What is the healthiest and the cheapest food to eat daily?

We know a plethora of healthy foods that are super beneficial for us like, brown rice, sprouts, fish, chicken or soya beans, but not all are pocket-friendly. If you are looking for healthy and the cheapest food for your daily diet then we have the list. Check them out:

  • Eggs: Rich in proteins, eggs are most commonly available and one of the cheapest food that’s available for all. It also provides essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Eggs are best to consume during breakfast and helps burn calories and increase muscle mass. So, grab some eggs for just a few bucks from the shop next to you.

  • Indian Gooseberry: Get some Vitamin C with Indian Gooseberry aka Amla. This is known to provide rejuvenation and works to boost your immunity. Amla is also known to fight the free radicals and can help raise insulin levels in diabetic patients.

  • Peanuts: Whether you are having peanuts or peanut butter, these can help provide high levels of protein. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are rather good fats that can help your body function properly. Besides, this a great alternative for those who do not consume animal protein.

  • Roasted Black Chana: These are rich in protein, iron, and fiber. These are one of the cheapest and best source for people affected with diabetes. The low glycemic index in it helps lower cholesterol levels.

  • Yogurt: Yogurts is again one of the cheapest sources of protein that’s easily available. It also supplies a good amount of antioxidants and calcium. It’s perfect for keeping you healthy and fit.

  • Red Bell Pepper: One of the inexpensive vegetables to eat, red bell pepper supplies lower calories and hence, should be included in your daily diet. Not just that, it is also a rich source of vitamin C that helps boost immunity, vitamin A that helps improve vision and organs, and Vitamin B6 that’s good for a healthy nervous system.

  • Banana: This is undoubtedly the cheapest option for anybody in India. It’s cheapest among fruits and contains plenty of nutrients. While you can eat a few before your exercise session. It also improves your digestion power, induces weight loss and keeps your heart healthy.

  • Water: There could be no better substitute for water when it’s about health. Drinking a minimum of 2 liters of water every day keeps you away from a lot of health concerns. It helps flush out any toxins in the body, induces weight loss, improves skin clarity, boosts immunity and much more.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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