Where Should I Use Keywords to Drive More Traffic to a Website?

When it comes to search engines, keywords play a vital role in determining what a website is about. They help the algorithm identify what a page is about and what it should be about to attract potential customers. There are types of keywords that can be used to boost website traffic and improve search engine ranking.

A good way to determine which pages are generating the most traffic is by analyzing your site's keyword traffic. This process will allow you to target high-quality traffic and improve your SEO efforts. Getting high rankings in search engines is very important for any website, and having the right keywords can help boost traffic to your site. A well-designed content strategy can help boost organic traffic to your site, which is very valuable for any business.

What are keywords?

Google defines a keyword as a concept or word that has a great deal of significance. In addition, it can be used to refer to an article's content in a retrieval system. This second definition of a keyword is very important in digital marketing.

With the help of Google's Search Console, it is very easy to identify and analyze the traffic that your website is receiving due to certain keywords. When people search for something on Google or other search engines, they will type in certain words or phrases to find the results they want.

When it comes to search engine optimization and marketing copy, choosing the right keywords can help boost your website's ranking and attract more potential customers.

How to find keywords for your website?

Free keyword tools are an excellent way to find new keywords that you can use for SEO and PPC campaigns. It will help you identify the most relevant terms that you can target with your content. It will also display the most up-to-date search data related to these terms.

One of the most effective ways to use the free keyword tool is to analyze keywords that are relevant to the business you are working in. Doing so will allow you to identify which ones are working well and which ones are not. Getting high in search results is very important for any brand, as it increases visibility and expands your audience.

There are a number of free tools that can be used to find keywords, such as Wordstream, ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, etc.

Where to use keywords to drive more traffic to a website

Placing keywords in the right place is very important, if the keywords are placed correctly, they can drive more traffic to your website. Let’s find out the right place to put the keywords to drive more traffic −

  • The title of your web page should contain keywords, which will help search engines understand the relevance of the page. These are also included in your page's sub-headings, page URL, and section headers.

  • Meta descriptions are the first 160 characters of a website's content. If you don't have an SEO tool that allows you to create these descriptions, then the first 160 will show up automatically. These descriptions help search engines understand a website's structure and how people interact with it. It is important to put keywords in the meta descriptions.

  • Include the same keywords on your social media profiles. You can also use a hashtag for your posts to refer to your specific terms.

  • In your marketing copy, use keywords throughout the first and last paragraphs. There are also various other opportunities to use these words in the text.

There is a disagreement among marketing experts about the ideal keyword density. It should be between four to eight keywords per hundred words, though some believe it should be less than ten percent. High keyword densities are not recommended for websites as they would likely discourage potential users. This is also directly opposed to the goal of website owners, which is to have high rankings so that they can attract more visitors.

How to use keywords?

When it comes to boosting a website's traffic through search engines, keywords are very important. They can help you achieve high search rankings and provide you with valuable leads. Having a well-designed content strategy can also help boost your website's organic traffic. Here are some tips for using keywords, Check them out −

Take on the trends

A good keyword research strategy should be tailored to your specific needs and goals. With the help of Google's Keyword Planner, you can analyze the changes in the popularity of certain keywords and their relevance to your organization or product. For instance, if you're looking to promote a membership drive for an advocacy group, you can create a time-based analysis of the keywords "protest" and "activism."

The Google keyword planner will let you monitor the changes in the terms used in your marketing efforts over the course of a year. It will provide you with a quick overview of the competition level and related terms, as well as suggestions on how to improve your bid for Google AdWords. This tool can also help you keep your content relevant to changes in political, economic, and social conditions.

Short and long tail keywords

One of the most common types of keywords that people use in organic searches is the short tail. These are typically only used for a couple of words, and they are very frequent in search results. For instance, terms such as "car" and "blue car" are commonly searched terms, which means that the potential buyers of these terms are more likely to be interested in these terms than those who are looking for long tail keywords. Nevertheless, the competition for getting listed with short-tail phrases is much tighter.

One of the most important factors that people consider when choosing a long-tail keyword is its specificity. Usually, these are used for three to five words, and they can increase the chances of being ranked. However, the downside is that with lower competition, fewer searches are performed for these terms. For instance, if you expand the terms "blue car" and "blue Mazda 3 car," you can increase the chances that someone will be able to sell their car, but the potential audience for that combination of terms could be much lower.

The danger of writing purely for SEO

Aside from being keyword-dense, you also need to create compelling and well-written copy to help boost your search engine ranking. Having a high bounce rate can negatively affect your ranking. One of the most important factors that you should consider when it comes to developing effective content is avoiding keyword stuffing. This will allow you to avoid getting penalized by search engines.


Although it’s important to keep in mind that content related to keywords should be trendy, it can be risky to jump on every new trend. Instead, consider creating evergreen content that will provide you with steady returns on your keyword investment. This can be done through the use of lists, videos, and tips that will keep users coming back for more. Having a well-designed white paper or blog that is well-written and has a broad enough range of topics will also help you keep your site up-to-date and attract more users.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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