When to use Fragments VS Activities in Android App?


Android apps are created using a variety of components and tools, including activities and fragments. Knowing when to use a fragment versus an activity is key to developing an efficient and successful app. This article will explore the differences between activities and fragments, and guide developers in determining when to use which tool.

What is Activity in Android?

An activity is the most basic form of an Android app. It typically represents a single screen with a user interface, and is used to create a basic user experience. Activities are typically used to launch and manage other components of an app, such as launching a new screen or passing data between screens. Activities can also respond to user input and perform actions, such as launching other activities or starting a service.

What is Fragment in Android?

Fragments, on the other hand, are small pieces of code that are used to build a user interface within an activity. Fragments are typically used to break-up a complex user interface into smaller, more manageable pieces. They can also be used to add functionality to an existing activity or to provide a common user interface across multiple activities. Fragments can contain their own user interface elements, respond to user input, and communicate with other parts of the app.

Difference between Fragment and Activities



Fragment is a part of a specific activity which contains UI of that specific activity.

Activity provides a user interface with which users can interact with any android application.

Fragment is dependent on the activity.

Activity is independent.

Fragment is lightweight and easy to manage.

Activity is comparatively heavy to manage.

Fragments need not to be mentioned in our AndroidManifest.xml file.

We have to mention the activity inside our AndroidManifest.xml file.

Fragment lifecycle is decided by the activity in which it is hosted.

Activity is having their own lifecycle.

Fragments cannot exist without Activity.

Activity can be created without Fragment.

We can display multiple fragments in a single activity.

At a time we can only display one activity to the user.

When to use Fragment VS Activity in Android application?

When deciding whether to use a fragment or an activity, consider the complexity of the user interface. If the user interface is relatively simple and only requires one screen, then an activity is likely the best choice. Activities are also ideal for launching other components of the app, such as starting a service or launching another activity.

Fragments, however, should be used when the user interface is more complex and requires multiple screens. Fragments can be used to break up a complex user interface into smaller and more manageable pieces, allowing the user to quickly and easily navigate the app. Fragments can also be used to add functionality to an existing activity or to provide a common user interface across multiple activities.

In addition, consider the type of data being passed between screens. If the data is relatively small and simple, then an activity is likely the best choice. Fragments, however, should be used if the data is more complex and requires multiple screens. Fragments allow the user to quickly and easily navigate the app, while also providing an efficient way to pass data between screens.

Finally, consider the user experience. Activities are ideal for providing a basic user experience, as they are relatively simple and can quickly and easily launch other components of the app. Fragments, however, can be used to provide a more complex user experience, as they can be used to create a more complex user interface and to pass complex data between screens.


In conclusion, knowing when to use a fragment versus an activity is key to developing an efficient and successful app. Activities are typically used for simple user interfaces and for launching other components of the app, while fragments are used for more complex user interfaces and for passing complex data between screens. By understanding the differences between activities and fragments, developers can better determine when to use each tool in order to create an efficient and effective app.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023

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