What would be the ratio of chromosome number between an egg and its zygote? How is the sperm genetically different from the egg?

The ratio of chromosome number between an egg and its zygote is 1:2. 

The egg cell is haploid in human beings and the zygote is diploid in nature.

Human sperm and egg cell being germ cells are haploid in nature. They contain 23 chromosomes.

Sperm (the male gamete)  having chromosome type XY decides the sex of the child. While Egg (the female gamete) has chromosome type XX.

[Extra information:

Gamete means a haploid sex cell which is sperm in males and egg (oocyte) in females. These gametes fertilized to form a zygote.

zygote is a diploid cell formed through the fertilization between an egg and a sperm. Zygote further divides to form an embryo.]

Updated on: 05-Jan-2023


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