What is the purpose of Database Management System?

The Database Management System (DBMS) is defined as a software system that allows the user to define, create and maintain the database and provide control access to the data.

It is a collection of programs used for managing data and simultaneously it supports different types of users to create, manage, retrieve, update and store information.


The purpose of DBMS is to transform the following −

  • Data into information.

  • Information into knowledge.

  • Knowledge to the action.

The diagram given below explains the process as to how the transformation of data to information to knowledge to action happens respectively in the DBMS −

Previously, the database applications were built directly on top of the file system.

Drawbacks in File System

There are so many drawbacks in using the file system. These are mentioned below −

  • Data redundancy and inconsistency: Different file formats, duplication of information in different files.

  • Difficulty in accessing data: To carry out new task we need to write a new program.

  • Data Isolation − Different files and formats.

  • Integrity problems.

  • Atomicity of updates − Failures leave the database in an inconsistent state. For example, the fund transfer from one account to another may be incomplete.

  • Concurrent access by multiple users.

  • Security problems.

Database system offer so many solutions to all these problems

Uses of DBMS

The main uses of DBMS are as follows −

  • Data independence and efficient access of data.

  • Application Development time reduces.

  • Security and data integrity.

  • Uniform data administration.

  • Concurrent access and recovery from crashes.

Applications of DBMS

The different applications of DBMS are as follows −

  • Railway Reservation System − It is used to keep record of booking of tickets, departure of the train and the status of arrival and give updates to the passengers with the help of a database.

  • Library Management System − There will be so many numbers of books in the library and it is very hard to keep a record of all the books in a register or a copy. So, DBMS is necessary to keep track of all the book records, issue dates, name of the books, author and maintain the records.

  • Banking − We are doing a lot of transactions daily without directly going to the banks. The only reason is the usage of databases and it manages all the data of the customers over the database.

  • Educational Institutions − All the examinations and the data related to the students maintained over the internet with the help of a database management system. It contains registration details of the student, results, grades and courses available. All these works can be done online without visiting an institution.

  • Social Media Websites − By filling the required details we are able to access social media platforms. Many users daily sign up for social websites such as Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. All the information related to the users are stored and maintained with the help of DBMS.

Updated on: 06-Sep-2023

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