What is the MQTT protocol in Computer Network ?

MQTT represents Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. It is a highly lightweight and publish-subscribe messaging transport protocol. This protocol is helpful for the connection with the remote location where the bandwidth is a premium. These features make it useful in multiple situations, including a stable environment such as communication machine to machine and the internet.

MQTT was initially invented and developed by IBM in the late 1990s. Its original application was to link sensors on oil pipelines with satellites. It is a messaging protocol that provides asynchronous communication between parties. An asynchronous messaging protocol decouples the message sender and receiver in both space and time and hence is scalable in unreliable network environments.

MQTT was created to collect data from many devices and then transport that data to the IT infrastructure. It is lightweight, and ideal for remote monitoring, especially in M2M connections requiring a small code footprint or limited network bandwidth.


The features of MQTT are as follows −

  • It is a machine-to-machine protocol, i.e., it supports communication between the devices.

  • It is created as a simple and lightweight messaging protocol that facilitates a publish/subscribe system to exchange the data between the user and the server.

  • It does not need that both the user and the server establish a connection at an equal time.

  • It supports faster data transmission, like how Whatsapp/messenger provides a quicker delivery.

  • It allows the users to subscribe to the limited selection of topics to receive the information they are looking for.


The advantages of MQTT are as follows −

  • It can distribute information more efficiently.

  • It is used to increase scalability.

  • It can reduce network bandwidth consumption dramatically.

  • It can minimise update rates to seconds.

  • It is very well-suited for remote sensing and control.

  • It can maximize available bandwidth.

  • It is used for highly lightweight overhead.

  • It is very secure with permission-based security.

  • It is used by the oil-and-gas industry, Amazon, Facebook, and other significant businesses.

  • It can save development time.

  • It is used to publish/subscribe protocol collects more data with less bandwidth compared to polling protocols.

Updated on: 04-May-2021


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