What is the Meaning of Neuromarketing?

The use of neuroscience and cognitive science in marketing is known as neuromarketing. Market research that aims to identify consumer demands, motives, and preferences that cannot be identified using conventional techniques like surveys and focus groups may fall under this category.

Examining particular advertising, marketing, packaging, content, etc. is a part of neuromarketing in order to comprehend how customers are reacting subliminally. Additionally, it involves using knowledge gained from studies in neuroscience and cognitive science to improve marketing without putting new ideas to the test. Neuromarketing is also referred to as "consumer neuroscience."

What is the Meaning of Consumer Neuroscience?

Early on, some service providers actively promoted the term "neuromarketing," but many academics hated and even demonized it. Few well-received, peer-reviewed studies existed to support the claims made by some neuro marketers and university researchers were wary of subjects they believed to be connected to parapsychology or UFOs.

The market made the decision to rename neuromarketing as "consumer neuroscience" as early as 2012 in order to concentrate on neuroscience-based strategies and steer clear of the potentially dangerous reputation of excessively optimistic suppliers.

Although the terms "consumer neuroscience" and "neuromarketing" are frequently used interchangeably today, some people and companies prefer one over the other.

The term "neuromarketing" has lost some of its negative connotations over time. After significant research at Temple University, the subject was officially removed from the domain of pseudoscience and permitted for rigorous academic investigation. For instance, the phrase is used in the title of Thomas Ramsoy's textbook on the subject, Introduction to Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience, from the Copenhagen Business School.

Today, one can obtain a neuromarketing degree from reputable universities all around the world, but especially in Europe.

Importance of Neuroscience

There are other advantages to neuromarketing that go beyond the reasons mentioned above. The following are the benefits −

  • Determine the subconscious responses of consumers to various ads, designs, and strategies.

  • Create fresh, original tactics.

  • Attend to the wants and needs of the audience.

  • enhancing advertising techniques and initiatives.

Marketers may pinpoint product components that connect with customers and increase sales with the help of neuroscience.

Successful Branding for a Company Relies on Emotional Connect

Successful branding is increasingly defined by addressing and emotionally resonating with client value as the experience economy shifts. Over 80% of organizations seeking to compete primarily or exclusively on customer experience are finding that neuromarketing insights are becoming more and more valuable.

Only 8% of customers agree with 86% of businesses that they provide a fantastic customer experience, which presents an opportunity. Innovation to reduce the experience gap is driven by a true understanding of customer perceptions and behaviors. It is simple to understand why the industry and demand for neuromarketing technologies are expected to continue growing after 2023.

6 Techniques of Neuromarketing

Brands require specialized equipment and neuromarketing specialists in order to succeed with neuromarketing. You can apply the following neuromarketing strategies

  • Eye Tracking (gazing) −The line of sight and the customer's point of view are the emphases of technology. You can comprehend the hues, typefaces, graphics, and patterns that effectively draw people's attention using its assistance. Eye tracking can also be used to identify objects that are confusing these folks. You can learn about your customers' speed of perception if brand awareness is something you are interested in. This strategy can help consumers remember your company more quickly by revealing whether you have a name profile or if you need to improve it. Choosing eye tracking is a low-cost solution to enhance your packaging, advertising, and website design. Although this method is simple to apply, it is ineffective for gauging client mood. Therefore, combine it with biometrics to obtain a more thorough understanding of your target market.

  • Pupillometry − This technique determines whether a subject is a learner. Examine your pupils to determine how engaged your customers are. Your grasp of the steps you may take to update your advertising, website design, and product packaging will be provided by the results. This strategy is simple to use and reasonably inexpensive.

  • Face Coding − Using the subject's facial expressions to decipher their emotional state. You can thus understand people's feelings. Joy, fear, panic, surprise, satisfaction, and so forth. You can acquire knowledge that enhances advertising material and viewers' empathy for a relatively small cost.

  • Biometrics − Based on skin respiration, conductance, and heart rate, this technology determines the degree of engagement and type of response (positive or negative). We can customize advertising content to what consumers want thanks to biometrics. It can significantly enhance the adverts and information you view in conjunction with eye tracking.

  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) − The most expensive method is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which offers thorough emotional reaction, recollection, and client retention. This technique needs to be used in a lab. When cerebral activity is high, blood flow in the brain is detected by fMRI. The end result is information that may be used to improve branding and pricing.

  • Electroencephalogram − Electrical signals produced by brain neurons can be utilized to determine client memory and engagement. This comparatively pricey method enables you to quickly assess modifications and raise the standard of your branding and advertising.

Few Examples of Neuromarketing

Several instances of how neuromarketing research is useful. It turns out that brands even alter their designs to accommodate their clients' preferences.

Chips Ahoy

The first instance of how neuromarketing has aided in consumer outreach is the well-known cookie brand. The brand's staff learned crucial information on the product packaging after conducting some studies. Marketers noticed that the company was employing unreadable colors for its branding. It was noted that the corporation has implemented eye-tracking technology in order to address this issue and discover the ideal design. The Chips Ahoy team presented various design ideas and decided on the best one based on customer response. The brand updated the wording, graphics, and colors while also changing the package.

Game of Thrones

This study sought to ascertain whether consumers found the video to be more engaging than the audio. The identical Game of Thrones audiobook and video segments were used by researchers to examine participants' physical reactions to determine this. The results showed that the audiobook was related to a higher heart rate, higher body temperature, and higher skin conductance, but the video was 15% more engaging.


Overall, the neuromarketing sector is still a new one. Since many of the businesses in this field are out-of-date, it is challenging for industry leaders to defend their positions. Neuromarketers will continue to show how their field may affect marketing efforts in novel ways and outperform all other types of market research in terms of return on investment (ROI). It's up to marketers to pick whether neuromarketing startups are worth investing in until the rest of the world catches up.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023


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