What respect you have for your teachers?

The Guru-Disciple tradition is a unique feature of Indian culture since ancient times. India celebrates Guru Poornima with utmost reverence to Vyasa Maharshi every year. It is the festival that keeps the spirit of the teacher-student relationship alive and this tradition has continued for many generations. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping the young and fertile minds. Great teachers can be life-changers for their students.

Every year 5th September is celebrated as teacher's day in all the schools and educational institutes all over India. We remember Dr.Radhakrishnan as a great teacher rather than a great President of India. This shows the importance we give to our teachers in life.

On this occasion, here are the different points why I keep respect for the teachers who have helped me to grow up and cross the difficult paths in my growing years.

Nurturing critical thinking − My teachers are the reason that I am able to think out of the box today. Teachers are the ones who push you to think beyond boundaries and develop the ability to think critically to solve the problems that exist in society.

  • Choosing a difficult profession − There cannot be any denial of the fact that teaching is one of the most difficult and tiring professions. You need to be joyful and happy so that your students are happy. Teaching is considered as the most tiring profession after air-traffic controllers yet their wages are something we all are the most underpaid ones. They need to juggle between the administrative, clerical, academic and research work to give their best to the students.

  • Mentoring the students − The teachers are the ones who mentor and guide the students in various situations of life. They are the ones who show us the right path. They help us understand our capabilities and potential to the fullest.

  • Students are their own children − The teachers dedicate their lives for this noble profession, consider the students as their own kids. They will shower the love, affection on them and yet stay firm and harsh in some situations for their betterment.

  • Being the epitome of values − The teachers have to serve as an example of different values like empathy, respect, compassion, humility, etc so that their students learn the best from them. The teachers strive each day to inculcate these values in the students so that they become better human beings to serve the society.

Updated on: 17-May-2022


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