What is the need for Physical Security?

Physical security is an important part of a security plan. It forms the basis for several security efforts, such as data security. Physical security defines the protection of constructing sites and equipment (and all other data and software contained therein) from theft, vandalism, natural disaster, man-made catastrophes, and accidental damage (e.g., from automatic surges, extreme temperatures, and spilled coffee).

It needed solid building construction, appropriate emergency preparedness, reliable power supplies, adequate climate control, and appropriate protection from intruders. Risk assessment process recognizes the organization’s vulnerabilities. It can need the vulnerabilities list to set priorities on resources required.

Every improvement of an identified vulnerability in the current system will usually support more security than previously. It can improve the system to the extent possible, and maintain a list of improvements still needed.

Physical security is generally unobserved (and its significance undervalued) in support of more technical and dramatic concerns like hacking, virus, Trojans, and spy ware. Though, breaches of physical security can be carried out with small or no technical data concerning an attacker. Moreover, accidents and natural disasters are a part of everyday life, and in the long term, are certain.

Protection against intrusions into the computer system by external is an important element of the security policy. The following issues associated with the physical safety of the computer equipment on which the data is stored, the premises in which they are stored, and staff who have physical and electronic access to systems and data.

There are most effective advances in security technologies during the previous few decades have been in the area of physical security such as protection by tangible means.

In physical security, unauthorized access can result in lost data, altered data, altered equipment configurations (having a broad method of negative results), physical damage or theft of equipment, or even the disclosure of private data. Therefore, hardware should protect against inside and outside intruders by using authentication factor. Security lock can be used.

It can be minimize outside access. Secure rooms must have one or two solid, fireproof, and lockable doors. The doors must be observable by security staff. Doors to secure areas should not be left open. Windows should be small and have locks. It can be used to support appropriate locks. It can maintain doors locked when room is not in use. It can be maintain secure system for keys and combinations. If there is a breach, each compromised lock must be changed.

Backup media must be more protected. Some hardware techniques supports a larger level of security than non-secure media including backup tapes, floppy diskettes, or smart cards, because the latter can be simply removed or copied. Backup on internet can be used for that.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2022


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