What is the full form of TMJ and TMD?

What is TMJ?

The full form of TMJ is Temporomandibular Joints. These joints are in the mouth and connect the jaw to the skull. These joints are considered as one of the most complex joints in the human body. The joints help the lower jaw to move up and down back and forward, and on sides with the help of muscles. A temporal bone and mandible are the parts of the joints. The mandible is the lower jaw while the temporal bone is the side and base of the skull.

Proper alignment between the joints and the jaw helps in smooth movement when you chew the food, yawn, talk, and swallow the food. The non-alignment of muscles, ligaments, jaw, bone, disk, and temporal bone can cause pain in the jaw, face, etc. The problem that occurs in the TMJs is known as TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder).

What is TMD?

TMD is a disorder in which you may face facial pain. This disorder is related to the jaw, muscles, and temporomandibular joints. The working of the Temporomandibular Joints is very complex and if the system does not work smoothly, you may be facing the problem of TMD. The TMD is classified in the following ways −

Myofascial Pain

Myofascial Pain is considered as the most common form of TMD where you may face pain in the fascia and muscles. Fascia is a connective tissue that covers the muscles.

Internal Derangement of the Joint

This is a problem where the jaw is dislocated or the disk is displaced. The displaced is the cushion of cartilage which is available between the skull and the jaw bone. Internal derangement also refers to the injury of condyle which is a connection between the jaw bone and temporal bone. The condyle is the rounded end of the jaw bone.

Degenerative Joint Disease

This is a disease which is caused by any of the two types of arthritis which are −

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

TMD can result in different types of issues which include jaw pain, headache, and difficulty in the functioning of the mouth like opening, closing, chewing, swallowing, talking, etc. The TMD can occur mostly in adults and in comparison to men, women are more prone to this disorder. People having the ages of 20 and 40 can suffer from this disorder.

Types of TMD

TMD is of three types which are listed below −

  • Jaw joints disorder

  • Chewing muscles disorder

  • Headaches

Symptoms of TMD

There are many symptoms of TMD and some of them are listed below −

  • Facial pain

  • Jaw pain

  • Pain in neck and shoulder

  • Jaw stiffness

  • Difficulty in the functioning of the mouth like opening, closing, chewing, swallowing, etc.

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Toothache

  • Earache

  • Ringing in the ears and this condition is known as Tinnitus

Causes of TMD

There are various causes that can lead to TMD. Some of them are listed below −

  • Jaw injury which may include dislocation of the jaw or broken jaw

  • Bruxism which is also known as teeth-grinding

  • Arthritis of the jaw joint

  • Non-fitting of the teeth together

  • Stress

The condition of TMD may be worsened in the following cases −

  • If teeth are used as scissors or other tools to cut clothes and remove tags from the clothes

  • Chewing big bites of food

  • Chewing things other than food like pens, pencils, chalk, and other such things

  • Grinding teeth

  • Poor posture in which a lot of pressure is given on the neck, shoulders, and facial muscles

  • Chewing ice and chewing gums

  • Sleeping on stomach

Diagnosis of TMD

TMD can be diagnosed when a doctor checks your teeth or you are going through a physical examination. The following things are observed during the diagnosis −

  • Motion of the mouth when opened and closed

  • Notify the areas of discomfort by pressing the jaw

Doctors may also ask you to go for certain tests like dental x-rays, CT scans, MRI, arthroscopy

Treatment of TMD

There are different factors on the basis of which the treatment of TMD depends. One of these factors includes the severity of the pain. TMD can be treated with the help of medications and non-surgical ways. There are also situations where surgery has to be done for the treatment.


Different types of over-the-counter medicines are used for the treatment of TMD. Some of the medicines are −

  • Pain killers

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

  • Muscle relaxers

  • Antidepressants

You have to talk to your doctor or healthcare provider before giving these medicines.

Non-surgical Treatments

Many non-surgical treatments are also effective for you.

  • Mouth Guards

    The mouth guard is an instrument which can be used to place the jaw in such a position which can reduce the problems caused by grinding and clenching. You need to purchase a custom mouthguard from a dentist.

  • Physical Therapy

    This is a therapy in which your doctor will tell you about different types of exercises which will provide strength to your muscles around the TMJ.

  • Trigger Point Injections

    This is a therapy in which dry needling is used in the muscles which are paining.

  • Ultrasound Therapy

    This is a treatment in which sound waves are used so that heat can be delivered deep into the tissues related to TMJ. Muscles are relaxed due to this therapy as it increases the blood flow.

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

    This is a therapy in which low-level electrical currents are used for the relaxation of the jaw muscles.

  • Behavioral Changes

    You need to change your behavior for certain things. You need to stand, sit, lie down, or sleep in the correct position. You also need to avoid chewing hard things like ice.

Surgical Treatments

Surgical treatments will be done if your jaw and muscles are not relaxed due to medication and non-surgical treatments and you are still facing the problem. Different types of surgeries are conducted in this case and they are discussed here.


In this type of treatment, your healthcare will first check out the reason for the problem in your jaw. A needle will be used to remove fluid which will help in the relaxation of the jaw and reduce the effects of the symptoms.

TMJ Arthroscopy

In this surgery, an incision will be made in front of the ear. A tube will be inserted through this incision. The tube will include a light and a camera. The bone can be reshaped with the help of surgical instruments. These instruments can also be used for removing scar tissue and disk available in your joints can be repositioned. This surgery is also known as keyhole surgery.

Open Joint Surgery

Open Joint Surgery is conducted when keyhole surgery cannot be performed due to any reason. The surgeon uses a long incision so that the problematic jaw point can be directly accessed.

How to Prevent TMD?

TMD cannot be prevented as there are many factors which cannot be avoided. You can go for different types of solutions to manage and reduce the risk of this disorder. Some of these solutions are as follows −

  • Mouth guard should be worn at night if you are habitual of grinding your teeth

  • If you play contact sports like football, hockey, boxing, etc., it is a great option to wear a mouth guard.

  • Good posture while sitting, standing, or lying down should be followed

  • Perform exercises and meditation which will help in reducing stress.


The full form of TMJ is Temporomandibular Joints while TMD stands for Temporomandibular Disorder. TMJ is considered as one of the most complex joints in the human body and is responsible for the movement of the lower jaw while eating, talking, sealing, etc. If people face any problem like facial pain, problems in the functioning of the mouth, etc., they may be suffering from TMD. This is a disorder that can be eradicated through medication, non-surgical, and surgical treatment


FAQ 1: What is the full form of TMJ?

Ans − The full form of TMJ is Temporomandibular Joints.

FAQ 2: What is the full form of TMD?

Ans − TMD stands for Temporomandibular Disorder.

FAQ 3: What are the symptoms of TMD?

Ans − The symptoms of TMD include facial pain, pain in the jaw, problems while opening and closing the mouth, and many more.

FAQ 4: Can TMD be fully treated?

Ans − Yes! TMD can be fully treated by medication, non-surgical, and surgical treatments.

FAQ 5: What are the causes of TMD?

Ans − Jaw injury is the main cause of TMD. Stress and arthritis of the jaw bone are the other causes.

Updated on: 06-Feb-2024


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