languages are similar, however, they have different benefits and application cases. While Ruby is more versatile, Python is easier to learn and allows developers to perform a bigger variety of tasks. Python is also used by more developers than Ruby, indicating that it is in more demand in the job market.

We recommend starting with Python before moving on to Ruby. This will provide you a competitive advantage when looking for a job, plus Python is incredibly beginner-friendly. After you've mastered Python, you can move on to Ruby.

Should I learn Python or Ruby?

Whether you should study Ruby or Python depends on the applications you intend to use programming languages for. Ruby is more difficult to learn than Python and is better suited for web programming and design. Python is suitable for data science use cases and is ideal for technical beginners.

Is Ruby or Python more popular?

Python is the most popular programming language. Python is used by 44 percent of developers, while Ruby is used by only 7 percent. In addition, the Python community is approximately five times larger than the Ruby community.


In this article, we learned a brief overview of Python and Ruby, followed by a discussion on which language is superior, Ruby or Python. Finally, we learned which one is best for beginners as a result of these comparisons.

Updated on: 25-Nov-2022


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