What is the future of cybersecurity (2022)?

Aside from the pandemic, 2022 might be a watershed year for technology. You're starting to wonder if your New Year's resolutions are working now that we're halfway into 2022! Whether you implemented new security processes in 2022, it's time to assess if they're safeguarding you as intended or if they need to be tweaked to function properly.

We've created these predictions on how the security landscape will evolve in 2022 to help you prepare your cybersecurity strategy for the next months.

Cyberthreats to Be Aware Of

In 2021, criminals were locked inside just as much as the typical worker, and many of them utilized that time to hone their skills. Ransomware, for example, has been a growing danger to businesses for years, but it hit new heights during the epidemic, and the increasing trend is anticipated to continue through 2022. On the Dark Web these days, you can even buy ransomware as a service or RaaS.

The use of preventative measures is on the rise

The digital environment is altering more than simply cybercriminal conduct. Information security professionals work equally as hard to build cutting-edge security solutions, which sometimes means preventing rather than reacting. As a result, expect a greater focus on preventative habits in the next year. Businesses are becoming serious about correcting vulnerabilities BEFORE they can be exploited, from risk assessments to greater cloud security.

Corporate security has benefited from ethical hacking in particular. This is the practice of hiring a hacker to determine where they can lawfully enter into your network and how deep they can go once inside. What information would they be able to get, and whose accounts will they be able to access? This reveals where the most serious security flaws are before real hackers get to them.

AI: Good, Bad, or Something Else?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a critical component of digital security. It may be harmful, such as AI botnets that use malware to transform computers into an army of threats, all operating in the interests of a single controlling party. They may also be used in vulnerability assessments to identify the areas of your network where cybercriminals are most likely to penetrate it, depending on the current threat landscape and the defenses you have in place.

Telepathic tech

A disabled guy made the first-ever "direct thinking" tweet earlier this month. How? Synchron. The business has recently created an endovascular brain-computer interface that connects to the patient's jugular vein rather than invasive brain surgery. Add Elon Musk's Neuralink to the mix, and we just might be on the verge of commercializing neural-bionic technology.

Governments and banks may adopt cryptocurrency

The fact that bitcoin is decentralized is what distinguishes it from other financial instruments. We may see centralized banks and governments strive to eliminate decentralization in the future. They might do so by inventing their own cryptocurrencies that closely resemble their fiat counterparts.

Censorship on the internet may get more severe

In 2020, governments will turn off the internet for nearly 200 million people. In internet blackouts enforced by their governments during elections or political upheavals, the people of Kashmir, Uganda, and Myanmar were all silenced.

The internet is still being used as a potent control instrument by political governments. Government-imposed internet outages are expected to increase by 49% in 2022, compared to 2019.

Spyware might be used to track out-state foes

With the increasing use of monitoring in our communities, it's just a matter of time until intelligence agencies utilize malware as a weapon. After all, their conclusions may be combined with data from other monitoring sources.

This year, Apple, for example, offered "NeuralMatch." It's a program that checks all of your iPhone images before uploading them to iCloud in order to prevent sexual crimes. However, the plans have been postponed because consumers believe Apple may utilize this capability to track our regular daily activities.

Law enforcement demonstrates its might

Law enforcement agencies have been investing in technology and training for years, which will put them in a far stronger position in 2022. Many criminal prosecutions will be filed for actors all over the world as a result of new technologies, methods, and cross-border collaboration.


In the future years, the cybersecurity industry will confront significant difficulties, as cybercrime and, in particular, state-sponsored attacks progressively target the most vulnerable parts of both the public and private sectors. Unfortunately, even the best-defended infrastructures were breached last year, demonstrating that there is still a long way to go in terms of cyber security.

The good news is that the stakes have unquestionably swayed public opinion and government policies in the right direction. As a consequence, most organizations will benefit from faster security best practice implementation, enforcement, or review programs next year.

Updated on: 16-Mar-2022


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