When can I rely on identity tests with the is operator in Python?


The is operator is an identity operator in Python. It tests for object identity. Let us see an example −

x = ["Paul","Mark"] y = ["Paul","Mark"] z = x # Python IS operator print(x is z)



Let’s say we consider another example, wherein the test a is b is equivalent to −

id(a) == id(b)

The key property of an identity test is that an object is always identical to itself, a is a always returns True. Identity tests are usually faster than equality tests. And unlike equality tests, identity tests are guaranteed to return a boolean True or False.

However, identity tests can only be substituted for equality tests when object identity is assured. Generally, there are three circumstances where identity is guaranteed −

  • Assignments create new names but do not change object identity.

    After the assignment new = old, it is guaranteed that new is old.

  • Putting an object in a container that stores object references does not change object identity.

    After the list assignment s[0] = x, it is guaranteed that s[0] is x.

  • If an object is a singleton, it means that only one instance of that object can exist. After the assignments a = None and b = None, it is guaranteed that a is b because None is a singleton.

Remember, identity tests should not be used to check constants such as int and str which aren’t guaranteed to be singletons. In the below examples, we only get False −

Identity test on int


Let us test on integer elements −

a = 1000 b = 500 c = b + 500 print(a is c)



Identity test on strings


An example for identity tests on strings −

a = 'Amit' b = 'Am' c = b + 'it' print(a is c)



Identity test on Mutable Type


In Python, Lists are mutable. The new instances of mutable containers are never identical; therefore identity test returns False −

a = [10, 20, 30] b = [10, 20, 30] print(a is b)



Updated on: 19-Sep-2022


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