What is the IsFixedSize property of SortedList class in C#?

Use the IsFixedSize property in C# to get a value indicating whether the SortedList has a fixed size.

The following is an example showing SorteList with the usage of IsFixedSize property.


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using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace Demo {
   class Program {
      static void Main(string[] args) {
         SortedList s = new SortedList();
         s.Add("S1", "Maths");
         s.Add("S2", "Science");
         s.Add("S3", "English");
         s.Add("S4", "Economics");
         Console.WriteLine("IsFixedSize = " + s.IsFixedSize);


IsFixedSize = False

We have added a SortedList first and then used the Add() method to set the elements with key and value pair.

SortedList s = new SortedList();

s.Add("S1", "Maths");
s.Add("S2", "Science");
s.Add("S3", "English");
s.Add("S4", "Economics");

Now we have used the IsFixedSize above to check whether the size of the SortedList is fixed or not.

Updated on: 23-Jun-2020


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