Difference between Predictive and Adaptive Development

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 15-Jul-2024 14:42:44


The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has gone through many changes and many effective ways resulting in the efficient and fast development of software applications. Predictive and Adaptive development are the methods used in developing software applications. In this article, we will see the difference between predictive and adaptive development. What is Predictive Development? Predictive development is an old method but it is still being used in software development. The main aim of predictive development is to complete the process of developing a software application and matching all the goals. This approach has many problems when changes in the project ... Read More

Difference between Min Heap and Max Heap

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 15-Jul-2024 14:19:03


A heap is a data structure which is based on tree. This tree is a complete binary tree which consists of N nodes and log N height. The elements whose priority is highest or lowest can be easily removed. This heap structure is displayed in the form of an array. The heaps can be used to derive maximum and minimum values. Heap is of two types which are Min Heap and Max heap and in this article, we will see the difference between them. What is Min Heap? The key in the Min Heap is available at the root node. ... Read More

Difference between High Level Design(HLD) and Low Level Design(LLD)

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 15-Jul-2024 13:05:41


When a system is designed, it includes high level design and low level design. This helps in making a project that works smoothly without any errors. High level design and low level design are two main features of a system design. Let us know the difference between high level design and low level design. High Level Design High level design consists of the description of the architecture of the system. The system design consists of the following − Database design System architecture Description of systems which includes platforms, relationships, and services A diagram is created for the high ... Read More

Differences Between .NET Core and .NET Framework

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 15-Jul-2024 12:59:45


The .Net Core is a free and open-source platform which can be used to develop cloud-based programs and software applications. The development can be done on various operating systems like Windows, Linux, and MacOS. The .Net Framework has been designed by Microsoft and its first version was launched in 2002. In this article, we will see the difference between .Net Core and .Net Framework. .Net Core The .Net Core is an open-source platform which developers can use to develop programs. It can be used on different operating systems and developers can develop cloud-based programs using this platform. It is considered ... Read More

Count Alternating Subarray

Revathi Kondra
Updated on 15-Jul-2024 12:06:05


The Count Alternating Subarrays are used to count the number of subarrays where no two adjacent elements are similar. we can also call these subarrays as alternating subarrays. Problem Statement Before understanding what is "Count Alternating Subarrays" let's see what is a sub-array, and alternating sub-arrays. A subarray is part of an array formed by removing some or no prefixes of the array and removing some or no suffix elements of the given array. While dividing an array into multiple sub-arrays there ... Read More

Create a Calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Vivek Verma
Updated on 12-Jul-2024 17:53:45

45K+ Views

To create a calculator using HTML, CSS, and Javascript, we need to have basic understanding of working of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Calculator is a simple tool which performs basic arithmetic calculations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. In this article, we are going to discuss how to create a Calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Usually, if we observe any real-time calculator we know that it has: A grid of numbers (0-9 and 00). Basic arithmetic operators (+, -, /, x, %). Some symbols for ... Read More

How will you compare namespaces in Python and C++?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 11-Jul-2024 14:09:43


C++ namespaces are explicitly defined blocks that help in avoiding name conflicts. Python namespaces too serve the same purpose of managing scope and name conflicts, but they are dynamically created using modules and packages. Read this tutorial to understand how namespaces are treated in C++ and Python. Namespaces in C++ In C++, namespaces are defined using the namespace keyword. Namespaces are primarily used to organize the code into logical groups and prevent name conflicts that can occur especially when your code base includes multiple libraries. Example Take a look at the following example − #include using namespace std; ... Read More

Difference between Preventive and Predictive Maintenance

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 11-Jul-2024 12:33:28


Preventive and predictive maintenance are carried out so that the life of the assets can be increased and the chances of their failure can be reduced. The main difference between preventive and predictive maintenance is that preventive maintenance has a regular schedule while predictive maintenance is carried out on the basis of the condition of assets. Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance is a process in which an annual physical check-up of the assets is done. The maintenance task is conducted to know whether everything is running correctly or not. This maintenance helps in the prevention of breakdowns in the future. Preventive ... Read More

Difference between Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 11-Jul-2024 12:29:59


Machine learning is a subject that belongs to Artificial Intelligence that is used to create judgments for algorithms with the help of computer science, arithmetic, and statistics. Predictive analytics deals with the historical data to make predictions for the future. In this article, we will see the differences between Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics. Machine Learning Machine learning is a subject that is related to AI. It has the job of making judgments for algorithms which it does with the help of arithmetic, statistics, and computer science. Machine learning is used as a tool to perform statistical analysis. It also ... Read More

Difference Between Data Visualization and Data Analytics

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 11-Jul-2024 12:22:32


Data analytics is a process in which meaningful data is extracted from the raw data. Data visualization uses this meaningful data to provide more information which is easy for the stakeholders to understand. In this article, we will look into the difference between data analytics and data visualization. Data Analytics Data analytics is a process in which raw data is collected from various sources. This data is then cleaned, formatted, and modeled so that it can be used further easily. The main aim of data analytics is to extract usable insights which help a business to make different types of ... Read More

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