What is the Relationship Between Data Privacy And Cybersecurity

Data security and privacy are two linked ideas but not the same. Many individuals may think this is self-evident, but only a few can clearly describe the difference. Furthermore, without data security, privacy is impossible. This concept does not operate in the opposite direction, and the reason for this is frequently overlooked. Data security and privacy are commonly mixed in vague and imprecise rules due to a lack of awareness of the differences. Developers, administrators, and users are all confused due to this.

What is data privacy?

Data privacy, also known as information privacy, is a subset of data protection that deals with how sensitive data, most notably personal data, is appropriately handled but also other confidential data, such as specific financial data and intellectual property data, to comply with regulatory requirements while maintaining the data's confidentiality and immutability.

The diagram below indicates that data protection is divided into three categories: traditional data protection (backup and restoration copies), data security, and data privacy. Excellent data protection and security procedures ensure the privacy of sensitive and personal data, with the overarching goal of providing the continued availability and immutability of critical business data.

When it comes to protecting data from external and internal dangers and choosing what digitally stored data can be shared and with whom, security becomes crucial. In practice, data privacy refers to parts of the data sharing process, including how and where that data is maintained and the precise legislation that applies to those activities.

Almost every country in the world has enacted data privacy legislation in response to the demands of a particular business or segment of the population.

What Exactly Is Cybersecurity?

The term "cybersecurity" refers to the employment of preventative measures to keep data from being stolen, compromised, or attacked. It necessitates knowing potential information threats, such as viruses and other dangerous software. Identity, risk, and incident management are part of a cybersecurity strategy.

Cybersecurity is a broad term that refers to various hardware and software solutions that can be used on any scale, including personal, corporate, or governmental devices and networks.

Any organization that handles extremely sensitive data has to have a cybersecurity plan. Many firms now designate a chief security officer (CSO) or chief information security officer (CISO) to monitor their cybersecurity.

What is the connection between the two?

In the case of privacy regulations, they impose obligations on businesses to keep our personal information safe or secure. Privacy and security are inextricably linked as long as enterprises collect, process, and preserve personal data.

Consider this scenario: when you shop online, you provide your personal information with the expectation that it will be protected. By failing to protect consumer privacy, an organization puts itself in grave danger: not only are there severe penalties for firms that ignore or overlook security, but a loss of consumer confidence may rapidly damage your brand's reputation.

In this scenario, it's evident that the relationship between privacy and security within enterprises must be robust.

With the progress of technology and the shifting threat landscape, it's evident that privacy and security are intimately linked and affect one another.

In the online world, what is the difference between privacy and security?

Cybersecurity goods can help you safeguard your privacy and security simultaneously, in some cases.

Take, for example, a VPN (a virtual private network). It's a security tool that functions as a tunnel for your information and online activities, encrypting everything you send and receive on your device. It's similar to sitting with your back to the wall at a café or airport when you don't want anyone else to see what you're doing on your computer or phone.

Here's how a VPN can help you win in two different ways −

  • It protects your privacy by preventing websites, internet browsers, cable companies, and internet service providers from tracking your data and browsing history.

  • It provides security by preventing unauthorized access to your personal information and other data.

Why Should Cybersecurity and Data privacy Be Combined?

A data breach has ramifications for the entire firm and its stakeholders, not just the security department.

The Department of Veterans Affairs was hacked lately, exposing the personal information of about 46,000 veterans. Cybercriminals attempted to divert funds from the department using social engineering techniques and breaching authentication mechanisms. According to recent reports, personal data, including Social Security numbers, may have been exposed.

As this case demonstrates, personal data and system procedures might be harmed in the same incident. Incidents like this one deserve to be examined not from two perspectives but from one that covers both data privacy and cybersecurity.

Because data breaches affect different elements of an organization's life cycle, a multilateral reaction is required. To put it another way, cybersecurity and data privacy experts should work together to prevent data breaches.

How to Connect Them?

Businesses should combine cybersecurity and data privacy into their everyday routine to respond to data breaches effectively. Here are some of the more effective methods −

  • Combine data security and cybersecurity expertise − Skills are the basis your specialists will need to protect essential data from various attacks. Your employees should supervise each business procedure from a security and data privacy standpoint.

  • Establish a set of explicit rules and processes − It would be best if you made sure that your company's daily workflow is meticulously organized, following industry standards and security best practices. You'd have a comprehensive strategy that covers system design, maintenance, data management, access, and incident response in an ideal world. A responsible person should be assigned to each aspect of the strategy.

  • Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment − Using different tools and procedures for different types of risks may not give you complete visibility into your data's security. That's why using end-to-end solutions that handle all types of business, security, and compliance concerns is a good idea.

  • Create a common understanding of the importance of data security − Every employee must understand that a data breach might begin with seemingly innocuous activities such as installing a phony software as a service (SaaS) program.

What are the benefits when cybersecurity and data privacy are combined?

There are several advantages −

  • Avoids data being in the wrong hands − When data and systems are monitored simultaneously, there is less room for vulnerabilities and exploits.

  • Respond to new digital dangers −There are digital risks that put data and systems at risk.

  • Boost the effectiveness of your information security management system − With a single pane of glass ISMS, you can better govern your data than you can with different data protection and cybersecurity systems.

  • Increasing compliance − Keeping yourself compliant and avoiding penalties for non-compliance is easier when you reduce the likelihood of a data leak.

Data privacy and cybersecurity are concerned with safeguarding sensitive information from various cyber threats. As a result, they've gotten intertwined. It makes it logical to have one integrated approach rather than respond to a breach independently.

Tips on how to keep your privacy and security safe

Doing business with companies and organizations that value your privacy and take steps to secure your personal information is a good idea. There are, however, things you can take to preserve your privacy and security.

Some instances are as follows −

  • Keep what you post on social media and online in general to a bare minimum.

  • Before dumping essential documents in the trash, shred them.

  • Keep your Social Security number private. Keep it safe, and don't give it out if feasible. If you don't have a driver's license, see if you can produce another kind of identification.

  • Protect your information and gadgets. Using security software, a secure router, a VPN on public Wi-Fi, and identity theft protection services, for example, can help.

  • Consider how the information you're sharing might be used. Recognize how once your data has been shared online, it is no longer under your control. Before you join up for an app or service, be sure you read the company's privacy policies.

It's important to remember that it's not always a situation of privacy vs. security. Both are critical in today's interconnected society. Both are possible and desirable.

Updated on: 16-Mar-2022


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