What is the full form of UTI?

What is UTI?

The full form of UTI is Urinary Tract Infection. This is an infection that can occur in any part of the urinary system. The organs included in the urinary system are kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Most of the time, the bladder and urethra are infected. UTI is more common in women than in men. The infected bladder can cause severe pain but if the infection reaches kidneys, it becomes more serious. Antibiotics are used for the treatment of UTIs.

Symptoms of UTI

UTI has many symptoms which are listed below −

  • Urine may be cloudy

  • If urine has blood, it may look like red or bright pink in color

  • Urination may have a burning feeling

  • Always have an urge to urinate

  • The urine comes in small amounts

  • Urine has a strong smell

  • Women may face pelvic pain

Types of UTI

UTI can be of many types and depends on the organ that is affected.


There are two kidneys in the human body and are of bean shape. The kidneys are located at the back side of the body above the hips. The task of the kidneys is to filter the water and dispatch the waste products like urea and creatinine which form urine.

If kidneys are affected, you may have

  • Vomiting

  • Pain on the side or back

  • Chills and shaking

  • High fever

  • Nausea


The bladder has the responsibility of storing the urine before transferring it to the urethra. It is a balloon-like organ.

If the bladder is affected, you may feel

  • Problems in the lower belly

  • Pelvic pressure

  • Urination is painful and frequent

  • Urine may have blood


The urethra is a tube that is responsible for urinating the waste products outside the body.

If the urethra is affected, you may have a burning feeling during urination.


Ureters are the organs which are responsible for carrying the urine to the urethra. They are available in the form of thin tubes.

Causes of UTI

E. coli is a bacteria that lives in the large intestine and it is responsible to cause bladder infection. You can also get infection through your fingers if you touch an infected surface and then touch your urethra. You need to wash your hands if you are going to pass urine or sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis of UTI

If you have a feeling that you are suffering from UTI, you need to consult a doctor and tell the symptoms. All your medical history will be examined and the doctor will also ask you questions related to your symptoms. You may have to go for a physical test along with other tests if prescribed by the doctor. Various tests may be performed to detect the UTI. These tests are discussed here.


A special cup will be provided to you in which you have to pass your urine. The sample will be delivered to the lab where different things will be used to check the infection. These things include nitrites, leukocyte esterase, and white blood cells.

Urine Culture

Urine culture is a test in which a special cup will be provided to you in which you will have to pass urine. The sample will be sent to the lab where technicians will check if there are any bacteria available. This test is considered as one of the best as your doctor will be able to provide good treatment because of near-accurate results.


Doctors may also suggest an ultrasound if treatment does not show any response. The test will help the doctors to know about the internal organs. It is a painless test in which the doctor will roll over a transducer and see the images on the computer. After that report is generated and treatment is done accordingly.

CT Scan

CT Scan is an imaging test similar to ultrasound in which a cross-section image of your body is taken with the help of X-rays. A CT scan creates 3D images and provides more accurate information in comparison to a simple x-ray.


This is a test in which a cystoscope is inserted through the urethra to look into the bladder. A lens and a light are available at the end of this thin tube.

If you frequently suffer from UTI, your doctor may check for other like diabetes or any abnormality in the urinary system.

Treatment of UTI

Antibiotics are needed to cure UTI so you need to visit a doctor who can diagnose the disease and provide medication accordingly. Your doctor has the idea about the antibiotics which are well suited to cure your infection. You need to follow the prescription and take the medicines accordingly. It is better that you follow the full course even if the symptoms have disappeared. This is so because if the full course is not followed, you may again be infected and the infection will be more severe and will be difficult to treat.


UTI stands for Urinary Tract Infection. This is an infection that can occur in any part of the urinary system. The organs included in this system are the kidney, urethra, bladder, and ureters. Infections are also based on these organs. The infection starts from the urethra and if left untreated, it can reach the kidneys and will become complicated. Doctors will suggest to have antibiotics for the treatment. In the case of severe infection, you will be hospitalized for the treatment.


FAQ 1: What is the full form of UTI?

Ans − The full form of UTI is Urinary Tract Infection. Another full form is the Unit Trust of India.

FAQ 2: Why UTI occurs?

Ans − UTI occurs when an infected hand touches the urethra and germs go inside.

FAQ 3: What are the symptoms of UTI

Ans − The symptoms of UTI include cloudy urine, urine with blood, strong smell in the urine, etc.

FAQ 4: How can UTI be treated?

Ans − Doctors will prescribe antibiotics to treat UTI

FAQ 5: Which organs are mostly infected?

Ans − The urethra and bladder are usually infected and can be treated easily. If the infection reaches the kidneys, treatment becomes difficult.

Updated on: 07-Feb-2024


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