Which is best to build web applications: PHP, Python, or Ruby?

In this article, we will learn which of the PHP, Python, and Ruby is best to build web applications.

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built-in data structures, together with dynamic binding and dynamic typing, make it particularly appealing for usage as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components together.

Features of Python

  • Python is simple to learn and has a clear syntax.

  • It is extensible to a greater extent.

  • It is free, open-source, and cross-platform.

  • Python is an object-oriented programming language(OOPs) with high readability and reliability.

  • Python can be used for prototyping and testing code that will subsequently be utilized to create a full-fledged application using higher-level languages.

  • It comes with a large standard library that includes XML parsers excel interface and so on.

What is PHP?

PHP is the most popular general-purpose programming language used for building web applications and dynamic web pages. It is open source and may be easily integrated into HTML. In comparison to other frameworks on the market, PHP has a vast range of tools, technologies, and frameworks, making it the best-favoured choice. You may simply construct websites for all enterprises, from tiny businesses to enterprise-level solutions, by hiring PHP developers.

PHP powers well-known and popular websites such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, and WordPress. In terms of global market presence, PHP has 10.348%, which is significantly more than Python and Ruby on Rails.

Features of PHP

  • Open-source

  • Platform Independent

  • Performance − PHP scripts are much faster to execute than scripts written in other languages such as JSP and ASP. PHP uses its own memory, which reduces server workload and loading time, resulting in faster processing speed and better performance.

  • Easy syntax − PHP has an easy-to-understand syntax. Programmers are at ease coding with it.

  • Embedded − PHP code can be readily Embedded(integrated) into HTML elements and scripts.

  • Database support − PHP supports all major databases, including MySQL, SQLite, ODBC, and others.

  • PHP supports error reporting constants that can be used to generate an error notice or warning during runtime. For example, E_ERROR, E_WARNING, E_STRICT, and E_PARSE.

  • Loosely Typed Language − PHP allows us to use variables without defining their datatypes. It will be executed automatically based on the type of data it contains and its value.

  • PHP is compatible with nearly all local servers in use today, including Apache, Netscape, Microsoft IIS, and others.

  • Security − PHP is a safe language for website development. It has several layers of protection to prevent threading and malicious attacks.

  • Control − Different programming languages need lengthy scripts or code, whereas PHP may accomplish the same task with only a few lines of code. It gives you complete control over your websites, allowing you to make changes whenever you want.

  • A Helpful PHP Community

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails, created by David Heinemeier in 2003, is one of the most optimized open-source frameworks for creating web applications. In comparison to other programming languages, developers may construct web apps more quickly with an effective Ruby on Rails Development Company.

Ruby is used to create popular web apps such as Hulu, Twitter, and Slideshare. Ruby, in comparison to PHP and Python, is more object-oriented. Ruby controls 0.60% of the global market.

Market Statistics: PHP vs Python vs Ruby

The best technique to determine which programming language is gaining popularity among the general public is to collect market share and usage statistics.

The image above illustrates the most popular server-side programming languages on the market today.

Websites created with PHP vs. Python vs. Ruby

PHP is used in the development of technology companies such as Facebook, Yahoo, and Wikipedia. Popular websites such as Twitter, Hulu, Groupon, and others are built with Ruby on Rails. To add to the list, search engine giant Google, YouTube, Reddit, and others are built with Python as their coding framework.

Usability: PHP vs Python vs Ruby

One of the most important elements to consider when selecting a programming language for project development is its usability.

The primary goal of all programming languages is to create a connection/interface between the user and the computer. However, a language with great usability will undoubtedly aid in the design of scalable, high-performing, and scalable software.

The above image clearly defines a comparison of usability in these three languages.

Ease of Learning: PHP vs Python VS Ruby

The simplicity of learning a programming language is crucial when choosing one for the creation of web applications. A programming language with a high learning curve value is easy to memorize or grasp and contains codes with a neat syntax structure.

Popularity: PHP vs Python vs Ruby on Rails

PHP is now one of the most popular programming languages in the world, with a large customer base and a dedicated coder community. Python and Ruby, on the other hand, are new to the web development market and are less popular among users.

Performance: PHP vs Python vs Ruby on Rails

When choosing a programming language, it is critical to compare its performance because programs can be written using a programming language that is extremely fast, secure, scalable, and fast.

When compared to Python, PHP and Ruby have a slightly faster run time. In terms of security, which is critical in order to protect user information. PHP-only applications are often seen as less secure and more vulnerable to attack. Platforms developed on Ruby and Python, on the other hand, tend to be less vulnerable.

Employability and Potential Earnings: PHP vs Python vs Ruby

It is necessary to conduct a critical examination of the programming language with the highest number of job postings. Furthermore, this study assists businesses that want to construct their websites utilizing an appropriate programming language.

The extensively talked about programming language undoubtedly has numerous job vacancies and more programmers affiliated with it. And as a new job seeker, it can lead to a promising career.

As a result, the graph below displays the number of PHP, Python, and Ruby job postings and developers.


Before deciding on a programming language for development, it is critical to understand the primary benefits of the various platforms that meet your needs. Despite the fact that all of the frameworks discussed are excellent for website and web application development.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022


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