What is Usability Testing? UX (User Experience) Testing Example

Usability Testing

Usability testing often referred to as User Experience (UX) testing, is a way of determining how simple and consumer friendly a software product is. A small group of intended end-users uses software to uncover usability flaws. Usability testing concentrates on the user's convenience of the use of the program, the application's versatility in handling parameters, and the application's capacity to achieve its goals.

This testing is advised at the SDLC's early stage of design, as it provides better insights into the users' needs.

We will cover the following in this tutorial −

  • What exactly is usability testing?

  • Why is Usability Testing Performed?

  • Usability Testing Test Case Examples

  • How to Conduct Usability Testing: The Entire Procedure

  • Usability Testing Methodologies: 2 Approaches

  • How many users are required?

  • Checklist for UX Testing

  • Benefits of Usability Testing

  • Cons of Usability Testing

Why is Usability Testing Performed?

Looks and style are essential. The appearance of a product generally affects how effectively it operates.

Several software applications/websites fail horribly when installed for the following reasons −

  • What should I do next?

  • Which page must be visited?

  • What does each Icon or Jargon portray?

  • Codes are not shown consistently or properly

  • The session time is insufficient.

Usability testing in software engineering discovers usability flaws in a system early in the software development and therefore can rescue a product from disaster.

Usability Testing Test Case Examples

The main objective of this test seems to be to achieve customer satisfaction, and it primarily focuses on the key system parameters −

The system's efficacy

  • Is the system simple to grasp?
  • Is the system helpful and valuable to the intended users?
  • Are the colors, symbols, and pictures utilized visually satisfying?


  • To reach the target screen or webpage, minimal scrolling should be necessary, and scrollbars should be utilized sparingly.
  • Conformity in the layout of your application/website's screens/pages.
  • You can explore inside your software program or on your webpage.


  • There must be no obsolete or erroneous information, such as contact information or an address.

  • There must be no broken links.

User-Friendly Design

  • The features provided must be self-explanatory and must not demand any learning to use.

  • Users should be given assistance in understanding the application/website.

  • Agreement with the aforementioned aims aids in efficient usability testing.

How to Conduct Usability Testing: The Entire Procedure

The following steps comprise the usability testing process −

  • Preparation − The aims of the usability test are defined at this step. This is not an objective to have participants sit in front of your app and document their behaviors. You must establish the system's core features and goals. You must offer assignments to your testers that will put these important functions to the test. The usability testing technique, quantity and demographics of usability testers, and test report styles are all defined at this step.

  • Hiring − Throughout this step, you hire the required number of volunteers in accordance with your usability test plan. It might take some time to find testers that fit your demographic (age, gender, etc.) and occupational (degree, job, etc.) profile.

  • Usability Testing − Usability testing is carried out at this stage.

  • Data Analysis − Usability test information is extensively evaluated to generate relevant conclusions and provide practical measures to enhance your product's overall usability.

  • Documenting − The results of the usability test are communicated with all partners, which may include the designer, developer, client, and CEO.

Usability Testing Methodologies: Two Approaches

There are two approaches for doing usability testing −

  • Usability Testing in the Research lab − This test is carried in a private laboratory room with the spectators present. The testers are given tasks to complete. The spectator's purpose is to monitor the testers' conduct and provide the results of the testing. During the examination, the spectator stays quiet. Both spectators and participants are together in the same physical area throughout this assessment.

  • Usability Testing using the Internet − In this type of testing, spectators and participants are placed online. Virtual access to the Network during evaluation allows testers to accomplish specific tasks. An automatic program records the tester's speech, screen behavior, and facial gestures. Spectators assess this data and report on the test's outcomes. http://silverbackapp.com/ is an example of such software.

How many users are required?

According to studies (Virzi, 1992; Neilsen Landauer, 1993), 5 people are sufficient to identify 80% of usability issues. Other figures have been proposed by other scholars.

The fact is that the exact number of participants necessary is determined on the difficulty of the chosen program and your usability objectives. Greater participants’ usability leads to increased costs, preparation, participant administration, and data processing.

However, if you're on a limited budget and want to do your own usability testing, 5 is a wonderful place to begin. If money is not an issue, it is recommended to contact with knowledgeable specialists to assess the amount of participants.

Checklist for UX Testing

The major purpose of this assessment is to detect critical usability issues before the product is ready. To ensure a successful exam, the essential factors must be considered −

  • It is recommended to begin UX evaluation early in the design and development phase.

  • Before you begin development, it's a smart option to undertake usability testing on your rival company’s products. This will assist you in establishing usability requirements for your intended audience.

  • Choose the relevant people to test the system (experts/non-experts/50-50 mix of professional and non-professional).

  • Make use of a bandwidth limiter. For example, if your targeted audience has inadequate access to the network, restrict network speed for usability testers to 56 Kbps.

  • Testers must focus on the system's most vital and commonly utilized features.

  • Every tester should have a single spectator. This allows the viewer to precisely record the tester's conduct. When one observer is allocated to numerous testers, the findings may be tainted.

  • Instruct architects and programmers that the results of testing are never a sign of failure, but rather of progress.

Benefits of Usability Testing

Usability testing, like everything else in life, has advantages and disadvantages. Let's have a glance at them −

  • It aids in the discovery of usability difficulties before the product is introduced.

  • It contributes to increased end-user experience.

  • It improves the effectiveness and efficiency of your system.

  • During a usability test, it assists in gathering genuine input from your target population who is really using your system. You will not have to depend on "views" from strangers.

Drawbacks of Usability Testing

In usability testing, cost is a crucial factor. Setting up a Usability Test Lab necessitates a significant investment of time and money. Recruiting and managing usability testers may also be costly.

Such expenditures, meanwhile, are offset by increased client happiness, engagement, and repeat business. As a result, usability testing is strongly suggested.

Updated on: 20-Dec-2021


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