What is the role of Data Analytics in Effective Database Security?

Businesses are constantly told to keep their information safe from hackers while also being cautioned not to disseminate it widely. For example, analytics software can swiftly analyze large amounts of data, extract data using improvised queries, and show it in a readily understandable style. However, if certain precautions aren't in places, such as regulations or monetary investment, these business intelligence application software are exposed to security issues.

Although business intelligence techniques have had a significant impact on cost, efficiency, and decision-making, the impact of business intelligence on data security is still unclear. Our new paradigm requires us to concentrate on early detection of a compromise at the database level, where it counts the most. The hackers' targeted targets are not routers, firewalls, or laptops. In truth, fraudsters don't want your money in the first place. Data used to identify individuals is significantly more useful.

What is Meant by Database Security?

Database security refers to a set of procedures for protecting database management systems against hostile cyber-attacks and unauthorized access. Database security solutions are intended to safeguard not just the data within the database but also the data management system as a whole, as well as any applications that access it against abuse, damage, and infiltration.

Database security refers to the tools, methods, and methodologies that are used to secure a database.

Threats to Database Security

The breach might be caused by a variety of software vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or habits of misuse or negligence. Here are some of the well-known reasons and forms of cyber-threats to database security.

Threats from Within

An insider threat is a security risk posed by one of the three sources listed below, each of which has privileged access to the database −

A malicious insider with ill-intent

  • An irresponsible employee who exposes the database to attack as a result of his or her conduct.

  • Any unauthorized person who gets credentials by social engineering or other means or gains access to the database's credentials.

  • One of the reasons for database security breaches is an insider threat, which arises when a large number of workers have been given privileged access.

Human Error

Nearly 50% of all data breaches are still caused by weak passwords, password sharing, data deletion or damage by mistake, and other undesired user behaviors.

Vulnerabilities in Database Software are being exploited.

Attackers are always attempting to isolate and exploit software weaknesses, and database management software is a prized target. Every day, new vulnerabilities are identified, and security fixes are released by all open source database management platforms and commercial database software suppliers on a regular basis. However, if you do not update as soon as possible, your database may be vulnerable to attack.

Even if you deploy fixes on time, there's always the potential of zero-day attacks, which occur when attackers find a vulnerability that the database vendor hasn't yet found and fixed.

Injection Attacks on SQL/NoSQL Databases

The use of non-SQL and SQL attack strings in database queries is a database-specific danger. These are usually queried that are developed as extensions of web application forms or that are received via HTTP requests. If developers do not follow secure coding practices and the business does not do regular vulnerability testing, every database system is vulnerable to these attacks.

Buffer Overflow Attacks

A buffer overflow occurs when an attempt to write more data to a fixed-length block of memory than it is capable of holding. Attackers might utilize the surplus data stored at nearby memory addresses as a jumping-off point for their attacks.


Malware is a computer program designed to exploit security flaws or harm a database. Malware might infiltrate the database's network through any endpoint device. Because of their high value and sensitivity, malware security is critical on every endpoint, but more so on database servers.

Attacks that cause a denial of service (DoS/DDoS)

In a denial of service (DoS) assault, the cybercriminal uses a huge number of bogus requests to overwhelm the target service—in this case, the database server. As a result, the server is unable to handle real user requests and frequently crashes or becomes unstable.

Fake traffic is created by a large number of computers in a botnet controlled by the attacker in a distributed denial of service (DDoS) assault. Without a sufficiently scalable defensive architecture, this results in extremely high traffic volumes, which are impossible to halt. Cloud-based DDoS prevention systems can dynamically scale up to handle massive DDoS attacks.

How Can Your Database Server Be Protected?

The database is run on a database server, which might be a real or virtual system. Physical security, network security, and safe operating system configuration are all part of securing a database server, commonly known as "hardening."

Accounts and privileges should be restricted

Take, for example, the Oracle database server. The Oracle database configuration assistant (DBCA) expires and locks most of the default database user accounts when the database is setup.

Patch database servers regularly

Ensure that patches are up to date. Because attackers are continually searching for new database security holes, and new viruses and malware arise on a regular basis, effective database patch management is a critical security strategy.

Access to the public network is disabled

Databases are used by businesses to store their applications. In the vast majority of real-world circumstances, the end-user does not require direct database access. Unless you are a hosting provider, you should prohibit all public network access to database servers.

All files and backups should be encrypted

Regardless of how strong your protections are, there is always the chance that a hacker may get access to your system. However, attackers aren't the only danger to your database's security.

Updated on: 30-May-2022


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